Transparent, refreshing, smooth and elastic.

These are all cold-faced identity labels.

As for the soup, it needs to be sour and sweet enough, and it needs to be ice-cold. When the cold noodles are served, ice must be visible on the surface.

Secondly, side dishes can also be called toppings, but the technical term is cold noodle hats, hot sauce, beef slices, pickles, apple slices, cucumber shreds, pear strips, hard-boiled eggs, fried egg shreds, chicken meatballs, pine nuts...

You don’t need to have them all, but the more, the better!


That's what's wrong.

When the cold noodles first enter your mouth, they are sweet.

Although the sweetness is not strong and is hidden under the sourness of vinegar, your sensitive tongue can still taste it.

The second reason is that Tadokoro Megumi’s bowl of cold noodles is very particular in its preparation, and the order of the dishes is enough to give people a headache.

Not to mention, there are thousands of different flavors of cold noodles!

"Udon noodle."

"First of all, it definitely doesn't taste as good as regular noodles."

"In ordinary noodles, the flour will produce maltose after being digested by saliva in the mouth, so it will have a sweet taste. However, most of the starch content in udon noodles is less than that in flour, so the taste is not that good!"

"You can do your best to adjust Takamatsu Udon so that this bowl of cold noodles can get the most out of it."

"But your level is limited to making me burst out of my clothes."

"After that, it was hard to impress me anymore."

Hearing the commander's comments, Tian Suohui did not argue, but humbly accepted it.

Finally, the results of the second round of the quarterfinals came out:


Nakiri Alice, complete victory!


"A great victory!"

Alice couldn't help but be excited when she learned that her molecular cheese noodles could completely crush Tagumi.

During the day, izakayas basically keep their doors closed.

If there are diners passing by during this time, they will pay attention to the sign on the door that says "Closed".

Of course, when it was approaching 7 o'clock, the sign was "Preparing".


The sun no longer shines brightly.

Next to the balcony on the second floor, Zhang Fan accidentally saw a girl dragging a suitcase.

She just kept wandering in front of the izakaya.

Sometimes, she thought about ringing the doorbell, but her hand stopped in mid-air and then retracted. Her hesitant look showed that her mood was a bit broken!


"Why is it her?"

Zhang Fan was inevitably surprised to learn that Fei Shasha had chosen this time period to come to the izakaya alone.

Then he reacted, hurried downstairs, and opened the door.

"Zhang Fan, I...I'm here..."

Open the door.

The two people's eyes met each other.

After seeing Zhang Fan's figure, Fei Shasha's gentle voice turned a little sour.

She sniffed and tried to control her emotions, but she still couldn't stop crying.


She finally couldn't hold it any longer.

He threw himself directly into Zhang Fan's arms and started crying!

"What, did you have a falling out with Erina?"

Seeing this, Zhang Fan was stunned for a moment, then understood something, and could only gently pat Nito Hisako's shoulder.

For a long time, Fei Shasha vented his anger in Zhang Fan's arms before suddenly exclaiming and pushing him away.

"Zhang Fan, my relationship with the eldest lady is simply... non-existent..."

After calming down for a moment, Fei Shasha wanted to explain.

But Zhang Fan held back his smile and suddenly said: "There is still some runny nose on your face."


The crimson sand suddenly stagnated.

Her little hand subconsciously touched her face, and sure enough she touched something sticky. Her pretty face turned red instantly!

I just feel that all the most embarrassing things in my life happened today.

"Hurry up and wipe your face first!"

Zhang Fan naturally had no intention of making fun of her, but kindly took a clean tissue and handed it over.


Fei Sha took the tissue with a blush.

Then he turned around, with his back to Zhang Fan, and began to wipe that delicate and pretty face, feeling more and more embarrassed and grateful in his heart.

"You lost to your opponent in the quarterfinals today, right?"

"So I couldn't accept it for a while, and thought I was too shameless to face Erina again, so I thought of running away from home and using this method to temporarily escape?"

Zhang Fan looked at her deeply and then asked.

"Am I so useless?"

"Even Alice's little brother couldn't win against him. Could it be that what I have been pursuing all my life is wrong?"

He turned around again and faced Zhang Fan in front of him.

I don’t know why, but Nito Feishako has too many things in her heart that she wants to say to him.

When she left the competition venue, the biggest question was:

Can't find a place to live!

Hotels, apartments, hostels, etc., did not feel safe for a delicate little girl like her.

What's more, if you just wander outside without a place to live, it's not a long-term solution after all.

In the end, after much deliberation, Nito Feisako chose the izakaya.

"You did a great job!"

"There is nothing wrong with trying to follow a person's shadow."

"What is fate?"

"My opinion is that you should follow your inner voice and passion."

"I don't know if you have this experience. When you do something you like, you will feel like God is helping you."

"Winning or losing in itself is not important. When you are following Erina, you can enjoy it, which is a source of pleasure in itself!"


"Only a few decades at most."

"Live happily, that's what's important."

Seeing Fei Shasha's face full of sadness, Zhang Fan could only stretch out his hand to touch her forehead.

"But, I still feel very distressed."

"Obviously I have been working so hard to follow in Miss Erina's footsteps, but in the end I don't seem to have made much progress over the years."

"Just talking about this autumn selection, during the preliminary round, I failed to win the first place in Division A, and I lost directly to Ryo Kurokiba in the quarterfinals."

"With this kind of achievement, I...I feel so embarrassed!"

After saying this, Fei Shasha clenched his fists tightly.

Those tearful eyes were full of reluctance and deep regret!

"What a coincidence."

"You came at the right time."

"I just made a new dish, do you want to try it?"

Looking at Fei Shasha who was in a complicated mood, Zhang Fan knew that it would be difficult for her to understand with just a few words.

Therefore, he suppressed his smile and spoke to her calmly.


"New cuisine?"

Feisha paused, and then couldn't help but touch her belly.

Because she was going to participate in the quarter-finals, she had not had a good meal this morning!

Now that Zhang Fan reminded me, I realized that I was indeed a little hungry.

Unable to help herself, she could only nod.


"Then just wait a moment!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Fan turned back to the kitchen of the izakaya and started cooking a new dish.

Bouncing Turtle Soup.

The preparation of this dish is simple, but it is also very complex.

First, boil the soft-shell turtle in water, remove impurities and season with salt. Then pour it into the hollowed-out cantaloupe, and steam the soup and cantaloupe in the steamer.

But there is a big problem with this dish:

How to get rid of the earthy and fishy smell of soft-shell turtle?

Many chefs usually use pickling brine, white wine, milk, ginger slices, etc. to remove the earthy smell of soft-shelled turtles.


these methods.

It's not perfect, and it takes a long time.

Zhang Fan's bouncing turtle soup uses three ingredients: cantaloupe, salted plums, and salt water to eliminate the earthy smell of the turtle.

This approach can be said to be a pioneering work, so Fei Shasha was stunned for a moment!

After that, put the cantaloupe filled with turtle soup into the refrigerator to cool.

The soup inside solidifies quickly, so that the delicious taste of the soft-shelled turtle can be firmly locked in the soup inside.

Finally, the perfect bouncing turtle soup is completed.

Immediately, serve as freshly baked popping turtle soup.

When she started placing them in front of Nito Feisako, she couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Because in her mind, cantaloupe and soft-shelled turtle are two ingredients that never go together. However, the main ingredients of the bouncing turtle soup that Zhang Fan is making now are cantaloupe and turtle!

Of course, although she was a little confused, she still gently picked up the cantaloupe.

Taking a closer look, she found the emerald green skin and wildly growing lines, which made her sigh.

This cantaloupe.

They are actually very high-quality ingredients.

And the moment she touched the cantaloupe, she also felt the temperature.


"Isn't it cooling down?"

" come it feels warm to the touch!"

For a moment, Fei Shasha could not help but widen his eyes and said in disbelief.

As a contestant who had just used soft-shell turtles to make dishes, Fei Shasha at this time naturally knew that some delicacies would indeed be served with the ingredients themselves, in order to maintain the most original smell.

However, after cooling down, the whole dish was still a little warm. This abnormal effect was beyond her knowledge!




Immediately afterwards.

That's when she went to lift the top off the cantaloupe.

A dazzling golden light began to appear from the inside of the cantaloupe, suddenly shooting out and illuminating the entire izakaya.

"so amazing!"

"This... the soup inside this cantaloupe is actually... solid?"

At this time, Fei Sha, who had long been immune to glowing dishes, began to pick up the spoon and gently touch the soup!

As soon as I touched it, I suddenly felt that this solid-shaped soup had super elasticity.


"Is the elasticity so strong?"

Fei Shasha was completely shocked when he saw the spoon being thrown away and falling to the ground with a clang.

This bouncing turtle soup, although the name of the dish has the word "bouncing", she never expected that everything in her hands would really bounce off.

It has to be said that from the moment this dish first appeared, there were many things that were completely beyond Feisako's understanding.

"Strange, what is going on?"

“Even if you put cantaloupe and soft-shelled turtle together, the result is still a solid but very elastic soup!”

"Well, this soup, can you say..."

As he spoke, Nito Hisako held the spoon again.

First, I took a strong spoonful of the turtle soup, and then slowly put it into my mouth to taste.

In an instant, Fei Shasha's eyes widened to the limit.

The soup is like fish soup, and the moment you enter your mouth, you can feel the strong flavor of soft-shelled turtle.

It's just turtle soup inside a cantaloupe, but it tastes so unique, pure and not greasy, with a light aroma and texture.

"Salt water, salted plums, cantaloupe..."

"These things neutralize the earthy smell of the turtle, allowing the other umami flavor of the turtle to be fully brought out."

"There is also this seemingly solid shape, but it tastes super elastic and chewy, which is simply unexpected!"

"But why? How can the soup be in a solid shape?"

As an expert in medicinal cuisine, Feisha cannot say that she knows a lot about the two ingredients: cantaloupe and soft-shelled turtle, but she still has some common sense.

The general method of making this dish is also relatively simple.

At her own level, it should not be difficult to taste some of the secrets and things in it!

However, she just couldn't understand it.

How to make the soup into a solid shape for this dish?

Afterwards, the hungry Feisha no longer thought about anything, but put all the worries in his heart behind and started eating.

In a short while, she finished the entire bouncing turtle soup.

After she silently put down the cantaloupe and licked her mouth, she could feel that her physical strength was slowly recovering.

The whole person seems to be more energetic!


"This dish."

"There are no medicinal materials at all, so how come it tastes like it has the effect of restoring physical strength?"


It's not an illusion!

Fei Sha Sha can really feel it.

After eating the bouncing turtle soup, a pure vitality appeared in her body and slowly flowed throughout her body.

Obviously, this bouncing turtle soup dish has completely exceeded the limits of ordinary cuisine, and has also subverted Fei Shasha's knowledge as an expert in medicinal cuisine!

"This...this soup..."

"Zhang Fan, did you add edible gelatin to act as a gel?"

"Only when edible gelatin is added, the liquid will turn into a solid shape under the action of the gelling agent, and it will still have this kind of elasticity!"

Fei Shasha seemed to have some realization, and he raised his head excitedly and asked curiously.

"You should know about turtles."

“Among all meat ingredients, soft-shell turtle contains the most gum.”

"Therefore, without adding gelatin, the soup can be made into a solid shape but full of elasticity."

When Zhang Fan heard this, he just gave a simple explanation.

"real or fake?"

Feisha looked straight at the bouncing turtle soup in front of her, with a look of disbelief on her face!

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