Shokuki: Start with an izakaya and make everyone cry

Chapter 229 Red Leaf Hunting Conference

Tomorrow morning, Shiomi Research Association.

Ryo Hayama was smelling the salt-grilled saury he had just re-cooked.

With the help of God's sense of smell, he seemed to have some realization and couldn't help but sigh: "Sure enough, the reason why it is not as good as Alice's vacuum saury lies in the choice of salt!"

“I shouldn’t be able to use baking salt, I should be using flower of salt.”

Flower of salt.

Produced in France, in the Guérande salt pan area on the south coast of Brittany.

It is said that the price of 50 grams is about 1,000 yuan.

The reason why it is expensive is that this salt contains more trace elements than ordinary sea salt.

The crystal shape is a hollow inverted pyramid and has a strange violet aroma.

The particles are small and have strong penetrating power.

And can quickly get into the food.

Every year, it can only be harvested from June to October.

Mr. Lin Yusen introduced nine top ingredients from the European continent in his book "European Legendary Ingredients":

Modena legendary balsamic vinegar, Braun oysters, Bresse chicken, Iberian ham, Parmesan cheese, Roquefort cheese, Alba white truffles, Périgord black truffles, Guérande salt flowers!

It seems that compared to ingredients such as truffles and oysters that are branded as "top quality".

It’s surprising that a kind of salt can be called “legendary”.

However, the flower of salt is indeed the most precious salt!

Although it is not a dish that can be presented in front of you, because of that small handful, it is like the best supporting role, highlighting the charm of the protagonist and creating countless cooking legends.

"Liang, you are wrong."

"The salt wasn't your problem in last night's final."

"Actually, using ordinary salt is enough to satisfy the commander-in-chief and others."

"But the topic of this dish is saury, and the quality of fresh aquatic products is difficult to maintain and is easily spoiled. Therefore, how to fully reflect the delicious taste of saury has become the key to winning or losing this competition!"

"You are good at spices, so this question will definitely not be difficult for you."

"In the end, the facts proved that the salt-grilled saury you made is not bad in taste and texture."

"However, if we look at the cooking loss rate, thawing loss rate, TVB-N value, salt-soluble protein content, active sulfhydryl content, and combined with the muscle tissue structure..."

"Anyway, judging from the quality of saury itself, vacuum cryogenic method is actually the best."

"Because low-temperature air thaws, it can effectively delay fat oxidation."

"It will taste chewier."

Jun Shiomi, who was watering some flowers and plants, was extremely calm at this time and said calmly to Ryo Hayama.

"Huh? Is it the quality of saury?"

Ryo Hayama stared closely at the plate of salt-grilled saury in front of him, and in the end he still didn't understand.

In this autumn selection, his performance was amazing.

Whether it's meringue soup, hawthorn dark chocolate cinnamon rolls, or salt-grilled saury, the dishes he cooks in every competition are shocking and amazing, leaving the deepest impression on people.

Originally, he himself thought he had hope of defending the championship, but last night he lost to Alice Nakiri by one point, and could only be ranked second!

"Run, how is your research on iris going?"

After thinking about it, Hayama Ryouna turned her head slightly and asked Shiomi Jun on the side.

"Still the same as before, no clue at all."

Run, sighed.

"Actually, there's something that I've been paying more attention to recently."

"Just in these games, I can always smell the same smell on some of the contestants."

Knowing that her research had made no progress at all, Ye Shanliang was silent for a long time, and finally his eyes became deep and he said.

"Same taste?"

Xi Jianrun heard this and looked at him in confusion.

"Yes, it stands to reason that everyone's taste is different. Chefs like me who often use spices to cook will definitely have some pungent spices."

"But the strange thing is that I smelled it on Alice, Tadokoro, Yoshino Yuki, Sakaki Ryoko and others..."

"Well, how should I describe it?"



As he spoke, Ye Shanliang rubbed his chin and started thinking.

"Alcohol? Do they smell of alcohol?"

Shiomi Jun became more and more confused, but then she suddenly realized and quickly replied: "Is it possible that they often go to bars or izakayas during this period?"

"Moreover, it tastes the same, so maybe they are all going to the same place!"


Ye Shanliang was stunned for a moment, nodded and said: "It is possible."

However, the question arises again, why do these contestants go to this place recently?

Red Leaf Hunting Conference.

This is another traditional event with historical origins at Totsuki Academy after the autumn selection.

The original intention of this event is to hope that the first-year students can have "friendly" exchanges with the current Yuanyue Ten Elites.

Of course.

Not everyone can meet the top ten.

Only the eight contestants who passed the preliminary round in the autumn selection competition are eligible to appear in the Red Leaf Hunting Conference, namely:

Nakiri Alice.

Nito Hisako.

Beautiful as Pleiades.

Tian Suohui.

Ryo Hayama.

Yukihira Soma.

Kurokiba Ryo.

Takmi Aldini.

Only those contestants who successfully broke into the top four in the AB and AB competition areas at that time are eligible!

And because Hisako lost directly to Kurokiba Ryo in the first round of the quarterfinals, he had temporarily taken a leave of absence from Totsuki Academy and ran away from home.

Therefore, there were actually only seven contestants present at this Red Leaf Hunting Competition.

The autumn breeze blows gently.

Pieces of maple leaves, like dancers given life, gently fall from the treetops.

They fly and rotate in the air, like red butterflies dancing, and like flames jumping, adding a touch of strong color to autumn!

Some of these maple leaves are as red as fire, some as orange as warm as the sun, and some as yellow as bright as gold.

In the sun, it looks particularly bright!

It was 10 o'clock in the morning the day after the autumn selection.

The Red Leaf Hunting Conference followed one after another.

Seven of the first-year students in the upper division, Alice Nakiri, Megumi Tadokoro, Soma Yukihira, Ryo Kurokiba, Ryo Hayama, Subaru Mimasaku, and Takemi, arrived early.

Before, they were opponents of each other on the stage of the autumn selection.

Therefore, at this exchange meeting, the relationship between this group of people naturally did not seem to be very harmonious.

So much so that when they sat together, the atmosphere became weird.


"Why do we need to hold such a meaningless exchange meeting again?"

"If you ask me, we, the top ten, should collectively discuss it. It would be best to cancel all these extremely boring school activities and systems!"

The ten heroes appeared one after another.

Teruki Kuaga, who was walking at the front, habitually held the back of his head with both hands and complained all over his face.

And behind him, followed closely by the other Yuanyue Ten Heroes, from front to back:

The second seat is Kobayashi Ritsou, the fourth seat is Akane Kubo Momo, the first seat is Si Eishi, the fifth seat is Saito Souaki, the third seat is Kijima Fuyuke, the sixth seat is Nori no Kuni Ningning... until the last seat. Ten Seats Nakiri Erina!

At this point, these people, who can represent Yuanyue's highest combat power, are all here.

Most Totsuki students may not have fully known who the Totsuki Ten Heroes were or their names when they left school or were forced to drop out.

Therefore, this red leaf hunting conference.

The biggest highlight is the collective appearance of the top ten.

But probably even Chuangzhen and others did not expect that as soon as these ten heroes appeared on the scene, they all felt pretentious and did not bother to pay attention to these "rising stars".

Of course, with the characters of Soma, Alice, and Ryo, they did not appear at the Red Leaf Hunting Conference with the intention of communicating with their seniors.

They are all ready to make a move, thinking about how to take advantage of this opportunity to challenge the status of the top ten!

"The senior with blonde hair."

"Let me introduce myself. I am Yukihira Soma, who came in third in this autumn selection. Are you interested in having a Shokugeki match with me?"

The tattooed Soma immediately stood up and challenged Kuga Teruki.

"Fresh halberd?"

"What a joke!"

"A bunch of little brats who haven't even grown hair yet dare to challenge my status?"

At this time, Teruki Kuga's face showed disdain.

"Kuga, you said he is a brat, then who challenged us seniors at the last Hongye Hunter Tournament?"

Next to him, Kobayashi Gentian restrained himself from asking while eating snacks.


"Can they compete with me?"

Hearing that his dark history was revealed by Kobayashi Ritsou, Kuga Teruki felt instantly embarrassed.

"Oh? Then who was killed instantly by Si Yingshi at 5:0?"

Kobayashi Gentian chuckled a few times.

"Senior sister, it's been a year since this happened. Can we stop mentioning it?"

When Kuaga Teruki heard this, his mentality finally completely collapsed!


"It's fatal!"

"Why do the freshmen of this class just use the halberd method to deal with things?"

"As a result, I, as the current number one seat, am almost exhausted just dealing with these disputes every day."

Seeing the chaotic scene, Si Yingshi smiled cowardly and bitterly.

Not to mention, he looked more haggard, tired, and even helpless than the other ten heroes!

"There have indeed been a lot of conflicts and problems in the academy recently. Even the new students now look at us without any fear at all."

Kobayashi Ringtong continued to eat snacks, his eyes tightened, and he said coldly.

At this moment, no matter who it is.

In my heart, I already understand it very well.

In Totsuki Academy today, the conflicts between students have reached an irreconcilable level.

On the surface, it seems calm all the time, but this is just the rhythm of the approaching storm.

Moreover, none of them ever thought that these problems exposed at the Red Leaf Hunting Conference would soon explode with the arrival of a terrible person!

Because from the very beginning, Kobayashi Ringtong, Kuga Teruki and other top ten people did not take this exchange meeting to heart at all.

In the end, both parties could only break up unhappy.

And this Red Leaf Hunting Conference, which was supposed to be of great significance, ended hastily in an inexplicable way!

However, in this short exchange, some problems were also implicitly exposed.

First of all, not all the ten heroes themselves can unite as one, and not all can sit down and discuss things peacefully.

On the contrary, they are constantly competing for their own interests, which leads to many internal conflicts.

Then the words.

For Yukihira Soma and others.

They are all the elites who finally survived after layers of screening in the autumn selection, that is to say:

They all have the potential to become the next top ten.

This makes them generally more confident and more hopeful that they can replace the top ten.

Therefore, the end of the Red Leaf Hunting Conference also shows that not only the contradiction between the top ten has not been resolved, but also the contradiction between the rising stars and the seniors with senior qualifications has become more and more intense!


"The showdown between you and me is coming soon, right?"

Looking at Erina who was about to leave, Alice hurriedly stopped her.

She tightened her eyes at first and tightened her nerves, then said to her with a serious face.

"Don't think that just because you won the autumn selection championship, you are closer to the top ten."

After a pause, Erina could only turn around and said.


"You're jealous!"

Alice crossed her arms in front of her chest, her tone a little mocking.

Her arrogant look naturally made Erina too lazy to talk to her anymore and just passed her by.

After that, she seemed to have thought of something, and paused for a moment before continuing: "The field training will be held soon. I have already talked with Grandpa privately. This is the best cooperation opportunity for Totsuki and Izakaya."

"Instead of showing off in front of me, you should prepare quickly."

"Think carefully about how to deal with the next field training activity!"

After that, Nakiri Erina left.


"Do we really want the izakaya to become..."

Alice was startled when she heard this.

Field training takes place after the autumn selection competition.

Compared with residential training and autumn selection, there is a stricter system and assessment.

During this period, all first-year students will be sent to various off-campus restaurants for internships, and the restaurants they are sent to often have different grades.

Go to a fancy restaurant.

Down to food manufacturers and various public institutions.

In short, it is either a partner of Totsuki Academy, or a famous restaurant, hotel, hotel, etc. with strong strength in the catering industry.

Because the students sent out all represent Totsuki Academy, once the students do something that damages Totsuki's reputation, there will only be one consequence:

Drop out of school!

Of course, even during the internship.

If you don’t make any mistakes or delay your work, you will also run the risk of being dropped out of school.

Because there is a rule in field training activities, interns must leave "seeing is believing results" during this period.

Well, what is the problem of seeing is believing?

For example:

Reversing the restaurant's unfavorable business situation.

Let your own creations appear on the restaurant's menu.

Change the way restaurants operate.

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