The night is very long.

After defeating the three-star chef.

Caibo Chaoyang, half of his face covered, slowly appeared in a dark alley.

"Commander, you are indeed as handsome as ever!"

Immediately, a hazy figure walked out from the depths of the dark alley.

Wearing military boots, she walked calmly and powerfully, and every step on the ground seemed to leave a deep mark on the ground.

All we can see is that she is wearing a gold-blue female military uniform, and her top is slim-fitting, which can't help but highlight the female figure without losing weight.

The collar is crisp and the epaulettes are straight, revealing a hint of majesty and heroism.

In addition, she also wears a military hat to make her overall image more complete and unified.

Just show up.

It can make people almost out of breath.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

Caibo Chaoyang pulled off the mask and looked closely at Saji in front of him!

"Annie contacted us and asked us to return to Neon Country within three days."

Saji said softly.

"Is it finally starting?"

When Caibo Chaoyang heard this, his eyes flashed.

Finally, he put the cloth back on his face, turned and walked out of the alley.

Totsuki Academy, Archives.

Very few people come in here. When you step inside, the smell of old books comes to your nostrils.

Around the archives, towering bookshelves are neatly arranged, and each floor is filled with a dazzling array of materials and files.

From the top ten of the past to the formulation, policies, partners and other information of various grand events, you can almost find it here. Even some aspects of data are clearly recorded!


Suddenly, an evil laugh sounded in the archives.

Only the ninth seat Eiyama Edazuya was seen. After flipping through the file information of the "69th Totsuki Ten Talents List", he finally saw a name:

Third seat, Thistle Nakamura!

"I see, the boss behind the scenes who dominates the catering industry in the entire country of America is Thisku Nakamura!"

"Does this explain why his Subway restaurant has always been against me?"

After the laughter, Rui Shanzhi said coldly.

As a member of the top ten, you can know some of the past events.

Totsuki Academy once had a "golden age", that is, during the 69th class of Gin Dojima, many geniuses suddenly emerged.

With their amazing talents and abilities, they brought Yueyue to a higher level and represented that era!

Strangely enough, however, few people know much about that era.

It seems that Yuanyue officials intend to block it, but we can still get a glimpse of it from some scattered files.

"What exactly happened that forced Saiba Joichiro, who was the second seat, to drop out of school midway, and then caused all the information about Nakamura Itsuki to be wiped out, as if he had evaporated?"

For some reason, Eizanae always felt that this Subway restaurant incident was far more complicated than he imagined!

"Nakamura Thistle?"

He couldn't help but mutter the name in his mouth.

He even went through the history of Yuanyue again and reasoned out all the possible situations.

Probably as a "businessman", he was born with keen insight and a strong sense of crisis, and he increasingly felt that Totsuki Academy might change in the near future.

Totsuki Academy, Shiomi Research Association.

Xi Jianjun was not sleepy. She was carefully observing a tarragon leaf in front of her.

Its shape is slender and elegant, showing a natural streamlined beauty, like a dancer among green leaves, and as crystal clear as emerald, making people happy at the first sight.


"You guys have to grow up quickly!"

Finally, Shiomi Jun reached out and gently touched the tarragon leaves, then lowered his head to smell the faint fragrance and muttered to himself.

"Run, aren't you asleep yet?"

"Just in time, come and help me find out what kind of spice plant this is?"

At this time, Ye Shanliang came back from outside, holding a pot of vanilla in his hand, and said slightly out of breath.

Although it is now a field training activity and all freshmen have been sent to outside restaurants and major suppliers for internships, there are some students who are exceptions.


It can’t be said to be an exception, right?

After all, there are many research departments and institutions in Totsuki Academy.

And now Ryo Hayama is interning in the Totsuki Erosion Materials Department.

Therefore, during this period, he would return directly to Shiomi Research Association after completing his internship almost every day.


Run, looked back slightly.

Unexpectedly, she just glanced at it and was shocked on the spot: "Oh my god! This...isn't this Vannilan?"

"What is Vanilan?"

After hearing this, Ye Shanliang knew that he had got the treasure.

Vanilla also has levels!

Madagascar’s Bourbon-based vanilla pods, the world’s number one producer, account for more than 75% of global production.

The fragrant pods of vanilla are generally called vanilla.

The main factors of its quality are the aroma and taste after treatment. In addition, the pods are easy to bend and elastic, the length, and the vanillin content are also the main factors that determine the Vanilla pods.

The grading method is based on factors such as bean length, aroma, color, moisture content, presence or absence of defects, pests, diseases, mildew and other factors, and is divided into 5 grades, as follows:

First-class, second-class, third-class, fourth-class and non-standard products.


"It is a climbing plant that can reach several meters in length."

"It contains more than 170 kinds of aromatic ingredients and 17 kinds of amino acids needed by the human body. Because the fragrance it emits is unique, fragrant and pleasant, it is a precious green natural spice."

"It is produced in Central and South America. Its output is rare, and 40% of the world's perfumes also contain vanillin. It is also known as the queen of spices!"

"In early March, they began to bloom in batches."

"After artificial pollination, picking can be carried out from October to December."

"After picking, the fresh pods undergo preliminary processing for about half a year, and then become fragrant dry pods."

“So in terms of price, it’s the second most expensive spice in the world after saffron!

"I have read about it in books, but I didn't expect it to look like this in reality."

After listening, Ye Shanliang seemed to have some realization.

"Run, even though I have the ability of God's sense of smell."

"But when it comes to spices, I'm still not as good as you!"

Finally, Ye Shanliang sighed.

“After I graduated, I went on an adventure to the tropics to explore some spices.”

“It was also at that time that I did a lot of research on Vanilan.”

“The discovery of spice cultivation methods and long-term preservation methods, after being made public, made me famous in the field of spices and became a leader in the industry!”

Shiomi Jun put his hands in the pockets of his white robe and said seriously to Hayama.

"Oh, so you still have such a past."

Ye Shanliang nodded.

Immediately, he placed the pot of vanilla in the planting room.

Being careful, he had actually discovered that after Jun Shiomi came back from the izakaya, he no longer looked worried every day, but looked happy and cheerful!

The reason why cuisine can be so varied and diverse is that it has a wide variety of flavors.

Not only oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, onion, ginger, and garlic are responsible for this, but various dry spices also play a big role.

Some spices are used to sterilize, others are used to add fragrance and remove fishy smell, and some are used to neutralize all flavors...


When cooking, pay attention to different spices, which have different effects.

It can be seasoned, colored and fragrant. Use spices to add fragrance, such as star anise, cinnamon, cloves, etc., which can improve the aroma of dishes.

Use spices to remove fishy and odorous ingredients, such as Sichuan peppercorns, cumin, etc., which can correct or cover up the fishy and odor in the raw materials.

Coloring with spices, such as chili, mustard, turmeric, yellow gardenia, etc., can give the dish a certain color.

Fair use.

Not only can the dishes taste delicious, but it also has certain therapeutic effects.

And if the new spices can be combined properly, it will be a top-notch dish!

Whether it is a restaurant chef, a small hotel owner, or a master chef, they are all very helpful. Therefore, Hayama Ryo often goes out to look for some unknown spices for Shiomi Jun to study.

As for Jun Shiomi, who holds these spices, he usually gives a report after conducting in-depth research to prove the value of these spices!

Obviously, from a chef's perspective.

Especially for Ryo Hayama, who is good at spice processing, Run is simply a handful:

Sharp weapons!

"Recently, you seem to have a lot less worries."

After sorting out his complicated thoughts, Ye Shanliang regained his consciousness for a moment and couldn't help but smile.

"Well, you discovered it."

"After all, I must be very happy and happy in my heart to see a genius like Zhang Fan in this world."

"Although I felt embarrassed at that time and did not dare to mention the cultivation of iris flowers in front of him. But I believe that in the near future, with his help, I will be able to successfully cultivate iris flowers!"

Xi Jianrun replied with a smile at this moment.

"In your opinion, the chef of that izakaya is better than you just in the field of spices?"

Ye Shanliang was a little surprised.

"Yes, but what impressed me deeply was not his own strength, but his charisma."

"Perhaps for those of us who focus on fame and wealth, there are many things that have been ignored and discarded by us!"

Ye Shanliang was silent and did not answer for a while.

In fact, in the original plot.

After the judging of the Autumn Tournament finals, Dojima Gin once made a sharp comment on Hayama Ryo: "A talent that is too great will eventually show its claws. I hope you can accompany that talent all the way!"

How to understand this sentence?

Why does super talent have a negative effect on oneself?

What corresponds to the super talent here may be ""heart"", that is to say, mind and magnanimity.

Yukihira Soma does not have enough experience in many aspects, but he has the strength to face his shortcomings calmly!

In short.

Someone with super talent.

If you don't have the ambition and magnanimity corresponding to your own talents, the results will be in the opposite direction.

As Ryo Hayama, who was born as an orphan in a slum, he definitely does not have the ideal of "lighting up a new world of cooking".

Therefore, in his values, rationality is far inferior to his own sensibility.

In other words, what he loves is not the essence of cooking, but the essence of his existence in Totsuki.

This will lead to the fact that when Hayama Ryo faces many things, his starting point for considering problems is often himself, this is the Shiomi Research Association.

And because of this, he will be betrayed by the commander-in-chief in the future and join the lineup of Nakiri Thistle, laying the groundwork for him!

The next day, in the evening.

A bright moon hangs high, casting a soft silver glow, covering the earth with a mysterious veil.

Everyone is writing their own wonderful story in their own way on such a quiet and beautiful night.

In the open izakaya, Zhang Fan is cooking the recipe reward he just signed in last night:

Mian Ding Dumplings.

As the saying goes, nothing is more delicious than dumplings, and nothing more fun than...


Because of the shape of dumplings, many of them look like ingots.

Therefore, during the Spring Festival, almost all people in China, especially in the northern region, eat dumplings, which means "to attract wealth".

Of course, there is another way of saying that during the Chinese New Year, it is important to keep the buns when you are old and eat them when you say goodbye, that is, eat them at midnight. This is the turn of two years, the time to welcome the new and say goodbye to the old, which has special significance.

Therefore, the meaning of "Jiaozi in the new year" was taken. When "zi" is the son, "Jiao" is homophonic with "dumpling", which means festive reunion and indicates good luck in the new year!

With the continuous innovation and the gradual improvement of living standards.

People's requirements for dumplings are no longer satisfied with the "meaning" and "taste buds", but also begin to pay attention to their "shape".

To put it bluntly, it means not only "eating the taste" but also "seeing the shape". Not only are there many kinds of dumpling fillings, but the techniques for making dumplings are also different, for example:

Yuanbao dumplings.

Crescent dumplings

Four happy dumplings.

Fish shaped dumplings.

Among many dumplings, Zhang Fan believes that the one that can become the essence of dumplings is Guanding Dumpling!

The making of this kind of dumplings is relatively simple. You only need to blanch the noodles in boiling water to make a dough, add lard oil, place on the dough table and knead until smooth, remove the shrimp threads with fresh shrimps, and drain. Moisture!

Then add seasonings to make stuffing dough and wrap the stuffing inside.

Make it into a triangle, put the embryo into a steamer and steam for 5 minutes.

However, what Zhang Fan wanted to make was a more advanced dish called "Mian Ding Dumplings".

This dish is from "The Little Master of China"

The plot of the original novel is during the duel over Lou Lin ship banquet cooking. Before the duel with the steel stick Jie Lu, Logan made a soul-stirring cooking dish, hoping to use this to give Jie Lu a show of strength.

However, he never thought that Jie Lu would immediately make this cage-top dumpling and give Luo Gen a heavy blow.

Mian, this word means crown.

I wonder if it is shaped like a crown, or does it mean that this dish is the pinnacle of dumplings?

After all, you must know that every dish made by Xie Lu is either golden ratio or crown-level, and the names and presentation of the dishes are very impressive! (End of chapter)

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