Shokuki: Start with an izakaya and make everyone cry

Chapter 282 Extremely cold place, Hokkaido

The taste is fresh and tender, and the color is yellow and white.

Pick up a piece, the skin is crispy and elastic.

As soon as my lips and teeth broke through the outer puff pastry, the white and tender tofu inside slid into my stomach along with the sauce.

The mouth is full of salty, slightly spicy, and slightly sweet rich sauce flavor.

Only by tasting it in person can you know that this plate of first-grade tofu really combines the essence of heaven and earth, transforming the tofu into a carrier of taste.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that it is a rich dish.


Zhang Fan's exquisiteness can be seen in this dish.

He takes great care when preparing the soup to ensure a perfect balance of aroma, freshness, saltiness and sweetness.

The tofu is deep-fried until medium-cooked, then taken out, and then simmered in the original stock together with other ingredients until tender and smooth. Every step is made with utmost care.

The highlight of this dish is the harmonious beauty of its blend of diverse ingredients.

The scallops are fresh.

The aroma of mushrooms.

The sweetness of the bamboo shoots.

The tofu is soft.

These are all perfectly blended in the same mouth, making it irresistible for Tadokoro.

The elegance of tofu itself harmoniously brings together the flavors of these different ingredients to create a balanced and unified taste feast!

In addition to its multi-layered taste enjoyment, Yipin Tofu is also very particular about its presentation.

Fried tofu pieces until golden brown and placed on a delicate porcelain plate.

Surrounded by brightly colored vegetable side dishes, such as green broccoli and red shredded carrots, the dishes not only make the dishes visually pleasing, but also form a rich layering in the combination, fully demonstrating the exquisite aesthetics of Chinese cooking.

Therefore, it can be said that Yipin Tofu is not only because of its outstanding taste, but also because it transforms simple ingredients into an unforgettable gourmet experience through superb technology.

It still proves that in Zhang Fan's hands, any ordinary ingredients can tell an extraordinary story!


"No one will be spared from the recent Totsuki coup incident."

"Including you members of the Jixingliao dormitory, as well as those in the Cuisine Research Association, among all the Totsuki students I know, you seem to be the most cowardly one, but in fact you are the strongest!"

"Under this kind of tide, with your meager strength, you certainly can't change anything."


"What you have to do is work hard."

"Just like the previous dropout crisis, residential training activities, autumn selection competition, etc., just face it calmly with the most sincere heart."

Zhang Fan just patted Tian Suohui on the shoulder to show encouragement.

Tian Suohui, who was eating first-class tofu, was encouraged at this moment. Of course, she was very happy and kept nodding.

Every dish.

No matter how attractive its color, fragrance, or exquisite craftsmanship, it inevitably has unique flaws.

These defects may originate from the selection of ingredients, cooking techniques, or just reflect the chef's personal style, but it is precisely because no dish is perfect that it contributes to the diversity and charm of the dish!

First of all, the selection of ingredients is definitely an important factor affecting the defects of the cuisine.

Even the high-end ingredients that Erina recognizes most have their inevitable limitations.

Fresh vegetables.

May have traces of earthiness.

Fatty fish may have a slight fishy smell.

Although these natural flavors can be masked or transformed through cooking techniques, they cannot be completely eliminated.

They are like an invisible boundary, a constant reminder of the original properties of the ingredients.

Different chefs naturally have different cooking techniques and styles, and these differences will leave unique traces in the cuisine.

One chef may be good at controlling the heat to make the dishes taste just right; while another chef may pay more attention to the combination of seasonings to make the dishes rich in flavor.

However, no matter how skilled you are, it is difficult to avoid the subtle changes that occur during the cooking process.

Small differences in heat.

Minor additions or subtractions of seasonings.

These factors may affect the final taste and texture.

And people also have flaws, for example, Nakiri Erina, although she is of noble birth, she has extremely high talents. However, there was no trace of the queen's temperament in her body. She gave Zhang Fan the impression that she was just a young lady who knew how to cook!

She has strength, she can be proud of everything.

But in terms of character, he often hides his feelings. He seems to be very strong, but he is the most fragile.


Nakiri Alice.

Whenever something happened, she would always run to the izakaya and seek comfort from Zhang Fan.

As for... the Tadokoro in front of me, although she is also deeply dependent on Zhang Fan, she is indeed much stronger than Erina and Alice!

Let’s not talk about anything else, let’s talk about how she was able to accept the failure and her own shortcomings openly when faced with the defeat in the autumn selection.

So, in Zhang Fan's opinion.

Although this Tadokoro Hui is a bit poor in talent, she has made the fastest progress.

Use your index and middle fingers to hold the corner of the red wine glass on the table and hold it close to the body.

In this way, you will look more elegant and noble!

at the same time.

Hand temperature.

It also helps red wine release its aroma.

At this time, while tasting a sip of red wine, Nakiri Thistle slowly closed his eyes, and then began to recall the rich aroma of the wine.

Then, he slowly opened his eyes, and the scene he experienced in the izakaya could not help but come to his mind.

Obviously until now, he still can't see through Zhang Fan.

In his eyes, Zhang Fan is definitely a chef whose life is cooking. His cooking skills are extremely superb, which is not only reflected in his precise control of ingredients and proficiency in cooking techniques, but also in his love for food. and pursuit, as well as respect and treasure for the ingredients!

Zhang Fan, his name may not be well known to the public in the entire culinary world.


His cooking skills.

But it made Nagi Kirithistle fall in love with him.

Every time he cooks, it is a dance with the ingredients, and every stir-fry is a pursuit of flavor.

Any ingredient can exert its greatest value in his hands and exude the most alluring aroma, and that aroma seems to penetrate the soul and make people intoxicated.

"Interesting, I didn't expect that there is a more charming chef in this world than Joichiro-senpai!"

Nakiri Thistle murmured, a glimmer of light flashing in his eyes.

How will the situation change in the future? What will the future look like?

Maybe he doesn't know it himself, but the only thing that remains unchanged is his determination to completely change Totsuki Academy, and even the entire culinary world!

Autumn has not left yet.

The cold winter can't wait to come.

A few days later, a long-awaited promotion exam event finally arrived, which was naturally a mixed blessing for many students!

"Alice, have you packed up yet?"

In an izakaya in a food street, a sound like wind chimes suddenly sounded, gentle and gentle.

As for Nakiri Erina, who pushed the door open and walked in, she was wearing a light blue Chinese dress today, with a white gauze on top, revealing her graceful neck and clearly visible collarbone.

Although she was a little plain in her dress, she still couldn't hide her beauty.

"OK OK."

"Erina, let's go!"

After finishing her work, Alice quickly came out of the room and said to Erina.

"Alice, Erina, these are some snacks I made."

However, at this moment, Zhang Fan behind him handed a box of exquisite snacks to Erina: "I wish you success in the promotion exam. I hope you both can pass this promotion exam smoothly!"

"Thank you, Zhang Fan, I... we will work hard."

At this moment, taking the snack in one hand, Erina couldn't help but blush slightly and responded softly.

"Um...Zhang Fan, why don't you come with us? Although the promotion exam for Totsuki Academy is a matter for us first-year students, it has nothing to do with you."

"But if we had you by our side on the road, Alice and I might not be so bored."

The extremely beautiful Nakiri Erina is as beautiful as a pearl, and the jade is shining brightly. If you look closely, you can see that there is a noble and elegant air between her eyebrows.

Then, Erina's face turned even redder.

Her fingers were plucking each other, squeaking, and she couldn't help but say something to Zhang Fan.

The voice is still sweet.

As a result, Zhang Fan was inevitably stunned, and then he chuckled: "What? Are you scared when I'm not with you?"

"No... so I won't feel scared. It's just a simple promotion exam, so it won't stump me."

Erina couldn't help but be shocked. She probably was really right by Zhang Fan.

She seemed a little guilty and took a step back.

"To be honest, this promotion exam must be full of crises for you. But my identity is just an unrelated izakaya chef, and I have no qualifications or rights to interfere with this promotion exam!"

"So, Erina, you can only rely on yourself."

"What's more, you have the talent of God's Tongue, and you have been with me for a while, and you know how to adapt to changes."

"I believe that with your ability, you can definitely defeat your father!"

Zhang Fan blinked at Nakiri Erina and couldn't help but smile like the sun.

"I see!"

Erina finally nodded in response.

"Erina, I think Zhang Fan is right."

"You have to rely on yourself in everything. If you can't rely on your own ability to fight for everything and get back what belongs to you, then you will always be embarrassed by your big responsibility and find it difficult to succeed as the commander-in-chief!"

On the side, Alice also echoed.

Erina didn't say anything this time, because she also knew that the greater her ability, the greater her responsibility.

So after sorting things out, the two girls, Nakiri Erina and Alice, left the izakaya together, then got on the plane and went straight to the assessment venue for the promotion exam.

Snowflakes are getting denser and denser, scattering endlessly in the sky.

The scenery in the snow is extremely magnificent, the sky and the earth are completely the same color, and only a piece of silver can be seen, as if the whole world is decorated with silver.

This snowy place is the Hokkaido region of Neon Country!

At this time, all the first-year students of Totsuki Academy's high school department had arrived in Hokkaido one after another.

This means:

This year's promotion exam has finally begun.

Near noon, an airplane quickly taxied to the runway, like a gull flying over the sea, rushing into the blue sky. The white wings looked like dragonfly wings in the sunlight.

Soon, the plane arrived at its destination.

At this time, Yoshino Yuki, who got off the plane, was wearing winter long sleeves, a top hat, a long windbreaker, and a white scarf.

It's extremely cold.

I feel the cold wind blowing around me.

It seemed that even the air was freezing, and it hurt like a knife to blow it on my face.

Yoshino Yuki couldn't help but tremble a little.

"It's a bit cold today!"

Yoshino Yuki rubbed her palms.

She couldn't help blowing on the warm air, but she still felt a little cold, and muttered to herself.

Then she turned back and glanced at Tazoe secretly, only to find that she didn't seem to feel cold at all. She was a little frightened and asked: "Xiaohui, aren't you cold?"

"It's okay, it's not too cold!"

Tian Suohui responded stupidly: "Maybe my hometown is also in the Northeast, so it often snows heavily in winter. So I am more or less used to this kind of weather."

Hearing this, Yoshino Yuki shivered all over and sneezed: "Huh? But even so, you shouldn't be so calm, right? Ah...ah sneeze..."

It was obvious that even though she was wearing a thick cotton coat, she still felt a little cold.

at the same time.

Another plane finally arrived!

"Erina, we are finally here."

Afterwards, Alice got off the plane and also wore warm winter clothes. After all, the weather in Hokkaido was a little colder.

Then she turned back and said to Erina.


"let's go."

Erina nodded and went straight to the examination room.

In fact, in this promotion exam.

Anyone who fails to pass the test will be taken directly from the airport by bus and sent back to Totsuki Academy forcibly, just like the accommodation training activity as a reward!

Following these unqualified students, they must immediately go through the withdrawal procedures and be forced to drop out.


These first-year students have already arrived at the examination venue for the promotion examination.

This year's promotion exam does not end with just one exam, nor does it mean that there is only one assessment location!

And in the first exam, the assessment mode implemented was a team battle, which was conducted in several cooking assessment rooms, with groups of 5 people working together to make a dish.

That is to say:

If you can pass this exam successfully, you will not be able to pass it smoothly.

Then, these five people must drop out of school and all must leave Totsuki Academy.

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