Shokuki: Start with an izakaya and make everyone cry

Chapter 311 Soma, you have a brother!

After reading.

Erina put down the thick stack of documents in the book and rubbed her temples.

Late-night cooks.

Their power and influence have obviously exceeded her expectations.

And the industry turmoil they caused in a short period of time also made Erina feel very difficult.

She had just taken office as the general commander, and many internal problems had not been solved. As a result, at this important time, a group of people representing the cooking industry appeared again, borrowing the "food wars" rules and doing so much.

To be honest.

She didn't want to care.

But from the information presented, if it is left alone.

I'm afraid that in a short time, the entire catering industry in Neon Country will have to collapse completely, and countless restaurants will be forced to close down due to the so-called "food wars" rules!



"Take this document and have a look."

"Although there are many internal contradictions in Totsuki at present, I still hope that everyone present can unite at this critical moment."

Erina, with a calm expression and a firm gaze, exudes a kind of majesty that only superiors have.


Only in Totsuki, only in this conference room.

Then, facing the Ten Elites, she put away her secret love for "pure" comics, and fully revealed the temperament of the eldest daughter of the Nakiri family.

In her heart, Totsuki means much more to her than a tea house culinary school.


"Midnight cooks?"

Kobayashi Ryodan looked at it and said in surprise.

"In just one day, they can defeat all the chefs of all the one-star restaurants in Japan... Wow, what kind of monsters are these late-night cooks?"

Kuga Teruki looked incredible, and it was not until this moment that he realized:

Let alone Totsuki!

I'm afraid that the current culinary world is about to change.

"No wonder some of my restaurants have recently reported very unoptimistic business conditions. It turns out that this group of late-night cooks are the cause!"

Eizunya Eiyama said with a sharp look.

"Alas, they used the rules of food battles to force chefs from various restaurants to compete with them in cooking."

"Such behavior is simply stigmatizing our Totsuki Academy. No, they are doing evil under the banner of Totsuki!"

Si Yingshi did not show surprise or fear. On the contrary, he realized that this late-night cooking incident may be related to Totsuki.

At least.

For now.

Totsuki and the Nakiri family cannot sit idly by.

"No matter what their purpose is."

"Do they want to lead the culinary world, want to innovate this culinary era, or do they want pure revenge, using various means to crush the dreams and years of hard work of every chef."

"But we can never tolerate this group of late-night cooks doing such things under the banner of Totsuki and the rules of Shokugeki."


"I suggest."

"Establish a new organization with the Ten Elites as the main fighting force."

"Then if any restaurant is targeted by the late-night cooks, Totsuki can send the Ten Elites or outstanding students to fight against them."

Ren Dan realized the seriousness of the problem, so after a little thought, he immediately made a suggestion.


"This is already a matter of Totsuki's reputation."

"So, as a student of Totsuki, we can't just sit back and do nothing."

Isshiki Hui nodded and agreed.

From the perspective of Soma, Kurokiba Ryo, Nakiri Alice, Isshiki Hui and others, they naturally despise the "high-end food kingdom" conceived by Nakiri Tsukushi.

But from the perspective of this late-night cooking incident, the original "survival of the fittest and elimination of the unfit" may not be better than "the central government manages everything"!

Under the unified management of the central food agency.

Ordinary students have escaped the situation of being expelled from school and have acquired skills and cooking skills that are comparable to the "Ten Elites".

In addition, all social research associations and hobby clubs have been disbanded, and all resources have been concentrated under the central food agency led by the "Ten Elites". In this way, there is no distinction between property, and the bottom students do not have to fight each other for resources.

In this way, the rules of food battles, which are designed to resolve conflicts between students, have become unnecessary.

Every student.

Each has his own duties and his own position.

If you can't cook well, you can still be a reporter, and if you can't do it well, you can still be a "thug" for Senior Eizan.

Perhaps under the reform of Nakiri Tsukiji, although the personality and freedom of chefs were eliminated, other positions were further developed.

However, Nakiri Tsukiji did not have such a lofty starting point.

In essence, he also believed in the survival of the fittest. Only the dishes he thought were "good" could be taught to students, and the "bad" dishes were garbage and unnecessary to make.

According to his model, the entire Totsuki would eventually be built into an arsenal.

Screening diners.

Screening dishes.

However, there was no "screening of chefs".

Nakiri Senzaemon did it more absolutely, flattering the supremacy of the elite, the elites had everything, and took "screening chefs" to the extreme.

In fact, the contradiction between the inner and outer cooking worlds is also like this.

Late-night cooks represented by Saiba Chaoyang believe that chefs in the outer cooking world are all profit-seeking and greedy for life.

Let’s talk about Totsuki. The students are fighting for that little bit of profit. Even if both sides dare to use the rules of food battle to fight, the loser’s fate is just to drop out of school, and they dare not gamble with the “life of the chef”.

And the late-night cooks who often get involved in non-public banquets and illegal activities are naturally the opposite of the outside cooking world.

Let’s not talk about Saiba Chaoyang.

Let’s talk about Sagi who visited the izakaya last time, and Tokiyama Heigoro!

And the clown who successfully defeated Mizuhara Fuyumi, Malkanta!

These people.

Which one is not a “ruthless” character?

Moreover, their “ruthlessness” is not “ruthless” in their own cooking skills, but they have long put their personal life and death aside.

They all dare to gamble their lives to compete with the chefs in the outside cooking world.


For the chefs in the outside cooking world.

They also hate and fear the late-night cooks in their hearts.

In their eyes, this group of "illegal" chefs who only dare to survive in dark places are simply a cancer that harms the cooking world. They are despicable, shameless, and a group of demons.


They represent the evil forces against the cooking world.

They mysteriously and pervasively invade the entire catering industry and rapidly expand their own power.


Finally, under the unanimous suggestion of the Ten Elites.

Erina ordered to continue investigating the late-night cooking incident, and if necessary, students, even lecturers, professors and the Ten Elites, could be sent to negotiate and confront them.

After the council ended, Si Yingshi and others left one after another, leaving only Erina and Hisako.

At this moment.

The entire conference room was so quiet that only the "whoosh" sound of the evening breeze through the window remained.

The moonlight outside the window also cast mottled light and shadow through the curtains, but in the conference room, the light was absorbed by the stronger light, and it failed to break the silence.

Erina, bowed her head and thought.

Sometimes she would stare at the documents on the table, her expression was serious and focused from beginning to end.

Finally, her thoughts gradually became clear, and she could only sigh: "At this point, there is no other way."


You know.

The chefs who can run a one-star restaurant are well-known in the culinary world.

Some chefs are even stronger than the ten masters trained by Totsuki!


These powerful chefs.

They were defeated by a group of late-night cooks in one day.

Although Totsuki can represent the first tea house culinary school in Japan, in fact, in the entire culinary world, even in Japan, these ten masters do not represent the strongest existence!

Relying on the current Totsuki.

Relying on the ten masters represented by Si Yingshi.

Relying on the first-year students mainly including herself, Alice, Soma, Liang, Liang, etc.

If you want to fight against the late-night cooks, to be honest, there are four words:

A pebble against a stone!

"Miss, I understand your difficulties."

"You just took office as the commander-in-chief, and you are facing such a difficult problem again. I believe you are very troubled and painful now?"

Beside her, Feishazi couldn't bear it, and came to her to comfort her: "But, with the help of this late-night cook incident, we have also gained unity! I believe that with our strength, we will definitely defeat those late-night cooks!"

"I hope so?"

"It would be great if Zhang Fan was here, he...he would definitely defeat them."

Erina said helplessly.


"Miss, we just came back from the pub, and you miss him again now?"

Seeing this, Feishazi couldn't help but cover her mouth and laughed.

" could that be?"

Erina's delicate and pretty face immediately blushed, and she whispered, "I'm just a little overwhelmed when facing these things!"


"That's terrible."

"I went to the izakaya this time to persuade him to come to the academy as a lecturer."

As she spoke, Erina rubbed her forehead.

"Miss, do you think... this incident of the late-night cook was deliberately planned behind the scenes?"

"And from my intuition, she intends to destroy the entire catering industry, force all restaurants to close, and then when all chefs are desperate, let the late-night cook, no, Zhang Fan from the izakaya, come out to save it?"

Hisako expressed her opinion.


"You think so?"

"There are probably only a few people in this world who can make this group of powerful late-night cooks use them as pawns to play games..."


"Mother? Could it be that the mastermind behind all this is the mother?"

Erina said in astonishment.

But in the next second, she shook her head: "This incident was too abrupt, it doesn't feel like it was carefully planned."

"However, after hearing what you said, I feel that Zhang Fan seems to intend to bring this disaster to our Totsuki Academy?"


"It's really a headache."

"If possible, I really don't want to be the commander-in-chief!"

Erina said helplessly again.


Continuous failure is the only shortcut in life.

This is the truth that Soma Yukihira realized most deeply after the promotion exam.

From the initial rice bowl research association incident, when he lost to Mito Ikmei; then to the autumn selection, he missed the championship and runner-up; then to the school festival, he was defeated by Kuga Teruki in the early stage; and finally, again During this promotion exam, he was brutally tortured by Si Yingshi!

Keep losing.

There is no other reason, it's just that the skills are inferior to others.

Anyway, in Chuangzhen's eyes, where in life is the outcome determined by one game?

For him, who has been running a set-dining restaurant with his father since he was a child, using his cooking skills to defeat top chefs is indeed worthy of pride.

But as long as you look back at the past, you will find that although you can compete with these top students, you are unable to maintain stability due to the limitations of your own too narrow vision. In the end, you always end up in unexpected ways. fail!


Souma, on the phone, spoke quickly after contacting Saiba Joichiro.

"Hahaha, Chuangzhen."

"You are so lucky to have faced the current number one in the promotion exam."

With your current strength, you might be tempted to cry when you lose, right? That Nakamura Ji, even though he knew you were my son, he didn't let himself go even a little bit. Instead, he tortured you even more! "

"Chuangzhen, if it really doesn't work."

"Wandering in a foreign country with my father, working as a busboy in a hotel, I can barely make ends meet."

On the other end of the phone, Caiba Chengyi's almost "gloating" voice sounded.

It was rare that Soma would suddenly call him during this period, and Joichiro, who had been paying close attention to the changes in Totsuki, was naturally very aware of Soma's recent experiences.


"You actually know this, so you have to comfort me a little, right?"

Chuangzhen was a little speechless: "Besides, I haven't been forced to drop out of school yet. On the contrary, I still have the qualifications to continue to take the promotion exam!"


"You haven't been expelled from school yet?"

"It seems that the newly appointed commander-in-chief is also able to show some mercy to you rebels."

Saiba Joichiro said in surprise.

Afterwards, he held the sobered red wine in his other hand, poured a glass of it, shook it gently in his hand, and drank it in one gulp.

Then after spitting out the alcohol, he took this opportunity to tell Chuangzhen something: "Recently, a lot of restaurants in Neon Country must have closed down, right?"


"Senior Isekhui, I just went to attend the Ten Elite Council."

"I heard that they are a group of late-night cooks who are engaged in illegal activities. They use the Shokugeki rules to force all chefs who operate restaurants to compete with them in cooking duels."

Create truth and reply truthfully.

"It seems that they are really going to play big this time."

Hearing this, Joichiro was silent for a long time, and finally continued helplessly: "Soma, please be careful these days."

"Dad, didn't you close the Yukihei Dining Room before school started? I have no plans to continue running the business for the time being, so this matter shouldn't have anything to do with me, right?"


"The leader of the late-night cooks is your brother!"

Chuangzhen: (⊙o⊙)

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