Shokuki: Start with an izakaya and make everyone cry

Chapter 83 An unprecedented feeling, God’s Tongue was conquered again


The light gradually dissipated.

The entire Comet Fried Rice dish was completely exposed to Nakiri Shinagi and Annie.


“This dish is amazing!”

"I still can't believe that... there are actually glowing dishes."

"And in the end, with the skill of flipping the pot, the whole fried rice fell on the plate like a comet. This magnificent and magical phenomenon is simply incredible..."

Looking at the Comet Fried Rice in front of her, Annie couldn't help but cover her mouth. She was so shocked that she couldn't recover for a long time.

I remember the last time I showed up at an izakaya, the Wenshi tofu I tasted didn’t have the same luminous effect as it does now.


“The ingredients are simple.”

"But it is indeed a beautiful and beautiful dish."

"I don't think there is any chef or cook in the world who can make ordinary fried rice so amazing!"

Nakiri Shinagi was also a little shocked and even more confused.

The same kind of ingredients can be cooked in different ways, or the same dish can be made in different combinations of ingredients.

But no matter what, this kind of anti-scientific glowing phenomenon is unlikely to happen, right?


She came back to her senses.

Quickly holding a small spoon, I couldn't help but take a small bite of Comet Fried Rice.

Taking a closer look, the Comet Fried Rice is fried to be fluffy and stretchy, and each grain of rice is still firm.

Coupled with the sweetness of spinach and green vegetables, and the aroma of lard baked by the heat, it seems that the whole dish encompasses the beauty of the mountains, the simplicity of the farm, and the fertility of the earth.

Just smelling it gently with your nose will give you the urge to feast on it.

At first, Nakiri Shinagi was a little distracted.

After all, looking at the spoonful of Comet Fried Rice in her hand, she suddenly remembered the feeling of vomiting crazily every time she ate food!

But after a short period of thinking, she finally closed her eyes and slowly ate it.



Rice in mouth.

After chewing it repeatedly with teeth, it is still very chewy.

Just like those little children playing, jumping in the mouth.


"This kind of fried rice..."

Involuntarily, Nakiri Shinagi's eyes lit up instantly.

She couldn't wait to use her tongue ability to analyze the taste and texture.

In her opinion.

A bowl of ordinary vegetable fried rice.

If it leaves the diner feeling satisfied, it's an excellent bowl of vegetable fried rice.

In other words, the evaluation of food should be a subjective description based on personal emotions. Therefore, whether this bowl of fried rice is excellent or not depends on whether it can satisfy your own God's tongue.

There is no doubt that the comet fried rice made by Zhang Fan is indeed delicious.

The white rice with distinct grains is dotted with green spinach, green vegetables and green onions.

Then only salt, lard, etc. are used for seasoning, so the whole dish is absolutely unpretentious, which also sets the tone of vegetable fried rice.

Due to the role of vegetables.

The overall color of vegetable fried rice is green.

If you look at it under the light, it will also reflect the brilliance of the comet!

But no ingredient can interfere with the taste of spinach and green vegetables.

Whenever you chew with your teeth, the vegetable juice will be squeezed out by your teeth and quickly seep into every corner of your mouth and anywhere on your tongue.

At the same time, the sweet smell was enough to make Managi's eyebrows twitch, sensing this wonderful and dynamic smell.

The steam from the hot stir-frying is completely absorbed by the rice and vegetables, so that you can feel the breath of nature and sunshine in every bite.


"This is fried rice."

"It turns out that we use skillful stir-frying to stir-fry the rice until the rice is separated one by one."

"Then it is quickly mixed with spinach and green vegetables, and then seasoned with salt."

“Finally, intense heat is used to simmer the taste and aroma of all the ingredients.”


"It's really awesome!"

"The taste of this fried rice dish is not only delicious."

“The taste is smooth and glutinous like rice, and sweet and fresh like spinach and green vegetables.”

"Even after swallowing it, the faint mellow fragrance can still remain on the lips and teeth."

"And every time I want to continue tasting it, those crystal clear rice grains make me reluctant to chew it!"

At this time, there was an unspoken feeling.

It began to spread along the rice and into the heart, making Nakiri Shinagi exclaim that she was so satisfied!

She had to admit.

Even though I have the power of God's Tongue, I can't see the flaws and shortcomings of this fried rice at this moment!

"How strange! Is this dish so perfect that even God's Tongue can't achieve it?"

"Or is it that my God's Tongue doesn't work anymore?"


"I don't believe it."

"It seems that if you want to find out the flaws in this plate of fried rice, one bite is not enough!"

At the end of the analysis, Nakiri Shinagi, who had only scratched the surface, had reluctance written all over his face.

She has eaten countless dishes in her life, but this time she felt a deep sense of powerlessness in front of this Comet Fried Rice!

Therefore, she eagerly continued to eat the second bite.

Maybe even she didn't realize it, but she was actually conquered by Zhang Fan's Comet Fried Rice.

After all, normally, she would feel extremely nauseous if she took just one bite of this kind of food, no matter how delicious it was.


on this occasion.

Her God's Tongue actually adapted to it, and she even thought about taking a second bite.

The world is hidden in a grain of rice,

Cook time in half the pot.

As time goes by, there are not many dishes in this world that can make people feel warm.

But in the Comet Fried Rice in front of me, the use of various vegetables amplifies this rare warmth, and it quickly emerges in my heart along the throat, esophagus, and stomach.

Gradually, after taking the second bite of vegetable fried rice, Nagiri Nakiri began to enter a fantasy world.

But we see that in the vast universe, there is always bottomless darkness. And Nagiri Shinagi, who is wandering alone in the universe, can only feel despair and fear in this environment.

Suddenly, a comet dragged a long green light across her head.

Although the time from the comet's appearance to its fall was quite short, it left her with endless beauty and hope.

at last.

The entire dark universe.

It gradually became brighter, and a scene of shining stars appeared.

Various galaxies are like countless blooming flowers, forming a magnificent picture.

at this moment.

Nakiri Shinagi seemed to be unable to control his brain and actually stopped thinking.


"What...what's going on?"

When she came back to her senses, she realized that her originally weak body was slowly changing.

A warm breath and a mysterious power are flowing rapidly throughout the body, and the trillions of cells in the body seem to be filled with power in an instant.

And this inexplicable feeling actually made her feel very comfortable for a moment, and she couldn't help but moan softly.

"So hot!"

"My body is so hot!"

"Uh... um... ahhh... my body is really failing!"


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