The first time, the most important thing is to change the situation.

When Nick Fury first saw this screen,

he immediately realized that the value of it was huge.

Predicting the future!

This is simply a legendary ability!

In the video,

it shows that Loki will lead the Chitauri Army to attack the earth.


he will ask S.H.I.E.L.D. for the department that uses the Cosmic Cube to develop weapons of mass destruction.

Add more funds.

Even said.

The entire center of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s work will be transferred here.

Although he had met the Kree decades ago.

From that moment on,

he had a plan to use the Cosmic Cube to develop weapons of mass destruction.


You take this plan out and tell outsiders.

Especially when you tell it to the top governments of various countries, it will feel extremely outrageous.

For example, when you report to the top.

You say.


Do you know?

There are other advanced civilizations in the universe.

So I want to develop a super-large, powerful high-tech weapon.

It will cost money.

It will cost a lot of money.

But don't worry.

Its power will be countless times stronger than nuclear bombs and hydrogen bombs!


You ask when those aliens will attack the earth?

I don't know.

You ask how much money this weapon will cost?

I still don't know.

Nick Fury's statement is not convincing to the top government officials!

He really said that.

They will only suspect that he wants to raise money to open a bank party.

So this plan has been shelved.

And now the future scene appears before his eyes.

This gives him the confidence to persuade the top leaders.

But what he cares more about is.

The list of personnel in the Avengers plan.

According to the video.


In the future.

The main force fighting Loki and his Chitauri army is obviously the Avengers.

Then who is the Avengers is crucial.

Nick Fury picked up the list in his hand.

"'Your brother, that handsome boy', is it Thor? That muscle does look pretty good."

"'Superhero, an immortal and worthy legend', it seems that this is Captain America, I wonder how Agent Coulson is searching in the Arctic Ocean..."

"'A big guy who wants to kill people when he gets angry', um... the green guy who caused damage in New York last time?"

"'There is also a pair of elite killers', could it be Hawkeye and Black Widow? It seems that Hawkeye has regained normal consciousness later."

The guessed names were written down on the paper one by one.

Director Nick Fury thought about the abilities that the people above might have, and combined them with the personality traits of several people speculated in the video.

Thinking about how to maximize everyone's own abilities.

The color of thought in his eyes continued to deepen.


【Loki listened to Tony's introduction of the Avengers members, smiled contemptuously, and didn't care. 】

【Just now on the spaceship, he had seen everyone's "wonderful" performance. 】

【If he, the dignified god of tricks and lies, Loki, was afraid of this group of rabble, then he didn't need to mix. 】

【Iron Man: You pissed off everyone of them. 】

【Loki: That's my plan. 】

【Iron Man: A very bad plan. When they come... they will definitely come and settle accounts with you. 】

【Loki: I have an army. 】

【Iron Man: We have Hulk. 】



Dr. Banner was very surprised when he heard Tony's expectations of him in the video.

"Is the Hulk so powerful?"

"Can he stop an army by himself?"

Dr. Banner controlled his breathing.

I don't know why.

I saw Loki on the screen.

The Hulk inside had an urge to come out.

It seemed.

For Hulk.

It seemed.

It was fun to swing Loki on the screen around.



Nick Fury listened to Tony's words.

He circled Dr. Banner's name a few times.

"Hulk, huh? It seems that this character is not simple."


Behind the military camp.

Captain America heard Tony's words.

Hulk, can resist an army.

The whole person obviously felt a little unbelievable.

After all.

For him.

One person resists an army.

Even resists an army of alien races.

How powerful is that!!!


He was injected with the perfect warrior serum by Dr. Erskine.

In the end.

From a thin and short Steve Rogers who couldn't even be selected for conscription.

Became a tall and strong American captain.

When chasing the enemy who shot Dr. Erskine.

Run faster than a car.

Just a random jump.

Can flip over the two-person high iron railing.

Roll down from a high-speed car without any damage.

Can even jump into the river.

Ignore the pressure and resistance in the water.

Punch the glass of the enemy's submarine.

Do things that ordinary humans can't do.

But family members understand their own business.

Captain America knows it well.

What he has done.

At best, he is just known as a superhuman.

After all, he is a mortal.

It is impossible for one person to take on an army alone.


For the superiors.

He is a propaganda machine.

Go to different theaters.

Say that sentence to the people in the audience.

"Every time you buy a treasury bond, the soldiers will have one more bullet."

He has said this sentence so many times that he almost vomited.

Thereby promoting the purchase rate of treasury bonds by people in different states.

This has a much greater effect.

"Can Hulk defeat an entire army by himself?"

"I really look forward to meeting you one day in the future."



Loki listened to the Hulk in Tony's mouth.

I don't know why.

I felt a tremor all over my body.

It seems that in some not too distant future.

I will fight Hulk.

It seems that his ending is not so good.

Loki shook his head.

Throw away the troubles.

Pray in his heart.

"My future self."

"Please, don't embarrass yourself again!!!"


【Loki heard Tony's words and raised a question. 】

【Loki: Hulk? I thought the monster was lost. 】

【Iron Man: I think you still don't understand the situation.

You will never sit on the throne, there is no possibility that you will succeed.

Maybe your army will come to us, and we may not be able to defeat them.

But we will still come to seek revenge on you. 】

【Loki heard this, as if he was provoked, his eyes burst with anger, and he walked forward. 】

【Loki: If you turn against your friends, they will have no time to come to me. 】

【As he said, he picked up the Mind Gem Scepter that could brainwash Hawkeye before, and pointed it at Iron Man's chest. 】


Stark Tower.

Tony couldn't help but get nervous when he saw this scene.

"Is it finally coming?"

"Will I be brainwashed too?"



Loki also got nervous.

"Future me, you have to stand up this time."

"Don't make any mistakes again, or I'll really become a clown."


【There was only a clacking sound. 】

【The tip of the scepter hit the small Ark reactor on Iron Man's chest. 】

【Loki, who was full of confidence, froze his face instantly. 】

【He didn't believe in evil, so he tried again. 】

【A clacking sound. 】

【No response again. 】

【Inside Stark Tower. 】

【The air was filled with a virus called embarrassment...】



Loki saw this scene.

I couldn't help but hold my forehead helplessly.

"It's over. I'm embarrassed again."

"In the future, you are such a cute little (da) (sha) (bi)."


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