The first time, the first time.

Stank Building.

Tony saw this title.

He felt a little complicated.


In the future.

Can I see my father Howard again?

If I can see him again.

I will definitely have a lot to say to him.

Tony sincerely hopes at this moment.

I can see my father Howard again.


[In a bright room. ]

[Tony's mother, Maria Stank, is playing the piano. ]

[Young Tony is wearing a Santa hat and lying on the sofa wrapped in a blanket. ]

[Howard, who is already gray-haired but still energetic, comes to the piano in a suit. ]

[Howard: Who is the homeless guy on the sofa? ]

[Tony got up from the sofa and said in a bad tone: This is why I like to go home for Christmas, because when I come, you will leave again. ]

[Maria reminded Howard: Speak nicely, Tony finally came back from studying abroad. ]

[Howard didn't buy it at all, he directly said: Really? Which girl did you learn from? What's her name? ]

[Tony: Oh, okay, her name is Katis. ]

[Howard took off Tony's hat and said: Please, don't burn the house down before Monday. ]

[Tony: Okay, then I will burn it down on Monday. By the way, where are you going? ]

[Maria: Your father is taking me to the Bahamas for a vacation. ]

[Howard: Maybe somewhere else. ]

[Tony: The Pentagon? Or the Capitol? ]

[Howard didn't want to deal with his son who was full of thorns. He left on the pretext of getting his bag and packing his luggage. ]

[Young Tony crossed his arms over his chest. ]

[The expression on his face showed that he was obviously resentful. ]

[Maria: Tony, you know, he missed you very much when you were away.

To be honest, you will miss us too in the future.

Because this is the last time we are together.

You know what happened later.

Say something, or you will regret it. ]

[Tony hesitated for a moment, and finally turned to Howard and said: I love you, Dad. ]

[Then he said to his mother: I know you have tried your best. ]

[Howard and Maria left. ]

[In the room. ]

[Only the reluctant young Tony was left. ]

[And behind him. ]

[The older Tony, wearing sunglasses and a black suit, appeared. ]

[Time pauses. ]

[Older Tony says: I hope it's true. ]

This technology is an extremely expensive way to erase traumatic memories by controlling the hippocampus. ]

[Tony blows on the device. ]

[Scene switch. ]

[Tony stands on the stage, with hundreds of people in the audience. ]

[Tony: This doesn't stop the fact that they didn't make it to the airport. ]

Maybe I did it to escape sadness, but... ]

I did it, and it cost hundreds of millions of dollars. ]

This is something no one understands. ]

But what is MIT's purpose? ]

Create, disseminate, and protect knowledge! ]

Challenge the world's limits as much as possible! ! ! ]

You may not have publicized the challenges you face. ]

But it doesn't matter. ]

I declare that the September Fund grants are effective immediately! ]

All of your projects are approved, no interest, no strings attached, no taxes. ]

Friends present, go change the world! ! ! 】


Stark Tower.

Tony finally understood.

What the title said.

He and his father met for the last time.

What does it mean.

A virtual projection technology to treat traumatic memories?

Very good.

But that's all.

Although it can make up for his regrets.


It's like looking at flowers in the fog and the moon in the water.

The most fundamental regret in his heart.

It has not been resolved.

I really hope I can really meet my father in the future.



Wanda watched the video.

She understood why Tony wanted to carry out this technology.

This is the same as the September Fund.

Both happened after Sokovia.

Tony saw with his own eyes that the entire city was destroyed because of him.

He invented this technology to heal himself and to heal the people who were traumatized by the destruction of their homes.

He held a seminar at MIT.

He also wanted the students here to better participate in the construction of the world.

To avoid the previous accidents.

It seems that.

Tony looks like a playboy.

But inside.

He has a warm heart.



Peter Parker looked at the good atmosphere of MIT.

He was yearning.

He hoped that one day in the future.

He would also go to this school to study.

He was willing to pay any price.


【During the speech. 】

【Tony received countless lights and applause. 】

【He stole the show. 】

【But what everyone didn't know was. 】

【The main contributor to this technology was actually a man named Quentin Beck. 】

【And this man. ]

[In the future, he will become Mysterio, which will cause great trouble to Spider-Man. ]

[Of course. ]

[That's a matter for later. ]

[Let's not talk about it for now. ]



Peter Parker saw the man with thick hair.

Peter felt a chill in his heart.

Such a premonition.

It seemed to tell him.

The screen was right.

This man called Mysterio.

One day in the future.

Will cause himself great trouble!


[Backstage. ]

[Tony was about to take the elevator back. ]

[A dark-skinned woman blocked his way. ]

[The woman said that Tony did a good job, but in her opinion, generosity and guilt are proportional.

She also said that Tony has plenty of money and can make mistakes at will. ]

[These two sentences were like a needle, piercing Tony's heart. ]

[He smiled politely at the woman. ]

[She wanted to press the elevator button to go back. ]

[At this time. ]

[The woman reached for her wallet. ]

[Tony quickly pressed it with his hand. ]

[Tony: Stop, stop, stop! Don't move! ]

[The woman explained that she worked at the State Department, in the Human Resources Department. ]

[She knew that this job was boring, but she could support her son. ]

[She was very proud of her son's growth. ]

[But Tony killed him. ]

[In the disaster in Sokovia. ]

[Woman: Of course, I know you don't care about these things at all. ]

You think you are fighting for us, but in fact you are just fighting for yourself! ]

Who will avenge my son? Stark. ]

He died, it's all your fault! ]

[After saying these words, the mother who lost her son left without looking back. ]

[Only left. ]

[Tony holding a photo of her son. 】

【Alone in the corridor. 】

【Can't let go for a long time. 】

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