The old man was lying on the ground, and the old man was lying on the ground.

On the screen.

A new title appeared.

《Famous Scene 2: I know! Peter knows Spider-Man!》


Peter looked at Ned with a complicated look.

Anyone can guess.

The person who can say this.

It should be someone around him.

So just eliminate it.

You can know.

The person who said this.

It's almost certain.

It's Ned.

"Ned, why do you say that!"

Ned didn't care, and was even a little excited.

"No, Peter, think about it!

You are Spider-Man!

Recently, YouTube is full of your videos!

This is enough to show that you are very popular on the Internet!!!

We are freaks in school.

If we were in Harry's magic world.

We are Muggles!

If I can let others know that Peter knows Spider-Man, then won't we be popular?!"

Peter really wants to be more popular.

Or rather.

It's like being popular with a black-skinned senior.

She is in the third year of high school.

She is a member of the competition team with me.

My recent self.

I really like her.

But I don't know what to talk to the senior sister about besides the science knowledge competition.

If he can let everyone know.

I know Spider-Man.

It will indeed make me more popular.

Even further.

It will increase the attention of the senior sister to me.

But after thinking about it.

Peter still shook his head.

"No, Spider-Man shouldn't be that kind of person."

"Then what should Spider-Man be like? By the way, Peter, since your nickname is Spider-Man, do you lay eggs?"


Of course not!"

"Then can you spit venom?"


"Then can you summon an army of spiders?"


"Then how far can your web shoot?"

"I beg you to shut up, Ned."

"If I were you, I would stand on the roof at night and shoot as far as I could."

"Shut up, Ned."


[In physical education class. ]

[The teacher is playing Captain America's promotional video. ]

[Captain America is wearing combat clothes and promoting himself in front of the camera. ]

[Captain America: Hi, I am Captain America.

I want to tell you.

Whether on the battlefield or in the classroom.

Whether a student or a soldier.

The most important quality is patience.

Sometimes patience is the key to success, but sometimes patience doesn't bring the desired results.



Behind the military camp.

Bucky nudged Captain America with his elbow.

He teased.

"Steve, I didn't expect that you would still be performing on camera seventy years later."

"But you're much more miserable. You used to perform in the big theater, but now you're recording videos for middle school students?"

Captain America felt a little funny.

He performed in the theater before.

He actually did something similar seventy years later.

I mean.

Why do you always have trouble with this kind of thing!!!


Why don't I feel sad?

Captain America thought about it.

He felt that, perhaps,

his previous performance in this time and space was more of a publicity, that is, a flower stand without hard power support.

Don't look at the enthusiastic response in the theater and the city.

But put it in the army.

Maybe they are not as popular as the ladies who danced before him.


It was different 70 years later.

He was exposed many times in the media.

Let people know that Captain America is a very powerful and responsible superhero.

Plus the propaganda of the state machine for 70 years.


When his video was played in physical education class, the students were not interested.

But if it was played in the army.

It would definitely get a warm response.


That's the reason.

Captain America continued to watch.


[Physical education class continues. ]

[After playing Captain America's video. ]

[It's free time. ]

[Ned and Peter are discussing what the Hulk smells like. ]

[Peter said he didn't know either. During the battle at the airport, Thor and the Hulk didn't know where they went and he didn't see them.

It is a pity. 】

【On the other side. 】

【The dark-skinned senior and her followers are discussing their impressions of the Avengers. 】

【A little follower said. 】

【If possible, she wants to sleep with Thor, marry Iron Man, and kill the Hulk. 】


Thor: Hahaha, it seems that I am still quite attractive among young people.

Tony: Hahaha, who said it wasn't?

Dr. Banner: Woo woo woo, I'm just a little green, right? Who did I offend? Hulk's life is also a life! !


【When it was the turn of the dark-skinned senior to express her opinion. 】

【She said that she liked Spider-Man more than the older generation of superheroes. 】

【Last night, the surveillance video at the self-service bank has become popular on the entire YouTube! 】

【One person can beat four people! ! ! This is really amazing! ! ]

[The two little followers next to her saw the senior sister's eyes full of spring, and they all teased: Oh, my God, you have a crush on Spider-Man, right? ]

[Senior sister: Oh, no way, okay, okay, it is true that there is a little. ]

[Peter and Ned looked at each other. ]

[They really didn't expect that the dark-skinned senior sister would actually like Spider-Man! ! ! ]

[Before Peter could react. ]

[Ned hurriedly shouted: I know! Peter knows Spider-Man! ! ! ]

[As soon as this was said! ]

[The whole audience was instantly silent! ]

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