The two of them were so angry that they had to face each other.

Loki looked to the side in despair.

How much he wanted to see the concerned eyes of his family.

But before he could turn his head completely.

He heard the laughter from his brother Thor.

When Loki turned his head completely.

He found that the whole of Asgard was laughing again.

Even his favorite mother Frigga.

At this moment.

They were all laughing so hard that they fell forward and backward.

"Ahhhh, so shameful!"

"Heimdall! Heimdall!"

Loki shouted the name of Heimdall, the guardian of the Rainbow Bridge, in the crowd.

Hearing Loki's call.

Heimdall, with golden horns, deep eyes and dark skin, came up.

"What do you want to talk to me about?"

Loki rushed over.

He grabbed Heimdall's shoulders with both hands.

He shook him vigorously.

"Heimdall, open the rainbow bridge quickly!"

"I want to escape from the nine kingdoms! I want to run into the abyss of the universe!"

"If I stay any longer, I will die soon!!!"

Odin saw this.

He quickly suppressed the smile at the corner of his mouth.

I suppressed it.



I suppressed it again.

Why is the smile at the corner of his mouth harder to suppress than AK!


Odin looked at Loki.

His eyes were full of ridicule.

"Why, do you want to go to the abyss of the universe?"

"Don't you want to be the king of Jotunheim?"

Loki heard this.

His face was stunned.

It's broken.

How could I forget about this matter.


He put on his lackey face again.

He smiled flatteringly at Odin.

"How is that possible, father."

"I have always served the people of Asgard in my heart."

"How could I run to the abyss of the universe just because I am embarrassed?"

"I serve the people wholeheartedly!"

"It is definitely not because I can become the king of Jotunheim!"

"Yes, absolutely not!"



Dr. Banner watched the video.

He couldn't help but cheer for Hulk.

He could swing Loki from Norse mythology with his bare hands.

He was still unharmed.

What an amazing Hulk.



Hawkeye Barton looked at the Hulk in the video.

His eyelids twitched wildly.

He thought he was awesome enough to shoot Loki with an arrow just now.


This green big guy.

Just get started!

Swing Loki around!

If it were me...

Hawkeye's body trembled.

I dare not think,

I dare not think...


On the screen.

The scene changed.

A new title appeared.

[Famous Scene 8: Nuclear Bombs Flying to the City! ]


Stark Building.

Tony saw this title.

He felt bad.

That's a nuclear bomb!

As a man who made his fortune selling arms, he knew the power of nuclear bombs very well!

Even the latest weapon developed by him, Stark's trump card.

The first anti-gravity missile ejection system.

Integrated rapid counterattack technology.

The powerful Jericho missile.

At best, it just flattened a few small mountains connected together.

And the nuclear bomb!

That's the weapon temple.

Standing firmly in the T0 sequence!

Who doesn't know.

During the war.

The Sakura Country threatened to kill 100 million people.

Then a little boy and a fat man came.

They became quiet instantly.

This is enough to see the power of nuclear bombs.


That was 70 years ago.

That was the time of Captain America.

Who knows the power of nuclear bombs today.

What has it become?

"How could a nuclear bomb fly to the city?"

"This shouldn't be from the Chitauri Army, right? After all, the portal is above the city."

"Could it be... a decision made by the top leaders of the United States!!!"

"Those people in the top leadership are too impatient."

"Members of our Avengers are working hard on the front lines to protect world peace."

"Just to save trouble and solve the problem once and for all, a nuclear bomb flew over here!???"

"There are still millions of people who haven't evacuated yet!!!"

"Damn, these shit-eating guys!!!"



Nick Fury looked at the title.

With a weird look on his face.

He used his toes to

Can think of it.

Who issued this terrible decision?

It must be those far-away members of parliament.

That's right.

That must be the case.


I don't know where they are on the earth.

Anyway, they are definitely not near New York.

Otherwise, how could they issue the order to launch a nuclear bomb so quickly!

Judging from the content in the video.

From the beginning of the New York War to now.

It has only been less than two or three hours.

It is still at the beginning of the whole battle.

Your military does not want to send more fighters to help.

Instead, they want to directly send a wave of nuclear bombs to destroy the world! ? ?


Nick Fury realized a serious problem.

Even if the order was issued in less than two hours.

In the end.

It was too fast.

For the Eagle Sauce Country.

The economy is more important than anything else.

Rely on the army to attack and suppress the enemy in time.

Compared to destroying New York with a shell and rebuilding it after the war.

The money spent on the former.

is far less than the latter!


Did this shell.

completely bypass the Eagle Sauce military,

or even completely bypass the Eagle Sauce government?


The only one on the field that has the ability to launch nuclear weapons.

Is their SHIELD!

Nick Fury slapped his thigh.



That's right!

When the heroes are fighting on the front line.

SHIELD must be not far from the city.

Remotely commanding the heroes.

At the same time.

SHIELD's spacecraft is also equipped with nuclear weapons.



Launch capability!

Each item corresponds!

Since he can't launch a nuclear bomb.

It must be that his subordinates are not honest.

Nick Fury is unhappy.

"Haha, I don't know when SHIELD has sneaked into so many other organizations."

"Are those recruiters freeloaders!?"

"It seems that there will be a big cleanup of the identities of SHIELD agents!!!"


Behind the military camp.

Captain America didn't feel much about this title.

After all.

Captain America Steve is now in 1941.

It's still a year before Heisenberg miscalculates and causes the Führer to abandon the nuclear bomb project.

It's still a year before the United States launches the Manhattan Project.

It's still four years before "Little Boy" and "Fat Man" are dropped on the Sakura Country.

He Steve Rogers.

Now he is just a propaganda machine at best.

As for the so-called "nuclear bomb".

Naturally, he knows very little.


"Nuclear bomb flying to the city..."

Captain America looked at the title carefully.

He felt a little confused.

"Why did the shells fly into the civilian area?"

"Who fired them?"

"Are these people crazy?!"

He didn't understand.

And he was shocked.

Captain America, due to the limitations of the times.

He didn't know how to solve this problem at all.

"There are six heroes here, including me."

"I, Hawkeye, and Black Widow are just ordinary people who are stronger. It's impossible for us to deal with nuclear bombs."

"As for Hulk..."

He thought about the green fat man who could only smash in the video.

Captain America shook his head.

"It shouldn't be him. After all, he is just a mortal. No matter how powerful Hulk is, he can't stop the nuclear bomb with his body alone."

"Then there are only Iron Man and Thor."

"I am more inclined to believe that Thor stopped the disaster."

"After all, he is a god in Norse mythology, and he can go to heaven and earth, and can control lightning. His power is really amazing."

"I just don't know how Thor will deal with this disaster in the end."

Captain America cast his eyes on the screen.

Looking forward to the continuation of the picture.


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