The ancient one said to Doctor Strange.

"Stephen, what is hanging on your chest in the video?"

Doctor Strange was stunned.

I don't understand why the Ancient One asked this question.

But he still answered.

"It's the Eye of Agamotto, what's wrong with that?"

"The Eye of Agamotto is actually composed of two parts, one is the Time Stone, and the other is the container for the Time Stone."

"Time... Time Stone, is it one of the six Infinity Stones?"

Doctor Strange took advantage of the gap in the video to watch the playback of the previous video.

It was discovered that when the Collector introduced the Power Stone to Star-Lord and others, other Infinity Stones also appeared.

Among them, there was a green stone that looked very similar to the Eye of Agamotto.

When watching the video before, Doctor Strange had speculated in this regard, but he did not expect that the Eye of Agamotto really contained the Time Stone.

Master Ancient One nodded, tacitly agreeing with this answer.

She continued to speak.

"In addition to being able to control the time of objects forward or backward as shown in the video, the Time Stone can also see the possibilities of the future.

A long, long time ago, when I became the current Sorcerer Supreme, I was wondering who the next Sorcerer Supreme would be, when would he appear, and whether he could take on the responsibility of the Sorcerer Supreme?

And through the Time Stone, I learned that the next Sorcerer Supreme, that is, you, would come to me in 2016.

But this time point is too far away from me.

With the lifespan of humans, I simply cannot live that long.

So, in desperation, I used the energy in the dark world to extend my life.

At the same time, I used the energy of the dark world to fight against the extra-dimensional creatures that wanted to invade the earth.

Stephen, do you understand this?"

Doctor Strange nodded.

I completely understood this truth.

At the same time, I couldn't help but sigh at the power of the Ancient One.

Although Casillas also absorbed the energy of the dark world, his eyes turned black and the skin around his eyes became cracked in less than a few months.

But the Ancient One absorbed the energy of the dark world for centuries, and he was able to maintain it so well. It seems that he has not been polluted by the power of the dark world at all.

It can only be said that the Ancient One is really powerful.

At this time, Doctor Strange had a new question.

"Ancient One, are you really dead after you die?"

The Ancient One is so powerful that Doctor Strange doesn't believe that she has no tricks.

He even thinks that the Ancient One is acting when fighting with Casillas, pretending to be stabbed and looking "dead".

The Ancient One smiled and said.

"Remember what I said to you when we first met?

You think this world is material, but at the end of reality, the encounter between spirit and matter, in the end, it is thought that carves reality.

You think I am dead, but I am only dead physically, and my spirit still exists.

In order to wait for you, I have been preparing to deal with the dangers from the dark world for hundreds of years, and have prevented many disasters openly and secretly.

I am too tired, it is time to prepare for retirement.

I believe that in the future, when I get along with you, I will definitely see your potential and qualities to become the Supreme Sorcerer.

So, Stephen, after I die, I have to trouble you."

Doctor Strange was silent, although the Ancient One spoke easily.

But anyone can see that the pressure she has faced in the past few hundred years is indeed not small.

Now he is just a junior magician who even stumbles to open the portal.

Is he sure that he can deal with the dangers from the dark world?

Just as Doctor Strange was thinking.

On the screen.

A new title appeared.

《Famous Scene 7: Dormammu, I'm here to negotiate with you! 》


【Ancient One is dead, at least in the real material world, Ancient One is dead. 】

【Doctor Strange came to the sink a little sadly to wash his hands and disinfect. 】

【Christine rushed in and saw the red cloak floating in the air. 】

【I have seen so many strange things, even if things

No matter how bizarre or strange it was, she had gotten used to it unconsciously. ]

[After taking a casual look, she walked to Doctor Strange and asked him if he was okay now. ]

[Doctor Strange's hands were shaking slightly. ]

[He said to Christine: Sorry, I'm leaving. ]

You said losing your hands is not the end of the world, but it may be the beginning. ]

[Christine nodded: Yes, because there are other ways to save lives. ]

[Doctor Strange: Yes, there are other ways to save lives, may be a more difficult way. 】

(Well, actually I don't understand why Doctor Strange doesn't allow his hands to be repaired.

The paralyzed patient used magic to make his body healed.

Why can't Doctor Strange do this?

See the comments of some friends above. Even in the end of Avengers 3-4, Doctor Strange's hands were not restored.

Healing your own hands does not conflict with saving the world.

Is there any big brother who can help explain it? Please post the comment after this paragraph. Thank you.)

[At this time, the broadcast in the corridor reminded Christine to continue working. ]

[Helplessly, Christine returned a sweet kiss and turned to work. ]

[Doctor Strange put on a red cloak. This time, he had to bear the responsibility of being the master of Kamar-Taj. ]

[Through the portal, he came to the New York Temple. ]

[Doctor Strange sadly told Mordo that the Ancient One was dead. ]

[What I didn't expect was that Mordo, who had always respected the Ancient One, cried at this moment, but it didn't seem to be for the Ancient One. ]

[Mordo: You're right, she's not the kind of person I thought she was before. ]

[Doctor Strange: In fact, she's very contradictory. ]

[Mordo chuckled: Very contradictory? ]

[He looked at the messy New York Temple and continued: The dark space is full of dangers, how can you be sure that she won't be swallowed by evil?

She told us not to do this, but she secretly drew energy from the dark space and extended her life by hundreds of years! ]

[Doctor Strange: She did what she thought was right. ]

[Mordo: Hehe, she will pay the price sooner or later.

Haven't you noticed?

It was because of her that Dormammu brought countless fanatics.

Kaecilius, it was because of her!

Not only that, even us!

Finally, he became her pawn! ! !

The world is in danger...

【Doctor Strange looked at the man in front of him and felt very strange. He didn't understand why Mordo's thoughts were so extreme when he had just left for less than half an hour! 】

【But there was no time now. He hurriedly persuaded Mordo to participate in the defense of the Hong Kong Island Temple and said what Mordo had said to him - fighting is like life is at stake, and one day, it will be like this! 】

【Modo was silent. Although he now has great hope for the Ancient One, he is not bad in nature and still does not want the evil forces from the dark space to invade the earth. 】

【So, he agreed to go with Doctor Strange to guard the Hong Kong Island Temple. 】

【But when they arrived at Hong Kong Island. 】

【But they found that the buildings on the street were crooked and people were fleeing in panic. 】

【Obviously, a huge battle has taken place here. 】

【Doctor Strange and Mordo turned their heads and looked in the direction of the temple. 】

【The entire Hong Kong Island Temple has been destroyed for the most part. 】

【The Earth itself is a special protective shield formed by the New York Temple, London Temple, and Hong Kong Island Temple. 】

【But now, the Hong Kong Island Temple has fallen. 】

【That proves one thing! 】

【The dark space is coming! 】

【Dormam, it's coming! ! 】

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