The world is full of people.

616 universe.


In the crowded hall.

Thor, wearing metal silver armor and a red cloak, raised his hammer.

He smiled confidently.

Enjoying the admiring eyes of thousands of Asgard residents.

He was like a newly promoted lion king.

Looking around at his people.



Thor was about to have his coronation ceremony.

Officially became the true king of Asgard!

He looked at his mother Frigga on the steps.

At this moment, she was giving him a gratified smile.

Feeling the joy of his mother.

Thor winked at his mother playfully.

On the side of the steps.

Loki, wearing a high-collared and shawled dark green robe.

Looking at his brother.

There was an indescribable feeling in his heart.

He glanced at his father Odin sitting on the throne.

He couldn't help but complain in his heart.

"Father, I can obviously do better than my brother, why can't I be your pride? Why can't I be the king of Asgard?"

"If you really want to pass the throne to my brother, then I, then I..."

Thinking like this.

A hint of ferocity flashed in Loki's eyes.

Then he regained his calm.


Odin, sitting on the throne, knocked the floor with his spear.

A dull sound was made.

It echoed throughout the hall and could not be calmed for a long time.

The originally noisy hall suddenly became quiet.

Showing the style of a generation of King of Asgard!

Seeing that everyone was quiet.

Odin looked at Thor under the throne and spoke slowly.

"Thor Odinson, my heir, my eldest son."

"The powerful Thor's Hammer has been entrusted to you for a long time."

"This hammer is forged from the core of a dying star. It is unmatched in power and matches the status of a king!"

"I have been defending Asgard since the beginning of time..."

Listening to his father Odin's words.

Loki's expression was gloomy.

Looking outside the hall.

"The Frost Giants should be here..."

Just then!

A huge screen appeared in the hall!

"Father, this, this is..."

Seeing this, Thor, the god of thunder, immediately tightened the hammer in his hand.

He was about to smash this strange thing that suddenly appeared.

Mother Frigga looked at Loki with a sense of blame and scolded him.

"Loki, now is your brother's coronation ceremony, put away your tricks."

Loki heard his mother's rebuke.

He was numb.


I just want to get the throne.

Conspire with the Frost Giants.

Secretly open the gate guarding the Rainbow Bridge.

So that they can invade Asgard.

So that I can benefit from the chaos.

This weird thing is really not made by me!

Odin looked solemn.

He said aloud.

"Even I can't see this screen."

"Maybe it comes from the gods!"

Everyone was shocked.

They didn't expect it.

Even his own father.

The current king of Asgard couldn't tell what it was!

At this time.

The originally black light screen glowed.

Several big words appeared on it.

"Famous Scenes of the Avengers"


"This is..."


Universe 616.

November 1943.


Five miles from the front line.

Captain America Steve drew a funny monkey holding an umbrella and stepping on a spinning wheel on a book.

His expression was a little gloomy.

After this propaganda on the battlefield front.

He really understood.

He was just like a funny monkey.

Just providing others with entertainment.

He was in the country.

He was just used as a tool by senior officials to promote national debt.


Every time he went to a state.

The sales of national debt in this state increased by 10%.


Have he really done anything for this country?

His dream since he was a child.

It was to go to a foreign battlefield.

To the front line.

To serve the country.

When he finally got what he wanted.

But he was wearing a tights.

Like a dancing clown.

Very funny.

Thinking like this.

A huge

The screen suddenly appeared in front of Captain America.

He was startled.

"What is this?"

"Is it the enemy's high-tech weapon?"

Just as Captain America was wondering.

A bright light flashed on the black screen.

A few big words suddenly appeared.

"Famous scenes from the Avengers".


616 Universe.

Inside S.H.I.E.L.D.

Black Widow, wearing a tight leather jacket, stood upside down.

She did one-handed push-ups after another.

She breathed evenly.

There was not a single drop of sweat on her forehead.

It seemed to be a very challenging action for ordinary people.

It was just a warm-up for her.




When she finished the last one-handed handstand push-up.

Black Widow did a beautiful backflip.

Landed easily.

Then she narrowed her eyes.

I saw a huge black screen that appeared in front of me at some point.


A sharp side kick was thrown at the screen.

The expected screen being kicked into pieces did not happen.

Instead, Black Widow's right leg could not control the strength.

It passed through the screen.

She almost twisted her foot.

At this time.

Hawkeye and Nick Fury came out of another room.

Hearing the noise here.

They also hurried over.

The two also saw this abrupt black screen.

"Natasha, what is this?"

Nick Fury, who was blind in one eye, asked.

Black Widow waved her hand and said unhappily.

"Come on, this is S.H.I.E.L.D., it's your territory, and now you are asking me?"

While speaking.

Hawkeye skillfully picked up a sharp arrow behind him and aimed it at the black screen.

"No matter what it is, everyone stay alert."

At this moment.

A few big words appeared on the black screen.

"Famous scenes from the Avengers".


616 Universe.

In a dirty, backward slum.

Dr. Banner sat cross-legged in meditation.

Controlling his breathing.

Ever since he fought the Abomination once.

He understood it completely.

Hulk himself is a disaster.

While saving the world.

It will only bring more destruction to the city.

Although he is a human with seven doctoral degrees.

But he can't control his anger.

Always uncontrollably turning into Hulk.

In the end, it is nothing more than a series of destruction.

This is really unacceptable to him.


He decided to hide in the slums.

Only by completely controlling his anger.

Can he return to normal life.

At this moment.

A huge black screen appeared in front of him.

Dr. Banner's heartbeat quickened.

An unknown anger surged from his heart.

The heart rate is getting faster and faster.

He senses signs of turning into the Hulk again.

He quickly adjusts his breathing.

He closes his eyes.

After his heart rate returns to normal.

He slowly opens his eyes.

At this time.

A few big words appear on the screen.

"Famous scenes from the Avengers".

At this time.

The light and shadow on the screen change.

A sound comes from it.


[The 616 universe is destined to be an extraordinary universe. ]

[In the entire Marvel world, we have witnessed too many superheroes. ]

[There is the playboy Iron Man Tony. ]

[There is the righteous Captain America Steve. ]

[There is the furious Hulk Dr. Banner. ]

[There is the arrogant Thor. ]


[It can be said that the entire Marvel universe has brought us a visual feast while also bringing us a lot of laughter. ]

[In 2023. 】

【Marvel's fourth phase can be said to be like a roller coaster with ups and downs. 】

【When we watched the perfect drama Loki 2 and thought Marvel was finally going to have a big wave. 】

【It brought us Captain Marvel 2 in return, and pulled a big one for us! 】

【Now, it's time for us to revisit the classics and wash our eyes! 】

【Next, let's take a look at the famous scenes of the heroes in the Avengers! 】

【Famous scene 1】

【Thor and Loki: a loving family! 】

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