The Black Widow was very confused about her boss's behavior of running to get the pager before his death.

Shouldn't she ask what happened at the headquarters of SHIELD, the Avengers, or Wakanda?

Why did you suddenly contact Captain Marvel?


This pager looks very old-fashioned.

It looks like something that only appeared in the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s and 2000s.

If we follow the timeline of the video.

When fighting Thanos.

Isn't it 201X?

In other words.

This thing has been around for at least 30, 40, 50 years.

Can it still be used?

Black Widow told Director Nick Fury about her doubts.

The director explained.

"Actually, you are right. Captain Marvel came to Earth in 1996.

That pager was given to me by her after we finished our mission together.

But there is one thing you don't know.

This pager is not an ordinary pager.

It is a super pager.

Just click the button on it to call Captain Marvel.

The signal covers several galaxies."

"Several galaxies?

Could it be that... Captain Marvel is an alien?"

"Emm, it can be said to be an alien, or an earthling.

Or, she is an earthling who has lived on an alien planet for a while."

Just as the two were talking.

On the screen.

The life story of Captain Marvel was broadcast.

After watching the video.

Everyone learned.

It turned out that.

Captain Marvel Carol was originally a member of the Earth Air Force.

After the plane crash in 1989, she was taken to the Kree.

After training there, he became a member of the elite interstellar army of the Kree.

He came to Earth during a mission.

He met Director Nick Fury.

He found out on Earth that the Skrulls, who had always been regarded as a thorn in the Kree's side, were the ones who had been invaded.


After a series of events, everyone worked together to repel the Kree.

Captain Marvel also modified Director Nick Fury's pager before leaving.

Let him come to her only if there is a special emergency.


Although I have seen it before, and I have experienced the Battle of New York in my world.

I learned that there are other aliens in the world, such as the existence of the Chitauri.

But Spider-Man and Ned saw that aliens actually visited the earth in the last century.

It's hard not to be excited.

After all.

If the Kree and Skrulls came to Earth in the 1990s.

Then the earlier time period, such as the Roswell incident in 1947, may be real!

Then, the information that there are aliens and UFOs in Area 51 is not groundless!!!

"Oh yeah! Peter, I knew aliens must exist! Area 51 is real!!!"

Ned shouted excitedly.

"Hey, calm down, we have all seen the Chitauri Army, Thanos, talking raccoons, green-skinned and red-skinned aliens, talking tree people, etc.......

What's so strange about one or two more aliens in the last century?"

Peter finally pulled Ned off his body.

He said unhappily.

"Oh, that's right.

I'm making a fuss."

Ned scratched his head and said.


Ned, don't you think it's scary?

Although the video shows that the Skrulls are the ones who have been bullied and invaded.

They came to Earth to seek refuge out of desperation.

But think about it, the Skrulls can disguise themselves and pretend to be Earthlings.

Do you think they only look like a few refugees, but have actually sent a large army to invade Earth!???"

Ned's eyes widened and his breathing became heavier.

"You mean, urban legends like the Lizard Man exist!???

Government officials, celebrities, entrepreneurs, and everything else have their presence!!!"

"Yes, that's right. We were taught that aliens don't exist before, but this was broken after the New York incident in 2008!

Then why can't the lizard men that are widely circulated in private exist?

In my opinion, perhaps the so-called urban legends of lizard men disguised as celebrities and government officials.

In fact, the essence is that these Skrulls can disguise themselves!!! "

Ned slapped his thigh.



In urban legends, lizard people can disguise themselves.

This is against the Skrulls!

And the skin of lizard people is green, and this is against the Skrulls again!!!"

Peter sighed.

"Ah, that's why I said, maybe these Skrulls are not as kind as we think.

It is very likely that they have already launched an organized replacement operation against the earth. "

Thinking of this.

Peter couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling.

Think about it.

If his guess is correct.

Doesn't that mean.

It is very likely that Aunt May, whom he saw after school, was replaced by the Skrulls!??

Or one day when he went to school.

As a result, more than half of the people were replaced by the Skrulls!???

Thinking of this.

Peter couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling.


Stark Tower.

Tony smacked his lips.

Should I say it or not.

He really felt that his knowledge was a bit shallow.

Before watching this video.

He is the head of the global arms dealer.

Relying on a little talent and a little technology, he is so arrogant.

He looks like he is the boss and he is the second.

But now it seems.

He is really too naive.

Let’s not talk about the Kree and Skrulls.

Let’s talk about Wakanda where Black Panther is.

The technology there, whether it is military or medical level.

It is far beyond this era!

And the Jericho missile that he was secretly proud of before.

Now it seems.

In comparison.

It is really a toy for children.

It seems.

He is still a long way from the real top.



Black Widow suddenly realized.

“Oh! Director, it turns out that you are blind because you were scratched by a cat!!!

Hey, when I asked you, you were so mysterious.

In the end, you were just scratched by a cat. ”

Director Nick Fury:!!!

Lewd Egg was very embarrassed.

It’s broken!

How could I forget this!!!

He stammered and argued.

“Um... To be precise, it’s not a cat.

It’s... a primordial beast.”

Hawkeye showed a look of “OK, OK, OK, OK, OK” and said.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.”

Lewd Egg was angry.

Good Hawkeye.

I think I value you so much on weekdays.

You are so perfunctory at the critical moment!??

Save me!

Speak for me!!!

Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah, what is the idiot!!!

Just when Director Lu Dan collapsed.

In the chat group.

Tony sent this message.

“Guys, we have to discuss it. to kill Thanos!!!”


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