The Queens District.

Peter, the youngest of the superheroes present, was the first to lose his temper.

Seeing Thor suddenly turn into Loki.

He was about to explode.

"What on earth is going on here?

Could it be that Loki has been video chatting with us all the time?

Thor has never appeared at all?

Asgard, Odin, Frigga, Heimdall...

Are these all fake, just illusions!???"

Spider-Man's words.

It really represents the voice of most people.

All the heroes have a weird feeling of being trapped in an urban legend.

Think about it.

Go home one day.

Suddenly find that your parents have changed into a different look.

Who wouldn't be horrified?

Loki saw the confusion of the crowd.

He didn't keep them in suspense.

He explained.

"No, no, no, at the beginning the screen was still pointed at Asgard.

The people who have been talking to you and the people you have been seeing are indeed Thor, Odin, and Frigga.

But, it's not the same later.

Speaking of which.

I am really glad to have this screen.

It made me see how weak I am, who can only fight in close combat and can only use a knife to kill Thanos before dying, and who claims to be the best wizard in the Nine Realms!

So, when the video was playing just now.

I was not idle either. While watching the video, I tried to improve my illusion skills.

Don't mention it, I really succeeded.

Didn't you realize that the video on the Asgard side became my illusion at some point?"


Everyone couldn't help but take a breath after hearing this.


Everyone really didn't know when Loki used the illusion.

Maybe it was influenced by the video.

Most people's impression of Loki is that he is a villain who provides jokes for the audience.

Or a melee mage who uses a knife before dying.

Everyone ignores it.

Loki is a mage!

A mage who is famous for his illusions!

If Loki hadn't exposed it himself.

No one knows how long they would have been kept in the dark!

Loki looked at the surprised expressions of superheroes in various dimensions through the screen.

He was very happy with it.


Loki continued.

"From your expressions, I can be sure that my illusion has begun to work.

Aren't you all asking us in 2008 how to prepare for Thanos 10 years later?

I don't care about other places.

But in Asgard.

My plan is to practice my illusion to the extreme in these ten years!

Add the existence of the Reality Stone, which is a BUG level!

Create a real Asgard out of thin air!

In the previous video, after Thanos collected the Power Stone, didn't he come to Asgard to get the Space Stone?


I have this confidence.

After ten years.

With the blessing of my powerful illusion and the Reality Stone.

I will create an Asgard where Thanos can't get out at all and can't tell the difference between reality and illusion!"

After Tony heard this.

His brain seemed to be hit by a giant hammer.


That's right!

How could I forget that there are wizards and gods in this world!

Damn it.

I still need to open my mind.

Tony was shocked by Loki's "Asgard rises from the ground" idea.

His original idea was to let Thor practice hard.

Improve his combat power as soon as possible.

Become a powerful person like Odin who can conquer the nine realms.


If possible.

Try to discipline the goddess of death Hela and Surtur.

They can destroy the entire Asgard with their bare hands.

Such a powerful combat power.

If you can turn it into your own.

It must be a powerful help!


The goddess of death Hela has been sealed by her father Odin for many years.

Surtur was defeated by Odin 500,000 years ago, and a few years later, he was always stubborn and wanted to realize the prophecy of Ragnarok.

Disciplining these two guys...

Making them friends...

is still quite difficult.


When Tony made a plan.

In fact, Asgard was considered as a sacrifice base, an object that could be abandoned.

But now.

Loki's proposal of "Asgard rising from the ground" made him see something different.

Same idea.


Thanos is very powerful.

Ten years is not enough to prepare.

But what if.

We use Loki's illusion and the reality gem.

We created Asgard and Earth out of thin air?

In this way, we can trap Thanos!

It can greatly buy time for the time and space of 2008!

Thinking of this.

Loki nodded.

Although he didn't have much good feelings for these superheroes who would fight him in the original future.

But his playful and mischievous nature made him very satisfied with Tony's proposal.

Loki smiled.

Is he playing with the universe and Thanos, whose strength is very close to that of his father Odin?

A slight mistake will lead to an irreversible situation.

It sounds dangerous.

But... isn't it exciting?

Communicate the plan for the location of Asgard.

Director Nick Fury proposed his own plan.

He thinks.

Although the Hydra organization is evil.

But it is not without merit.

Many of their weapon ideas can inspire S.H.I.E.L.D..

For example.

In 1943.

The Hydra organization used the energy of the Cosmic Cube to create cross-era weapons.

That’s why the Allies retreated repeatedly at the beginning.

If it weren’t for Captain America’s sudden appearance.

Maybe the world would really fall into the hands of the Hydra organization.

This is enough to show the power of the Cosmic Cube.

Since the Hydra organization can use the Cosmic Cube to make weapons.

Then why can’t S.H.I.E.L.D.?


According to the original historical process.

They should also do it.

Like the Battle of New York.

The contradictions among the Avengers members emerged.

It was because Loki revealed to the superheroes that S.H.I.E.L.D. was going to use the Cosmic Cube to make super-large lethal weapons.

And now.

Loki is on their side.

Tony is leading the way to appease the superheroes.

Presumably, the plan to use the Cosmic Cube to make super-large-scale lethal weapons will continue!

Thinking of this.

Director Lu Dan's eyes are getting brighter and brighter!

In addition to the Cosmic Cube.

What they can also touch in this time and space.

is Loki's scepter.

And the scepter contains the Mind Stone.

In the Battle of Sokovia.

The Mind Stone created a total of three things.

Mutants - Wanda, Quicksilver.

Ultron and Vision.

In Lu Dan's view.

Ultron and Vision are both uncontrollable existences.

Like Ultron, it was because he came into contact with the information on the human Internet.

That's why he turned evil.

Who can ensure what information is instilled in him?

Like Vision, that's even more unexpected.

In the original history.

Vision is half of Ultron's consciousness uploaded, which was intercepted by the Avengers.

Then Dr. Banner and Tony restarted the Cradle of Life.

Finally, Thor's lightning power was added.

Only then was Vision created.

There are too many steps in this!

There are too many uncontrollable factors!

Although another time and space.

That is, Wanda in Sokovia has reproduced Vision again.

But Lu Dan thinks that this is just luck.


He dare not focus on making Vision and Ultron.

On the contrary.

He is more interested in.

Using the Mind Stone to mass-produce humans with superpowers like Wanda and Quicksilver.

Most of the Avengers members are humans with superpowers.


In these ten years.

With the help of Wakanda's technology.

The Mind Stone is thoroughly studied.

How about mass-producing humans with superpowers?

Even bolder!

What if all humans on Earth have superpowers?

Then Thanos' army is nothing compared to them!

Lu Dan told the heroes about his two plans.

Everyone nodded in agreement.


In the process of fighting Thanos' army on Earth,

the main reason for everyone's failure was that there were too few people with superpowers.

If it weren't for the help of the Wakanda Army.

Just the first batch of monsters summoned by Proxima Midnight.

With just a few people from the Avengers,

it's not enough.

They can drown the Avengers with just a mouthful of spit.

How can they beat the other side?


Use the Mind Stone to mass-produce humans with superpowers.

It's indeed a good plan.


It was Tony's turn to speak.

Compared to Loki

and Director Lu Dan's plan that can radiate to the whole world and all mankind.

Tony's method is much simpler.

He wants to further improve the technology of Mark's armor.

To form a super-cutting-edge single-unit combat power.

The reason is very simple.

In the video.

If the newly-made nano armor can successfully take down Thanos in 2018 using only Earth technology.

It proves that there is already successful experience in this direction.

Then why not continue to improve in this direction?


What he wants.

Is technology!


Or fucking technology!

Tony firmly believes.

If the technology of SHIELD, Wakanda, Sakaar, Dwarf King Etri and other places is gathered.

His own armor will definitely be greatly improved!

And at that time.

Maybe the nano armor can be eliminated early.

Tony can create a set of exclusive anti-Thanos armor!

Even in his spare time.

You can also create anti-Thor armor, magic armor, six-gem armor, etc.

By that time.


For Tony.

Thanos is just a finger.

After listening to the plans of Tony, Loki, Director Lu Dan and others.

They said that they really have eyes!

They can still play like this!

Each of the proposed plans can be highly related to its own characteristics.

And it has strong operability!

With the 2008 gemstone in front.

For the superheroes of the remaining four planes.

It is undoubtedly stressful.

Just when it was the turn of the next plane to introduce their plans.

On the screen.

A new title appeared.


It was time to play a new video.

The superheroes of the remaining four planes had to give up.

They only had to wait until the video was finished before talking about their plans.


I have almost thought of the remaining four planes.

Let's cut to the Avengers 4 video first.

You can discuss the remaining four planes after this paragraph.

I'll see if you think the same as me.

Note: It should be in line with the background of time and space and the personnel configuration.

Looking forward to the great imagination of readers!


On the screen.

A new title appears.

"Famous Scene 1: Space Courier - Captain Marvel!"



Director Nick Fury was secretly surprised when he saw this title.


It's only been more than 20 years.

How did Captain Marvel deliver the package?

Although it is within the universe.

But, this is a courier after all!

With Captain Marvel's identity and ability.

It's not just a simple job as an ordinary courier!

What's going on?



Spider-Man couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to deliver a package in the universe.

To supplement the family income.

He had done something similar to a courier before.

It was a bit fresh at first.

But after that, it was repetitive and mindless.

But after he had the ability of Spider-Man, everything changed!

He could swing back and forth among the tall buildings in the city!

Enjoy the feeling of the wind blowing on his face!

Enjoy the excitement of doing one difficult move after another between the tall buildings!

This is just on Earth!

If it's true as the title says.

Captain Marvel became a courier in the universe.

What kind of scene would that be!

Peter continued to look down.


[Earth. ]

[Somewhere on the grass. ]

[Hawkeye is instructing his daughter to practice shooting. ]

[He has been retired for a while. ]

[But that's just not doing superhero work, his love for shooting has not changed. ]

[Let my daughter practice shooting. ]

[In Hawkeye's opinion, he might want to train her to be the second generation of Hawkeye. ]

[But... let's talk about it later. ]

[My daughter is too young now. ]

[Now I teach her archery. ]

[It's more about cultivating her interests and hobbies. ]

[If I really want to guide her to be the second generation of Hawkeye. ]

[Let's wait until she grows up. ]

[Hawkeye looked at his daughter's movements and said: Do you see the target clearly? ]

[The daughter nodded and stared at the target in front of her with full concentration. ]

[Hawkeye: If you want to shoot at the target, you have to move your feet a little further out. ]

[As he said, he stepped forward and moved his daughter's left foot. ]

[And as the camera moved down. ]

[Hawkeye's left foot was tied with a device used by the government to restrict criminals. ]

[Ever since

After helping Captain America at the airport, he and Ant-Man were internationally recognized as criminals. ]

[And Hawkeye seemed to have come to his senses after that prison experience. ]

[Rather than following the superheroes to fight and kill. ]

[It is better to live with your family. ]

[Even if there are instruments tied to his feet that limit his range of motion. ]

[Hawkeye touched his daughter's head and couldn't help laughing when he saw her nervous look. ]

[Haha, this child.

She is exactly the same as me back then. ]

[Hawkeye thought secretly. ]

[Hawkeye: Okay, are you ready now?

Do you remember what I said?

Three fingers. ]

[Not far away. ]

[The baby who was just born during the Battle of Sokovia is now growing up slowly. ]

[It has grown to the position of its mother's hips. ]

[Now, the little boy is practicing throwing the ball with his brother. ]

[In his heart, it would be the best if he could become a baseball pitcher when he grows up. ]

[Mom is preparing lunch for today at the table next to him. ]

[Looking at her two sons, her husband and her daughter having fun together. ]

[She smiled. ]

[This is home! ]

[Hawkeye's daughter may be shooting arrows for the first time, and she is nervous but still wants to escape. ]

[So, when she was about to shoot the arrow. ]

[She hurriedly said:

Hmm~o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o

What do I smell?

Who puts mayonnaise on hot dogs? ]

[Hawkeye touched his daughter's head. ]

[How could he not understand his daughter's little thoughts? ]

[But he didn't expose her. ]

[He turned to his wife and said: Two portions of mustard, thank you, mother! ]

[The wife asked the two children who were playing with the ball: Nate, mayonnaise or mustard? ]

[The youngest child said: How about ketchup? ]

[Wife: Ketchup? I have ketchup too. ]

[Swish! ]

[Hawkeye's attention was drawn back by the sound of the sharp arrow breaking through the air. ]

[He looked closely. ]

[But he saw that his daughter's sharp arrow had already hit the bull's eye of the target. ]

[Hawkeye smiled and high-fived his daughter. ]

[It seems that his daughter is very talented in archery. ]

[Hawkeye: Good shooting, little Hawkeye.

Okay, go get the arrow. ]

[The wife in the distance shouted to Hawkeye: Hey, you two, don't practice yet, the soup is ready. ]

[Hawkeye: Okay, we're coming, we're almost starving. ]

[Turning around, he was about to call his daughter who was going to pick up the arrow at the target to go with him. ]

[But when he turned around, he found that his daughter had gone somewhere. ]

[There was no trace of her next to the target. ]

[The arrow he had just shot was not on the target. ]

[Hawkeye felt something was strange. ]

[He walked forward to see what was going on. ]

[Suddenly. ]

[He felt that the surroundings were too quiet. ]

[He looked in the direction where his wife had been. ]

[But he found that his wife and two sons were also missing! ]

[Hawkeye's face fell instantly. ]

[He also entered a state of combat readiness. ]

[Something was wrong! ]

[Something must have happened! ]

[He continued to shout the names of his wife and children in the open space. ]

[But still no one answered him. ]


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