The world is full of people, and the world is full of people.


Thor saw this title.

He was stunned.



300 pounds?

You are so funny!

Have you seen my muscles?

In the whole Avengers team.

I have the biggest muscles!

Even Captain America, who takes drugs, can't compare to me!


You mean Hulk?

Hulk is just big!

Is he as good-looking as me?

Is he as muscular as me?


I am 300 pounds.

This is impossible!

Absolutely impossible!


Behind the military camp.

Captain America doesn't think Thor is fat to 300 pounds.

He thinks Thor is such a self-disciplined person.

It must be after the bitter victory five years ago.

He has been crazy self-disciplined.

Exercise like crazy.

Then he got to 300 pounds!

Captain America couldn't help but imagine it in his mind.

A Thor who pretends to be 300 pounds and has a muscular body like Hulk.

He secretly spurred himself in his heart.

He has taken drugs.

How can he be outdone by Thor?

No way.

Starting from tomorrow, no, starting from tonight.

Captain America Steve also wants to exercise!


No matter!

Start with the biceps first!


[The road next to the Norwegian grassland. ]

[Because of his huge body. ]

[Dr. Banner sits in the back of the big car like a wronged child. ]

[Following the car, we arrived at New Asgard. ]

[After five years of construction. ]

[This side of Norway. ]

[It used to be a prairie, but now there are many residential buildings. ]

[The other half of the people on the Asgard refugee ship came here to carry out normal life activities. ]

[Arrived at the destination. ]

[Rocket Raccoon looked at the Asgardians who lived here and were no different from the people on Earth. He couldn't help but sighed: Compared with the magnificent palace, this place is far worse. ]

[Banner: Have some sympathy, man.

First they went to Asgard, and then lost half of their people.

They were already very happy to have a home to live in. ]

[Hey! You shouldn't have come! ]

[Hearing someone calling them, Dr. Banner looked back. ]

[But he found that the Valkyrie who was wearing armor on Sakaar before had changed into casual clothes at this moment, no different from the people on Earth. ]

[Seeing this old friend, Banner smiled and walked forward: Hey, it's you, so glad to see you, angry girl. ]

[The Valkyrie looked at Banner in the green doctor state in front of her and couldn't help but say: I think your other two states, no matter which one, are better than your current state. ]

[Banner raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that even the Valkyrie would give such an evaluation. ]

[Before Hulk appeared, everyone said he was too barbaric. ]

[When Banner appeared, everyone said he was too weak. ]

[Now that the green doctor has come out, everyone says that he is inferior to the previous two forms. 】

【Ah╮( ̄▽ ̄")╭】

【What kind of world is this!】

【Shakes his head and throws out the weird thoughts in his mind.】

【Dr. Banner introduces his new partner, Rocket Raccoon, to Valkyrie.】

【After a simple greeting, Valkyrie skips the greetings.】

【He said to them directly: Don't even think about it, he won't see you.】

【Dr. Banner frowned: Is it that bad?】

【Valkyrie's face is not good: Yes, even we can only see him once a month.

When he comes to get supplies.】

【Valkyrie looks at the barrels of empty wine barrels on the corner of the street.】

【Obviously, this so-called supply is a wine barrel. 】

【Dr. Banner showed an embarrassed expression: Huh? So bad? 】

【The Valkyrie nodded: Yes. 】

【There was a hint of regret and helplessness in her eyes. 】



Thor looked at the barrels of beer.

He was stunned.

It's true that he likes to drink beer.


How come there are so many and so big barrels!

How could he be so decadent and drink like this?

Could it be.

It's really like what the title says.

He has become 300 pounds fat! ? ?


【Dong, dong, dong. 】

【Rocket Raccoon knocked hard on the wooden door. 】

【No one came out to open the door. 】

He knocked a few more times. ]

[Still no one responded. ]

[Without any help, Rocket Raccoon had to push the door open. ]

[As soon as he entered the door, he smelled a pungent smell of alcohol. ]

[No, not only that! ]

[Rather, it was filled with a foul smell! ]

[Even Rocket Raccoon, who had been wandering in interstellar prisons for many years and had seen many storms, couldn't help but frown when he smelled this smell. ]

[Rocket Raccoon tried to call out a few times: Hey, is anyone there? ]

[After a while, a heavy voice came from the room: Oh, you are a TV repairman, right?

The movie channel was unavailable two weeks ago.

The sports channel was also blurry. ]

[While talking, Thor walked towards the table, picked up a bottle of beer, and prepared to drink it. ]

[Banner looked at this fat, long-haired, unkempt, and scraggly man in surprise, and said tentatively: Thor? ]

[Hearing this familiar yet somewhat strange voice, Thor paused in picking up the bottle. ]

[Immediately, he put the bottle back. ]

[Turning around, he saw Dr. Banner appear at the door of his house. ]

[Thor was surprised and said: Oh my God, guys!

Oh my God, it's so good to see you! ]

[As he said that, he hugged him excitedly. ]

[Dr. Banner looked at this Thor, who was very different from the past in terms of body shape, temperament, and personality, and didn't know what to say for a moment. ]

[After hugging Dr. Banner, Thor noticed Rocket Raccoon at his feet again. ]

[Soon, he greeted Rocket Raccoon with an abnormal excitement: Hey, come here, you cute little bad guy! 】

[While saying this, he pushed Rocket's head back and forth between his crotch. 】

[Rocket stammered as if something was stuffed in his mouth:'t...don't mind it. 】


On the spaceship.

Rocket looked at himself in the video.

His head was covered with black lines.

It was broken.

What was going on.

Why did he feel defiled?


Stark Tower.

Pepper looked at the embarrassed Rocket.

He couldn't help but squeak and laugh.

"Hahaha, Rocket really deserves it.

Who told him to not keep his mouth shut before.

Now he's getting his comeuppance.


Compared to Pepper's happiness.

Tony's heart sank instead.

As the person who knows him best.

He clearly understands.

What he thinks about every day after the Battle of New York.

His mind is full of unknown alien enemies who may or may not come.

He seems to be full of tricks and dirty talk every day.

His heart is full of responsibilities to the earth and his relatives and friends on the earth.

And now.

Don’t look at the laughing Thor in the video.

In fact.

Tony knows it very well.

He is just putting on a show.

When Thor heard someone calling him, he recognized whose voice it was.

When he was taking the beer.

He was decadent.

When he put down the beer and greeted Dr. Banner and Rocket Raccoon warmly.

He was full of enthusiasm and seemed to have endless energy.

Just pretending to be who he is now.

Not bad.

I just don’t want my old friends to care about me.


Tony exhaled heavily.


The death of Thanos.

The change to you.

Is it so big?


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