The time has come, and the time has come.

[Put on your time travel uniforms. ]

[Get on the time machine. ]

[Captain America says: We lost our friends.

We lost our families.

We lost a part of ourselves.


We all have a chance to take back everything that belongs to us.

You know your groups.

And you know your mission.

Take back the gems.

Get everything that belongs to us.

Each person goes back and forth once.

No mistakes.

No do-overs.

Most of us go to places we are familiar with.

But that doesn't mean we know what we are about to encounter.

Be careful.

Take care of each other.

This is the most important battle of your life.

And we will win! ]

[Tony raised his eyebrows. ]

[Glanced at Captain America. ]

[Should I say it or not. ]

[Although I have always disliked Captain America for being an old-fashioned guy. ]

[But he is still talking nonsense and making pre-war speeches. ]

[Captain America is the No.1]

[Captain America: Good luck to everyone. ]

[Rocket Raccoon was stunned: Don’t mention it, he is really good at this. ]

[Tony clapped his hands: Okay, everyone.

Stand in position.

Banner, press the keyboard.

The tracker is ready to start. ]

[Hawkeye looked at the miniature spaceship in his hand, thinking. ]

[Rocket Raccoon emphasized to him: After you promise, you will guarantee to bring it back intact, right? ]

[Hawkeye: Got it, got it.

I will try my best, buddy. ]

[Rocket Raccoon crossed his arms in front of his chest and pouted: As a guarantee, this is not very good. ]

[After making preparations, Dr. Banner came to the time machine. ]

[Black Widow was obviously a little excited about this mysterious and unknown time travel. ]

[She smiled and said to everyone: See you in a minute. ]

[Then. ]

[The instrument is turned on. ]

[Everyone put on their helmets. ]

[The next moment. ]

[Everyone traveled into their own time and space. ]



Although he was not at the scene.

Spider-Man also became excited.

You know.

This is time travel!

In the past, everyone could only see it in movies.


It has finally become a reality.

How can this not make him, an underage high school student, excited?

I just don't know.

Which time and space did everyone go to.

And who formed a team.


[2012. ]

[New York. ]

[The Chitauri army has just landed on Earth from the wormhole. ]

[Groups of Chitauri are lying on the high-rise buildings in New York. ]

[They are roaring arrogantly at the people in the city. ]

[It seems that soon. ]

[The entire New York City will become their territory. ]

[And below. ]

[The Avengers, who have officially assembled for the first time, also fought back with no less momentum. ]

[Hulk roared loudly. ]

[Tony slowly landed in the Mark VII. ]

[Hawkeye tightened the bowstring, ready to shoot an arrow at any time. ]

[Thor holds the hammer of thunder, as if he will summon lightning in the next second. ]

[Black Widow silently loaded the pistol. She is the only girl here, and her strength is slightly weaker, so she must be more vigilant. ]

[Captain America also holds the shield tightly, ready to resist the enemy's sudden attack at any time. ]



Director Nick Fury looked at the first gathering of the Avengers.

He couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

Time flies so fast.

During the Battle of New York.

Everyone was still so young.

Who would have thought.

After a few years.

Everything has changed?

Thor's hammer is gone.

He has become a 300-pound fat man.

The righteous Hawkeye.

He has become a cold-blooded killer who kills enemies to vent his anger.

Tony hasn't contacted the Avengers team for five years.

Banner changed from the Hulk form.

He became the Green Doctor.

Natasha changed from the red curly hair at that time to the white hair form.

It seems.

In the entire Avengers generation.

Only Captain America Steve is the best maintained.

How many years have passed.

He hasn't changed at all.


Sure enough.

This one has been injected with drugs.

It's just different.


【Just when the heroes gathered. 】

【They were

At the other end of the street. ]

[In an alley somewhere. ]

[Everyone who traveled back from 2023 landed smoothly. ]

[Natasha said before that in this time and space, if you are lucky, you can get three Infinity Stones at once. ]

[Captain America followed everyone to make the final confirmation: Okay, everyone.

We all have our own tasks.

Two gems are in the upper city.

One gem is in the lower city.

Keep a low profile.

Pay attention to the time. ]

[Clang. ]

[The sound of smashing and destroying from outside the street startled everyone. ]

[Turning around. ]

[But found that the Hulk in 2012 swung a car and smashed it on a Chitauri soldier. ]

[Bang, bang, bang! ]

[Another Chitauri soldier saw how fierce the Hulk was and ran away without hesitation. ]

[Hulk is still not satisfied, so he jumps onto the car and stomps on it twice! ]

[Crack, crack! ]

[The enemies under the car are dead. ]

[Hulk goes to find his next target this time. ]

[Ant-Man, Banner, Captain America, and Tony are all dumbfounded when they see this scene. ]

[I haven't seen Hulk for a few years. ]

[I almost forgot that Hulk used to be so fierce. ]

[Captain America looks at him. ]

[Banner feels ashamed of his past. ]

[He scratches his head in dismay. ]

[Captain America: Why don't you just smash something? ]

[Banner pulls off his black sleeveless shirt and says: I don't think it's necessary, but it's up to you. ]

[For some reason, Banner feels that the other three want to see him smashing things here. 】

【Banner came to the street, imitating the Hulk's savagery, and wanted to roar. 】

【But then, he felt a little embarrassed. 】

【The sound just came out a little, and then it was held back. 】

【Banner walked to the side of the road and punched an abandoned car. 】

【Then he picked up a motorcycle on the road and threw it away. 】

【Although it was smashed, this way, no matter how you look at it, it reveals a sense of embarrassment. 】



Dr. Banner has already been embarrassed to dig out a three-bedroom and one-living room.

Good Captain America.

Click on me, right.

Watch for fun, right.

I am the one who smashed.

Not you.

I am embarrassed, okay! ! ! !

At this moment.

On the screen.

A new title appeared.

"Famous Scene 5: Banner Meets the Ancient One!"

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