The truth is, the truth is that Tony's heart is not as calm as he appears on the outside.

He actually wants to simply cancel the order for next week.

After all, Tony can still afford hundreds of millions of dollars.

It's not a big deal for one or two orders.


Someone kidnapped me in the video!

This is a very troublesome problem.

Logically speaking.

It is impossible for anyone from the black and white world to kidnap me.

Especially since I was supposed to go to Las Vegas the night before to be awarded the annual top award by Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes.

The people in the audience.

Either rich or noble!

You can say.

If I don't run to the casino next to me to have fun in the future.

But I really go to receive the award.

He couldn't even imagine.

How popular he would be on social media!

And you let such a popular arms dealer who is often mentioned on social media.

He was awarded an honorary award the night before yesterday.

He was kidnapped the next day during an arms deal?

This is not a kidnapping issue.

This is a slap in the face of the Eagle Sauce government, military and media.


Tony Stark!

The biggest arms boss in the country!

He was kidnapped!

What a ridiculous thing.

Do you want arms dealers from other countries to trade with your country?

You can't even protect your own citizens.

Arms dealers from other countries will just run away when they see the situation is not good.

Tony has no doubt.

After learning that he was kidnapped.

The Eagle Sauce government will pay at least ten years of military expenditure as a reward.

Reward the murderer behind his kidnapping.

Waiting for them.

There is only one way to go!

This is something that any normal human being can think of with their toes.

Tony doesn't believe that the group behind the scenes that kidnapped him from the Afghan military.

They can't think of such an obvious truth.


There may be only two left.

One is.

The black hand that kidnapped him.

Its strength.

It is much more terrible than everyone imagined.

It is not afraid of the global wanted at all.

The second...

It is the other party...

Kidnapped the wrong person?

Or the other party didn't know that the person they wanted to kidnap was Tony Stark?

Tony's mouth twitched.

He didn't want to say this speculation very much.

After all.

He felt that if this was the case.

It was too coincidental.

He was too unlucky.


[In the cave. ]

[Tony screamed in pain. ]

[In a daze, he saw someone digging a big hole in his chest. ]

[But due to his neurasthenia, he soon fell asleep again. ]

[Finally. ]

[Under the flickering flames. ]

[Tony woke up. ]

[He pulled out the thin hose that was inserted deep into his nostrils. ]

[He sat up with difficulty and looked around. ]

[I saw a bald man facing a blurry mirror, shaving. ]

[Tony was about to use something around him as a weapon for self-defense. ]

[Bald man: If it were me, I wouldn't do that. ]

[Tony then saw that an old machine at the head of the bed was extending two lines, one red and one blue, and inserted into his chest, preventing him from making too much movement. ]

[Tony ripped off the bandage on his chest in horror. ]

[Only then did he realize. ]

[This is a round, strange, metal device. ]

[Tony wanted to die at this moment. 】


Stark Tower.

Tony felt that a small part of the mystery had been solved.

"It turns out that during the New York battle, I looked like there was a bulge in my chest, and the root of it was here."

"At that time, I was surprised that I was so cruel that I dug a piece of meat from my chest in order to wear the armor. It seems that the root of everything is here."

"I don't know whether this bald man is good or bad."


[Tony looked at the bald man who was warming himself by the fire. ]

[Tony: You, what did you do to me? ]

[Bald man: What did you do? I saved your life. I tried my best to remove all the shrapnel.

But the remaining shrapnel will still flow with the blood and find ways to enter your heart valve.

This is your shrapnel, take a look. ]

[As he said, the bald man threw a glass at Tony

bottle. ]

[Tony took it and pointed the bottle at the overhead light, clearly seeing the dense shrapnel in it. ]

[Tony felt his scalp tingling. ]

[He knew it clearly. ]

[The biggest damage of the bomb is not only the power concentrated on the spot. ]

[There are also the shrapnel that spreads outward after hitting the target. ]

[Under the powerful shock wave. ]

[Each tiny shrapnel is no less than a bullet fired quickly. ]

[He knew that he was really lucky this time. ]

[Tony pointed to the strange device on his chest. ]

[Tony: What is this? ]

[Bald man: It's a magnet, powered by a car battery.

It can absorb shrapnel and prevent them from entering the heart. ]

[Tony nodded, zipped up his clothes, and saw the monitor on the top of the mountain. ]

[The bald man followed Tony's gaze and shrugged, not caring. ]

[Bald man: That's right, smile. ]

[Tony's eyes still revealed his distrust of everything around him. ]

[Bald man: We've met before, at a technical meeting in Bern. ]

[Tony: I don't remember. ]

[Bald man: Of course you don't remember. If I were as drunk as you, I would have been unable to stand. ]

[Although Tony heard that this person might be someone he knew, he still did not let down his guard. ]

[Tony: Where is this? ]

[Before the bald man could respond, there was a noise outside the door. ]

[A man with a thick beard who looked like a leader came over with several men. ]

[Seeing this, the bald man quickly raised his hands with Tony. ]

[Leader: Welcome! Tony Stark!

The most famous murderer!

It is my honor to meet you. Please help me make missiles.

Jericho missiles, weapons of mass destruction. 】

[The bald man listened to the leader's words while translating for Tony. 】

[After understanding the leader's intention, Tony's eyes were firm. 】

[Tony: I won't do it. 】

[The leader's eyes changed from a good man at the beginning to a fierce one. 】

[The camera turned. 】

[Tony was waterboarded by these terrorists for more than an hour. 】


Stark Building.

Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes couldn't help but worry about Tony, his good friend.

As a military man, he knew him very well.

A person who had no experience of torture.

A person who was pampered on weekdays.

Suddenly he was waterboarded for an hour.

What kind of torture was that.

It was equivalent to a physical truth serum.

The four words "tortured into confession" were still too light.

Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes sighed.

"I hope... we can identify the mastermind as soon as possible through this video."

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