The funeral was over.

[The funeral is over. ]

[Hawkeye and Wanda come to the lake. ]

[He feels that he has a lot in common with this red-haired woman. ]

[They both lost the most important person in each other's heart. ]

[Hawkeye slowly said: I hope there is a way to let her know... We won, we did it. ]

[Wanda nodded: She will know.

They will both know. ]

[When she said this, Wanda thought of her lover, Vision. ]

[Hawkeye approached her and hugged her shoulders. ]


[Outside the wooden house. ]

[Happy, with a big belly, sat on a wooden chair with Tony's daughter Morgan. ]

[Happy: Are you okay, little girl? ]

[Morgan: I'm fine. ]

[Happy: Really? ]

[Morgan: Uh-huh. ]

[Happy: Are you hungry? ]

[Morgan: Uh-huh. ]

[Happy: What do you want to eat? ]

[Morgan: Cheeseburger. ]

[Hearing this, Happy smiled and said to Morgan: You know what? Your dad also likes cheeseburgers.

Uncle will buy you as many cheeseburgers as you want. ]


[Norway. ]

[Somewhere on the grassland. ]

[Big-bellied Thor, wearing sunglasses, looked in the direction of New Asgard, a little absent-minded. ]

[At this time. ]

[A woman's voice interrupted his thoughts. ]

[Valkyrie: So... when are you going to come back? ]

[Thor was a little hesitant. He hadn't thought clearly about this matter yet. ]

[The Valkyrie looked at his shy look and smiled: Thor, your people need a king. ]

[Thor took off his sunglasses and looked at the Valkyrie: No, they already have a king. ]

[The Valkyrie laughed even harder. ]

[Because she understood the meaning of Thor's eyes. ]

[Let her become the new king of Asgard? ]

[This joke is so funny. ]

[But after laughing for a while. ]

[She found that Thor didn't laugh with her. ]

[Thor is serious about this matter. ]

[The Valkyrie restrained her smile. ]

[The expression also became serious. ]

[Valkyrie: Are you serious? ]

[Thor smiled and nodded: I should be my true self.

Instead of fulfilling the expectations of others.

But you, you are a leader.

That is the real you. 】



Thor looked at the words in the video.

He had some insights in his heart.


Does he really enjoy being a king?


Does he just enjoy the feeling of fighting on the battlefield?

This question.

He needs to think it over carefully.

Loki repeated what Thor said in the video.

Muttered to himself.

"I should be my true self.

Instead of fulfilling the expectations of others.

So, what kind of person am I really?"


[The Valkyrie said: But I will make a lot of changes here. ]

[Thor: I'm counting on you, Your Majesty. ]

[Then, she reached out her hand. ]

[The Valkyrie thought for a moment. ]

[She also reached out her hand and held Thor's hand to show her agreement. ]

[At this time. ]

[The Valkyrie was a little confused: By the way, what are you going to do? ]

[Thor frowned slightly: I'm not sure either.

For the first time in a thousand years, I've lost my target.

But I have a ride. ]

[At this time. ]

[Rocket Raccoon drove the new orange spaceship and called him: Hurry up, big fur ball. ]

[On the spaceship. ]

[Star-Lord is using the system to collect Gamora's whereabouts. ]

[But it seems that there is still no result. ]

[At this time. ]

[He heard Thor's voice. ]

[Thor: Hey (。・∀・)ノ゙, guys, you are here.

Xiaoshu, it's nice to meet you. ]

[Pah. ]

[Thor put his luggage on the table. 】

【He came to Star-Lord, patted his shoulder vigorously, and said: The Guardians of the Galaxy Asgard have reunited.

Where are we going? 】

【As soon as the voice fell, Thor swiped the screen very familiarly. 】

【Star-Lord curled his lips. 】

【He was very familiar with Thor, acting like a captain,

Very unhappy. ]

[Obviously he is the captain! ]


On the spaceship.

Rocket Raccoon shook his head.

Said to Star-Lord.

"No, no, no, Quill, you heard it clearly.

On this ship, only I am the captain."

Groot echoed: "I am Groot!"

Star-Lord nodded repeatedly.

"Of course, you are the captain."

Hearing this satisfactory reply.

Rocket Raccoon nodded proudly.

Wait for Rocket Raccoon to turn his head to one side.

Star-Lord leaned close to the ear of the tree man Groot and whispered.

"Actually, I am the captain of this ship. You think so too, right?"

Groot whispered: "I am Groot."

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