The old man was born in a strange land.


Thor, the god of thunder, sympathizes with Tony's experience.

When he went to maintain stability in other places several times in his early years.

It's not that no companions sacrificed their lives.

Just to win time to win.

So these experiences have shaped Thor into what he is today.

He is a person who values ​​feelings and friendship.

Loki looked at Thor, who was moved.

He was filled with mixed feelings.

He always thought of himself as a think tank leader.


He really didn't fight with Thor.

He had never seen a good partner die in front of him.

Compared with the emotional Thor.

Loki seemed a little cold-hearted.

Even for Loki.

Emotions are just a tool to manipulate people.


After watching the video where Ethan sacrificed himself for Tony.

Loki couldn't help but think.

"If one day, brother, you are going to die in front of me."

"What will I do..."

This question fell into his heart.

There was no response for a long time.

Loki fell into deep thought.



Hawkeye and Black Widow smiled at each other.

"If one day, only sacrificing one person can save the life of another person. What will you do?"

Black Widow pushed away the hair blocking her forehead.

"Nonsense, of course I'm going to die."

"Hey, why are you rushing ahead of me? It must be me who's going to die!"

"Go play, I'm going to die."

"No, I'm the one who's going to die."

"No, I'm going."

"No, I'm going."

The two top SHIELD agents are fighting like kindergarten kids fighting for candy.

It's obviously a topic about who's going to be sacrificed.

But one or two of them are rushing to die.

As if dying is a good thing.

After a few minutes of quarreling with Hawkeye.

It was quiet again.

But the smiles in the corners of their eyes and mouths still betrayed their own little thoughts.

Black Widow thought she would take the initiative to die for Hawkeye.

Because for her.

Hawkeye was the one who gave her another life.

In the Red Room.

Black Widow was trained to be a killing weapon.

Numb, cold-blooded, cruel.

Even the leader of the organization used drugs to control Black Widow's fertility in order to make her free from the bondage of emotions.

She will never be able to form a normal family in the future.

That period of time was the darkest time for Black Widow.

If she hadn't been blacklisted by S.H.I.E.L.D. and sent Hawkeye to kill her.

Hawkeye and she didn't know each other, spared her life, and took her into S.H.I.E.L.D.

Her identity was completely cleared from then on.

Perhaps she didn't know how far she would go on the wrong path.

And for Hawkeye.

Black Widow is a person he can die for.

Of course.

It's not because of any love between men and women.

It's family love.

After all.

Hawkeye has prepared a place for retirement in a remote village in advance.

His wife and two children are also there.

Black Widow gets along well with his two children, and they both affectionately call her Godmother Natasha.

You can say.

After so many years of getting along.

Black Widow is already half of Hawkeye's family.

And to sacrifice oneself to protect one's family.

Isn't that a man's responsibility?

Hawkeye thinks so.

Of course.

He also sincerely hopes.

Never let this happen in the future.

One of the two must die in exchange for the life of the other.


【Famous scene 5: The first press conference! 】

【After being rescued from the desert by the military. 】

【Tony asked Pepper to do two things. 】

【One is the cheeseburger he missed for three whole months. 】

【The second is to call an emergency press conference. 】

【At the press conference. 】

【Tony sat on the stage, and it was obvious that his body had not recovered yet. 】

【He was seen eating a burger while talking. 】

【Tony: I haven't said goodbye to my dad. I still have questions that I haven't had time to ask him.

I want to ask him what he thinks of this company.

Has he ever been conflicted or doubtful?

Maybe he is not the person we have seen in the news in the past.

Like that. ]

[Tony paused, put down the burger in his hand, and continued. ]

[Tony: I saw young people being killed with my own eyes, killed by the weapons I designed that were supposed to protect them.

Moreover, I found myself becoming part of a completely irresponsible system.

I am finally awakening from my dream now.

I began to realize that I can do more for this world and this society.

So, I plan to close the weapons manufacturing department of Steinke International as soon as possible. ]

[As soon as the voice fell. ]

[The whole place was like an explosion. ]

[All the reporters and media stood up. ]


Behind the military camp.

Howard heard Tony's words.

He also started to think.

Have you ever hesitated or regretted it yourself?

Of course.


Although he is now providing military assistance to the soldiers as a weapons supplier.

Producing one more shell for the soldiers.

You can destroy one more enemy.


As the country's top weapons manufacturer, he has also heard some of the latest scientific research news recently. Some people want to use nuclear fission and nuclear fusion to make weapons. After he briefly understood it, he quickly came to a conclusion. If this weapon can eventually be produced, then there is no doubt that it will quickly change the entire war pattern. Even, it will change the way humans think about waging war in the future. Moreover, although this weapon seems difficult to make at the moment, it is still only in the theoretical stage. But if the time scale is slightly extended, it will not take more than five years. Howard firmly believes that his country can make this weapon. Not many. Just one or two are needed. It is enough to end the entire war. It looks good, right? The soldiers can go home. The enemies are defeated. The national economy has returned to normal. Even because the whole country has worked together to win a victory. National self-confidence will rise all the way!

Various factors will make the whole country continue to develop upward.



Let's extend this time scale a little bit.

To about fifty years.

At this time.

There should be two or three countries with such nuclear weapons.

And don't forget.

This weapon can change the situation of the entire war.


These countries that have it will inevitably be cautious.


They will definitely not dare to carry it out easily.


These will enter into extremely crazy and distorted military preparations.

At that time.

A little friction.

A little spark.

There will be another world war.

The story of the Sarajevo incident triggering World War I will be repeated again.

How could this not make him feel hesitant and hesitant?

Howard told Captain America about his concerns.

Captain America scratched his head.


"I'm just a soldier, I don't know much about this kind of national level stuff."

"But I only know one thing."

"I don't know why, I lived to the future 70 years later!"

"And the quality of life, entertainment, and smiles on the faces of people in that era are much better than ours now."

"I think Howard, you don't have to think too much, future generations have their own wisdom."

"We just need to do the current things and solve the current problems."

After listening to Captain America's words, Howard just felt much better.

Just about to respond a few words.

Captain America continued to speak.

"Besides, according to Tony, didn't you die in a car accident when he was a teenager?"

"Then why do you care so much?"

"Don't worry about it, old Deng."

Howard just felt a mouthful of old blood rushing up his throat.

He just felt that Steve Rogers should not be called Captain America!

He should be called Captain with Honey in His Mouth!


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