The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two were in a state of panic.

[Xavier School. ]

[Colossus was eating cereal breakfast while listening to the news. ]

[The news was saying that this morning, on the intercity highway, there were multiple gunshots in a multi-car crash.

Due to traffic congestion, the police were unable to arrive at the scene.

The host suggested that citizens should try to avoid going out. ]

[At this time. ]

[Colossus suddenly heard the host lady announce that there was a person wearing a red suit inside. ]

[Colossus's movements stopped instantly. ]

[He thought of someone, that was Deadpool, who gave him a very bad impression and was full of nonsense! ! ! ]

[Pop! ]

[He slammed his hand on the table. ]

[Shouted: Hey! Warhead!

Let's go, we have a mission! ]

[There was a hint of anger in his words. ]

[He came to the side of the spaceship. ]

[The female superhero Warhead with a Gothic look and a buzz cut called out to Colossus: Colossus, wait for me. ]

[Colossus complained: I gave Deadpool so many opportunities to join us.

But he's just like a child.

A fully armed child.

When will he be able to mature a little and see the benefits of being a member of the X-Men? ]

[Faced with the complaints of his teammate Colossus, Warhead with earrings said bluntly: What are the benefits? A fitted tights?

Or a house that explodes every few years? ]


The Stark Tower.

Tony felt that the Gothic-looking female Warhead was absolutely right.

The benefits of being a superhero are really minimal.

Sometimes he really thinks that joining the Avengers is of no benefit.

In the final analysis, it is still for love.

It is not an official organization.

If you do something, people will gossip about it.

The Secretary of State, that idiot, troubles them every day.

When I watched the video before, the Secretary of State also forced them to sign the Sokovia Accords, which were subject to many restrictions and restrictions and were supervised by 117 countries.

Isn't this pure stupidity?


What are the benefits of joining a superhero group?

Maybe, just like what the little girl named Warhead said.

You can have a few sets of suitable masked tights.

And there are buildings that explode every few years.

Thinking of this.

Tony's head hurts even more.


If I remember correctly.

It was shown in the previous video.

All the buildings he spent money to build were blown up in turn!

His home was bombed by Killian's men with a helicopter.

Loki came to the Avengers Building directly.

If they hadn't stopped Loki later, it would have been bombed.

Oh no.

There was another time.

It was when Ultron just appeared.

He directly instigated the Iron Legion he built.

He ruined his Avengers Building.


In the video, he seemed to think that the Feng Shui here was not good.

He immediately moved his position.

He went to the location of the Avengers base.

But the good times didn't last long.

After a few years.

It was directly shot down by Thanos from the past time and space with an army! ! !

Thinking of this.

Tony felt a headache.

What the hell is going on!

We just want to build a good Avengers Alliance.

Why is the place where we live bombed by the enemy every day! ? ? ?

Sigh╮( ̄▽ ̄")╭


Behind the military camp.

Captain America was a little touched by what he said about the warhead.


Joining the superhero team.

There is no benefit.

It is more of a responsibility.

A responsibility to rush up and kill the enemy.


Generally speaking.

There are not many people who become superheroes.

It is not bad now.

It is mainly in the war years.

The enemy also has the bad seed Red Skull.

Ordinary people still have aspirations to become superheroes and enter the battlefield to kill the enemy and win.

But if.

Red Skull is defeated later.

The people's impulse to become heroes will subside a lot.

By that time.

Maybe Captain America will retire.

Although it means world peace and people's happy life.

But he is used to being a soldier and leading an army to kill into the enemy's belly.

It will make him idle all of a sudden.

I'm not used to it.



A pharmaceutical company called Water came to me.

They said they wanted to extract the blood from Captain America and try to replicate the super soldier serum.

They hope to mass produce superheroes like Captain America.

During the conversation, they seemed to call this super soldier serum-like thing Compound No. 5.

In addition.

The representative of this company also hoped that he would become the screen image of their company after the war.

Go to the film industry, expand his influence gradually, and gradually become one of the brand images of the country.

Captain America is a rough man.

After listening to that meeting.

I felt confused.

I always felt that the other party was under a lot of sweet talk.

They buried a lot of pits for me.

Although it sounds.

Replicating super soldier serum, mass producing characters like Captain America, entering the film industry, becoming a national brand image, etc.

These are all good suggestions.

But Captain America always felt that there was some hidden conspiracy.

Captain America was also very conflicted about this.

He thought he should find some time to ask Tony, Director Nick Fury and other people who have managed large organizations.

Ask if there is any conspiracy or something.

Captain America sighed.


╮( ̄▽ ̄")╭

I hope I am overthinking.



When Black Widow saw the words "Xavier School" and "X-Men", her pupils shrank slightly.

She recalled that she once walked through an alley one night.

It was as if she had entered another world.

There was an old man named Professor X there, who founded the Xavier School for mutants.

He also called the fighters there X-Men.

That night.

She seemed to see the figures of Colossus and Warhead.

Could it be that...

The world where Deadpool is.

It is the plane where the X-Men are.

Thinking of this, Black Widow couldn't help but open her eyes wide. .

Looking forward to the next content.


In the rental house.

Deadpool looked at the two seemingly righteous Colossus and Slug.

He couldn't help but frowned slightly.

He is now.

He has not yet come into contact with this organization called the X-Men.


In the future, these two annoying guys will never tire of looking for him.

Do they want to join the X-Men again and again?

Thinking of this.

Deadpool couldn't help but frowned.

He is an old mercenary.

He is used to being free and undisciplined.

Joining an official organization again.

Becoming a superhero or something like that.

It's a bit too boring.


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