The whole world is in chaos.

Everyone saw this.

They were all stunned.

Most of the titles they had seen before were about the famous scenes of someone.


They had never seen a title based on someone's name alone!


This person must be very important!



Isn't he just the second prince of Asgard who longs for his father's love?

Oh, no.

If Haila, the eldest sister, is included.

Loki should be called the third prince.

But wasn't Loki strangled to death by Thanos when Thanos's spaceship arrived at the Asgard refugee ship?

Why are there still videos about him?


Even if there is.

Is Loki worthy of a separate series of videos?

You know.

The previous Loki.

But he invaded the earth and rebelled in Asgard.

Not to mention how many times he faked his death.

Such a cunning man who incorporates conspiracy and trickery into his behavior habits.

Is it really worth opening a separate series of videos for him?



Thor doesn't care what other superheroes think of his brother Loki.

Because he saw it on the refugee ship.

Loki stood up to protect himself.

He tried to assassinate Thanos.

Although the action failed.

In the end, he was strangled to death by Thanos.


Loki's kindness to him.

Thor has always remembered it in his heart.

It was from that time.

His attitude towards Loki improved a lot.

It's like he got to know Loki again.


It seems.

This brother is not that bad.

And now.

This weird screen opens a video for his brother Loki alone.

Thor is very happy.


This is very likely to confirm his previous point of view.

That is Loki on the refugee ship.

Maybe it's just another fake death!

The real Loki.

Maybe he has already escaped!


This screen will have a new video of Loki!


If Loki died.

How could there be a new video?

Thinking of this.

Thor gave Loki a bear hug.

Excitedly said.

"Great, Loki!"

"You are not dead!"

"You escaped again!!!"

After hearing this, Loki.

Forced a smile.

Being smart, he naturally knew what his brother Thor was worried about.

What was he thinking in his heart.


Am I really not dead?

In the previous Thanos video.

No matter how you look at it.

You can't die any more!

The two snaps of fingers later.

Whether it was Dr. Banner snapping his fingers.

or Tony snapping his fingers.

Loki didn't see his resurrection in the video.


Why does this screen give me a separate title?

Loki, who was thinking hard, suddenly thought of something.

His pupils shrank suddenly!


Could it be!

It's that Loki! ! ! !


Just when everyone was thinking about it.

On the screen.

New content appeared.

[2012. ]

[New York. ]

[At this time, Loki had just been captured by the Avengers. ]

[And the Avengers in the future time and space arrived at the first floor of the Avengers Building. ]

[Caused conflict and chaos. 】

【Tony from the future wanted to take the briefcase containing the Cosmic Cube and run away. 】

【But he never expected that. 】

【Just when he ran to the corner of the stairs. 】

【Hulk knocked him out. 】

【And the Cosmic Cube in the briefcase. 】

【Just by chance, it came to Loki. 】

【Loki saw that the surroundings were in chaos. 】

【No one noticed him. 】

【He was overjoyed! 】

【Knowing that this was a good opportunity to escape! 】

【So. 】

【He held the Cosmic Cube. 】

【The next moment. 】

【He fled from the Avengers Building. 】

【Came to a desert. 】



Seeing that it was the story of Loki in the past time and space.

Thor's eyes couldn't help but dim a little.

So said.

When his brother Loki was still on the refugee ship

Did he die at that time?

Loki saw the flicker in Thor's eyes.

He patted his shoulder and comforted him.

"Brother, think positively."

"Isn't the me in the past me anymore?"

"Besides, this screen didn't show what happened to me after I was on the refugee ship."

"Maybe I really survived, right?"

Hearing this.

Thor's eyes regained some luster.


Who said that the video of Loki after the refugee ship was not played? That means Loki is dead!

Maybe it's just that the time has not come yet!

It depends on what will happen in the future!

Thinking of this.

Thor's hearty smile returned.


"Okay, then let's see what kind of story you will have in another universe in 2012!"

"I remember that you were very annoying at that time!"

After hearing this, Loki couldn't help but frown.



Myself in 2012.

I was indeed too naive and a bit of a jerk.

I don't know.

Myself after taking the Cosmic Cube and running away.

What will happen?

Loki looked up.

Then he looked down.


[Although he came to the desert. ]

[But the way he came here doesn't look that cool. ]

[Since Loki fled in a hurry. ]

[So, the location where the Cosmic Cube opened the portal is dozens of meters above the desert. ]

[Loki fell heavily to the ground. ]

[Looks miserable. ]

[Loki spits out the sand in his mouth. ]

[Although he looks very embarrassed now. ]

[But fortunately! ]

[He still escaped from the Avengers Building! ]

[These damn Avengers! ]

[And that stupid big Thor! 】

【After I have repaired myself! 】

【I must reorganize an army and kill them without leaving a single piece of armor! ! ! 】



Thor looked at Loki unhappily.

"Loki, did you want to kill me without leaving a single piece of armor?!"

Loki smiled awkwardly.

He defended.

"Hey, you know, everyone has a young time..."


【At this time. 】

【He saw several yellow-skinned faces coming up. 】

【He couldn't help but feel a little confused. 】

【Yellow people? 】

【What did this do to me? 】

【Is this still China? 】

【He stood up and just introduced himself. 】

【But suddenly he found a strange sound coming from his right. 】

【And a frosted glass-like door suddenly appeared in the air. ]

[A few people wearing black helmets and black military uniforms came out of the door. They looked well-trained. ]

[As soon as they appeared, they began to detect the Cosmic Cube on the ground. ]

[Loki ran over and shouted: Don't touch that thing! ]

[The three people saw Loki running towards them. ]

[Immediately raised their weapons vigilantly. ]

[As if as long as Loki had the intention to attack. ]

[They would kill him immediately. ]

[Just when the two sides were on the verge of a fight. ]

[Another portal opened. ]

[A black lady who looked like the team leader came out. ]

[She said: It seems that this is a standard time sequence violation.

The slope of the time branch development speed is normal.

Time violation was discovered. ]

[Loki listened to the black lady talking about a lot of things and couldn't help but be a little confused. ]

[What is she talking about? 】

【Why can't I understand a word? 】

【Is this still English? 】

【Loki: Who are you? 】

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