The building collapsed, and the danger was resolved.

[Seeing that the building collapsed, the crisis was resolved. ]

[Sylvie immediately told Loki to continue running. ]

[Even if the purple meteorites were falling on the ground like rain. ]

[They still had to rush towards the Ark. ]

[Because. ]

[This is their only chance to escape! ]

[But the next moment. ]

[A bigger meteorite directly crashed into the Ark. ]

[Their chance to escape. ]

[Gone. ]



Loki saw this.

He was almost dumbfounded.



Are you kidding me! ? ?

At this time, shouldn’t the normal plot be that Sylvie and I run into the Ark together.

Then open the Ark and escape outside the planet?

You just blew up the Ark.

Now we don’t have the time controller anymore.

How can I play this!!!


[Asgard. ]

[The young female Loki Sylvie is playing with toys in the hall. ]

[Completely unaware that two orange transparent portals have quietly appeared behind her. ]

[The black female judge is still a guard at this time. ]

[She glanced at the instrument in her hand. ]

[Confirmed that Sylvie is the one they want to cut. ]

[Without saying anything. ]

[Not even responding to Sylvie’s question. ]

[Just took Sylvie away. ]

[Sylvie came to the Time Management Bureau. ]

[Going through the same process as Loki. 】

【For example, I saw a disobedient long-haired man being reset. 】

【For example, entering the elevator to register, passing security checks, etc. 】


【Sylvie is the same as Loki. 】

【Come to the court to be tried. 】

【But. 】

【Unlike Loki. 】

【At this time, Sylvie is obviously smarter. 】

【After a sneak attack on the black female judge, he took the time controller from her. 】

【After opening a portal, he immediately escaped. 】



Loki saw this.

He couldn't help but smile happily.

I didn't expect this Sylvie.

When I was young.

This style of doing things is exactly the same as mine.

Whether it is the style of doing things or the spirit of not giving in.

It is exactly the same as mine.

Laughing and laughing.

Loki's smile suddenly stopped.


Why do I always worry about Sylvie recently?


[The scene changes. ]

[In the elevator. ]

[The black female judge takes a deep breath. ]

[Faced with the escape of two time prisoners. ]

[I think the time guardian will be extremely angry. ]

[He will be furious with me later. ]


[With a ding. ]

[The golden elevator door opened. ]

[Mobius hurriedly followed. ]

[Ask the black female judge what the situation is now. ]

[The black female judge said with an unpleasant face: No, Mobius, I'm not good.

In fact, it's terrible.

Even in a peaceful and prosperous era, facing the time guardian would be very stressful.

Not to mention that it's a mess now. ]

[Mobius: Yes, yes, I know.

But it's not all your fault. ]

[Black female judge: No, they blame me.

Those two time criminals were here just now.

Even, at the door of the golden elevator.

What if she really found the time guardian? ]

[Mobius comforted: I know.

But it hasn't been found yet. .]

[Speaking of this, the black female judge became even angrier. ]

[She responded: Yes, yes, yes, it was not found.

But she escaped.

And, she was with another time criminal.

If I remember correctly.

He was able to come here because I applied for permission for you. ]

[Agent Mobius glanced to the side. ]

[His expression was a little embarrassed. ]

[Indeed. ]

[I repeatedly assured the black female judge at the beginning that it was okay. ]

[She said that Loki would definitely be under her control. ]

[But who could have thought that Loki would escape in front of her eyes? 】

【The black female judge saw that the other party was about to talk nonsense and make excuses.


[Immediately emphasized: Do you know how difficult it is to keep the timeline stable?

Only the Time Guardian can protect us from destruction.


[Mobius spread his hands: I am grateful that they can stand on our side.


If they want me to find Loki and another time offender.

I still have to talk to the pursuer C20. ]

[The black female judge shook her head and said: Sorry, that's impossible.

She died, Mobius.....]

[Mobius: What! ? ? ?

When! ? ? ? ]

[The black female judge carefully looked around and made sure that no one was approaching her.

She explained: The time offender disturbed C20's mind. ]

[Mobius frowned in confusion: That's not right.

I remember that she was fine when she came here before. ]

【Black female judge: That's right.

But when she came back here, she couldn't speak anymore.

After that, her condition deteriorated faster and faster.

Finally, she died. ]

【Mobius took a deep breath. ]

【Obviously, he didn't expect this result. ]

【Black female judge: So, you know what's going on now.

Promise me not to spread this news.

I don't want people to panic. ]



Director Nick Fury crossed his arms over his chest.

He frowned.

What does this mean?

Killing to silence people?

It seems... there are more and more secrets in the Time Management Bureau.

That is, I don't know.

Is this black female judge also involved.....


【On the planet. 】

【At this moment, more and more meteorites fell to the ground. 】

【Sylvie sat on the ground in a daze. 】

【Now, the Ark is destroyed, and the time controller is gone. 】

【She has no idea what to do. 】

【She has no idea how to escape. 】

【A planet hits a satellite? 】

【This doomsday event is too big! 】

【How can she escape!!! 】

【Loki slowly approaches. 】

【Says to Sylvie: I'm sorry. 】

【Indeed. 】

【At this moment, he feels sincerely sorry. 】

【If he hadn't been drunk on the train just now. 】

【The guards on the train noticed something was wrong. 】

【So he was thrown out. 】

【If the time controller was broken. 】

【At this moment, they would have obtained power from the Ark long ago. 】

【Opened the portal and escaped. 】

【You can say. 】

【There is a result now. 】

【It's all my fault. ]

[Sylvie wanted to get angry. ]

[But she thought that the world was about to be destroyed. ]

[What's the point of getting angry? ]

[So. ]

[She changed the subject and said: I remember Asgard.

Not very clearly, but I have an impression.

My hometown, my people, my life.

All there.

The universe wanted to break free.

So he created chaos.

And I, who was born as the goddess of trickery, was one of them.

As long as there is a clear branch in the sacred timeline.

The Time Administration will appear.

Eliminate the reality I am in.

Then catch me.

And I was just a child at the time.

I ran away.

After that.

Wherever I go, any place, there will be related events.

Because I shouldn't exist.


I found my place of existence.

That is the end of countless worlds.

This... is my life.

Now... this is where I will be buried. 】

【Hearing this. 】

【Loki was silent. 】

【He didn't know how to comfort him. 】

【Because. 】

【Now he has no other options. 】


【Time Management Bureau. 】

【Agent Mobius is still searching for the two. 】

【But... he knows there is little hope. 】

【Because Loki had already argued with him before. 】

【As long as you are in the doomsday event. 】

【Then, nothing you do will cause related events. 】

【And their Time Management Bureau relies on related events to search for anomalies. 】

【In other words. 】

【If there is no accident. 】

【Loki and Sylvie will never be found in their lifetime. 】


【At this time, the planet above the planet is decomposing. 】

More and more meteorites fell on the planet. 】

【Even. 】

【Later. 】

【It can be predicted. 】

【Even planets will hit the planet where Loki and Sylvie are. 】

【Sylvie looked at the meteorites one by one, and said in a calm tone with a hint of fear: There is not much time left.

Do you think the reason why Loki became Loki.

Is it because we are destined to fail? 】

【Loki: No, we may fail.

Sometimes it will be even horrible.

But we can't die.

We will survive.

Just like you.

At that time, when the Time Administration caught you, weren't you just a child?

But you almost defeated the organization that claimed to rule the time order.

You did it single-handedly.

You are the best! 】

【After hearing this, Sylvie's heart softened. 】

【Unconsciously. 】

【The force on his hand increased a bit. 】

【And it was at this moment. 】

【Loki realized. 】

【It turned out that the two of them had been holding hands for a long time without realizing it. 】


【Time Management Bureau. 】

【It was at this moment. 】

【Agents B15 and Mobius found some clues through the instruments. 】

【At a certain point in time. 】

【The related events are climbing up at an unexpected speed! 】

【And the angle is almost vertical!!! 】

【Although I have seen time branches with such a terrifying tilt angle and climbing speed before. 】

【But Agent Mobius knows. 】

【Loki and Sylvie must be there! 】


【On the planet. 】

【The planet in the sky has completely landed. 】

【A huge wave was raised on the ground. 】

【The hot waves of fire seemed to burn the two of them. 】

【But Sylvie and Loki still held each other's hands calmly. 】

【Looking at each other with affection. 】

【It seems... that they have long accepted their fate. 】

【But suddenly...】

【Two portals appeared behind them. 】

【People from the Time Management Bureau are here! 】



Thor looked at Loki who was celebrating his escape. 、

But other things came to his mind.

Female Loki Sylvie and Loki touched each other.

There will be a huge related event.

But the two of them just touched many times.

Why didn't the time branch occur?

What exactly changed?

Could it be that...

the two of them had feelings for each other.

The love between Loki and Sylvie.

broke through everything.

Did a huge time branch occur?

Thinking of this.

Thor smiled.

Are you in love with yourself?

This feeling is really wonderful.


Only yourself.

is worthy of such a proud person like Loki.


[Time Management Bureau. ]

[At this moment, Loki and Sylvie are imprisoned in different places. ]

[Loki came to a place that should be a fantasy. ]

[Because... this is Asgard! ]

[How could there be Asgard in the Time Management Bureau? ]

[It's funny! ]

[Just when Loki wanted to laugh at them for showing off in his best field. ]

[Thor's comrade Sif came over. ]

[And she came with anger on her face. ]

[Because Loki cut her hair short without permission! ]

[After Sif scolded Loki for being a treacherous, cowardly, and pathetic rat. ]

[She slapped Loki in the face. ]

[She left with a sentence - you deserve it, it's always been like this. ]

[After kneeing Loki in the crotch again. ]

[She walked away without looking back. ]

[Loki arched his back like a lobster. ]

[Fell to the ground. ]

[Obviously. ]

[What happened just now was not pleasant. ]

[But soon. ]

[After returning to normal, he realized what kind of punishment this was. ]

[Memory punishment! ]

[But he still pretended to be calm and even touched his long hair. ]

[He said to the people outside: Is this a terrible memory prison?

It's too cliché.

I remember it very clearly!

Do you know what I did last?

I took a nice bath.

Then I drank a glass of wine.

I completely forgot about this incident.

Because it was just fun.


[Loki gasped. ]

[Looking around. ]

[Just when he was thinking about escaping from there. ]

[Behind him. ]

[Sif's voice sounded again - a sinister, cowardly, and extremely pathetic rat. ]

[Then Sif slapped Loki again. ]

[Throwing down a sentence - you deserve it, it's always been like this. ]

[Kneeled Loki's crotch again. ]

[Then left without looking back. ]

[Loki fell to the ground and gasped. ]

[It own nightmare is about to begin. ]


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