The screen is full of surprises.

The video continues.

[The secret that Captain America is not a virgin comes from the distant future. ]

[By the way, that day Dr. Banner and his cousin She-Hulk were drinking and chatting at night. ]

[Just when they talked about Captain America. ]

[Dr. Banner revealed a big melon. ]

[It is said that after Captain America joined the Avengers, he accidentally let it slip. ]

[The heroes present learned from this that Captain America had lost his virginity during the first joint tour after being injected with the super soldier serum! ]

[And according to unreliable gossip. ]

[Captain America had sex with a blonde beauty in the audience that night. 】

【And once is a whole night!!!】

【And based on unreliable gossip.】

【That blonde beauty is the grandmother of Star-Lord, one of the members of the third phase of the Avengers!】

【That is to say!】

【Captain America is Star-Lord's grandfather!!!】


Behind the military camp.

Howard's eyes were full of teasing.

Look at Captain America.

"Oh~ So this is what you often say, 'I can do this all day'~~~"

Captain America is so embarrassed that he just wants to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.



That's not what my catchphrase means!!!

Don't talk nonsense!!!

Miss Carter touched her brown hair.

Muttered in her mouth.

"Steve, this kid, the first time was with a blonde woman."

"Later, he ran to the Howard Experimental Base and was fascinated by a blonde woman again."

"Does he have any special preference for blondes?"

"Should I dye my hair blonde too..."

"Oh no, I should dye it green now..."

Captain America looked at the reactions of the two.

He looked helpless.

He swore in his heart.

Seventy years later!

I will definitely keep my mouth shut!

Even if you beat me to death!

I will never tell anyone who I was with for the first time!!!



Black Widow, Hawkeye, and Director Nick Fury raised their beer glasses together.

Celebrating that they had unexpectedly heard such a big piece of gossip today.

Ton ton ton ton ton.

"Ah, cool!"

Black Widow slammed the empty beer bottle heavily on the table.

"This melon is really too explosive!"

"No matter how bad the melon that comes out later is, it's worth it today!"

Director Nick Fury is a workaholic.

Fried chicken, beer, French fries, and big melon are in front of him.

His brain, which has always been ambitious, actually analyzed the information in the video just now.

"Star-Lord, a member of the third phase of the Avengers..."

"Wow, my Avengers plan can actually be expanded to the third phase?"

"So many people?"

"That's right, when the Thor video was played, it seemed that Doctor Strange would lead the Avengers to fight."

"It's not surprising to have more people."

"But Star-Lord's grandfather is Captain America!???"

"Captain America's appearance has not changed much after being injected with super soldier serum."

"But Star-Lord sounds like a young man."

"Then when these two people meet, aren't they two young men in their twenties, one called grandfather and the other called grandson?"

"Just thinking about this scene makes me look forward to it."

"Hey, don't think too much, continue watching the video, eat melons!"

Director Nick Fury patted his big bald head.

Cast your eyes to the screen.


On the screen.

The video continues.

[Captain America is disliked by Tony as an old antique. 】

【But who would have thought that Captain America was the one who played the most. 】

【The so-called playfulness is not about quantity, but about quality. 】

【After Captain America joined the Avengers, he had two kisses that impressed countless people. 】

【First. 】

【The first kiss with him. 】

【It was Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow, who is also a member of the Avengers! 】


Hearing this news.

Black Widow was completely dumbfounded.

The fried chicken in her hand was just suspended in mid-air.

Who would have thought.

You can eat a melon on yourself.

Family members.

Who understands.

Hawkeye on the side tensed up.

And then he quickly relaxed.

After all.

He has been with Black Widow for so many years.

Hawkeye has long regarded her as his sister.

His sister was kissed by a stinky man.

Which brother doesn't want to pick up a hoe.

Bang a few times on the head of the pig that is digging the cabbage.

So Hawkeye's reaction just now was tense.

But he thought again.

The one who kissed his sister was Captain America.

Steve Rogers.

A national hero who only exists in history.

Thinking about it this way.

Hawkeye felt that Captain America was the cabbage.

Black Widow was the pig digging the cabbage.


How did Black Widow kiss Captain America?

Hawkeye looked at the screen curiously.


[The story of Captain America and Black Widow kissing. ]

[It happened after SHIELD was invaded by Hydra. ]

[In order to escape the enemy's pursuit. 】

【Captain America and Black Widow escaped to the elevator of a shopping mall. 】

【It just so happened. 】

【Members of Hydra were ordered to come here to capture Captain America and Black Widow. 】

【The two gangs are about to collide. 】

【Black Widow sensed that the situation was not good. 】

【She hugged Captain America's face and gave him a deep French kiss. 】

【Because intimate actions in public places will make people very uncomfortable. 】

【After seeing this, the Hydra members glanced away. 】


Stark Tower.

Tony saw it and suddenly realized.

"It turned out to be a helpless move for emergency avoidance."

"I really thought these two people had some sparks of love."

Tony seemed a little annoyed.

He originally thought it was a big melon.

But after eating it.

I just felt.


That's it.


Who was the second person to kiss Captain America?

I'm really curious.



Black Widow was a little disappointed.

She thought she could really create some sparks with Captain America.

It turned out to be just an emergency escape.


It's not bad to be able to kiss Captain America once.

I just don't know.

What does it feel like to kiss Captain America...

I'm really looking forward to it.

Black Widow fell into a vision of the future.


Behind the military camp.

Captain America just felt that he had turned the tables.

Although he also kissed other women.

But that was to avoid being hunted down by Hydra members.

This was a last resort!

This was a helpless move!


Look carefully.

I didn't move.

Black Widow was the one who threw herself at me.

I'm innocent.

Miss Carter nodded.


Steve Rogers is not a bad person.

He is not the kind of promiscuous person.

I have watched the video for so long.

Steve kissed someone twice.

But both times, others took the initiative.

But Steve stood there obediently without moving.

It seems.

I had wronged him before.


At this time.

On the screen.

The video continues.

[Just now I said that the first person Captain America kissed was Black Widow. ]

[After everyone understands the ins and outs of the matter, they may feel that this melon is not enough and feels just like that. ]

[But it’s okay. ]

[I promise. ]

[The next melon is absolutely explosive! It will definitely satisfy you! ]

[Because, next, I will announce the second person Captain America Steve Rogers kissed. ]

[Her name is Sharon Carter! ]

[She is Agent No. 13 of SHIELD! ]


Miss Carter felt a little uneasy when she heard this name.

How come the second person Captain America kissed also had Carter in her last name?

Could it be that Sharon Carter is a relative of mine?

Thinking of this.

Miss Carter laughed out loud.

Ha, it shouldn't be possible.

If that's the case.

That's too outrageous.

Perhaps Miss Carter's thoughts were heard.

The video on the screen continued.

[Hearing this, everyone may find something wrong. ]

[How come Sharon Carter's name also has Carter? Is this woman a relative of Agent Carter! ]

[Yes! ]

[That's right! ]

[She is a relative of Agent Carter! ]

[So! ]

[What I'm going to say next is! ]

[The second person Captain America kissed! ]

[She is Agent Carter's niece! 】

Ms. Carter: !!!

Captain America: !!!

Heroes: !!!

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