After a night battle with Rhodes, Tony went to a donut shop to relax. There. He met Director Nick Fury and Black Widow and understood their observations and concerns about him. Tony wanted to take a few more doses of lithium dioxide from Black Widow, but was told that this agent was only a temporary solution and could only relieve symptoms but not completely cure the disease. Tony seemed a little irritable. Because, in order to solve his palladium poisoning symptoms, he basically tried all the known elements on Earth, and he couldn't synthesize a compound that could solve his symptoms. ]

[Now that he has seen that the lithium dioxide reagent can relieve his body to some extent, but it still cannot heal his body. ]

[Anyone would be a little annoyed. ]

[Director Nick Fury understands Tony's annoyance. ]

[So. ]

[Take Tony back to his residence. ]

[Under the ruins, the two talked. ]

[So. ]

[The small reactor in Tony's chest, even if it has been reduced and made more sophisticated, is still an imperfect technology. ]

[When his father Howard invented the large-scale Ark reactor. ]

[Just regarded this thing as the cornerstone of another major development plan. ]

[If the plan succeeds, even the military preparations will have to be put on hold. ]

[And the core figure who worked with him on research and development at the time was called Anton Vanke. ]

[He wanted to make a fortune from this, but was fired by Howard. ]

[Later, Anton Vanko was exiled to Siberia, where he lived for twenty years. ]

[The cold prison-like environment is obviously not a good place to educate children. ]

[At the same time, Anton Vanko has not let go of his resentment towards Howard in the past twenty years. ]

[So, under the nourishment of the harsh environment and resentment. ]

[Anton Vanko's son, Ivan Vanko, developed a micro arc reactor and power suit on his own after his father's death to avenge Tony. ]

[After hearing all this, Tony couldn't help but take two more sips of wine. ]

[Obviously, the amount of information was a bit overwhelming. ]

[At this time, Director Nick Fury brought Tony more important news. ]

[It turned out. ]

[Back then, his father, Howard Stark, had explored a purer energy source than the reactor. ]

[But due to the limitations of the times and technology, he could not manufacture it in his lifetime. 】

【So, he specially left a box with his notes on his research. 】

【Howard believed that his son could solve the problem that even he could not solve. 】

【And Director Nick Fury believed that if Tony found a new element from his father's notes, it could replace the palladium element and restore his health. 】

【After that, Director Nick Fury told Agent Coulson to monitor Tony and left the residence. 】


Stark Tower.

After Tony saw all this.

Finally understood why he made so many actions that made people feel uncomfortable in the previous video.

Transferring the company again.

Letting Rhodes wear the battle suit again.

It turned out that he was poisoned by palladium.

At this time.

Pepper looked at him worriedly.

"Tony, it says here that you will have symptoms of palladium poisoning in the future."

"'d better not develop your Iron Man suit."

"The consequences are too serious."

Looking at Pepper's worried face.

Tony smiled disapprovingly.

Then he flicked Pepper's forehead.

"Hey, what are you worried about?"

"I can see you didn't watch the video carefully."

"It shows here that I have palladium poisoning because I put the palladium element tablets into the small Ark reactor in my chest."

"BUT, but."

"This is because in the video, I was kidnapped by someone before, and the shrapnel hit my chest, so I need that device to prevent the shrapnel from entering my heart."

"Now that the Ten Commandments have been captured, I don't have to be shot, so I don't need a small Ark reactor in my chest."

"Then, the palladium element tablets don't need to be put in there, and I won't be poisoned."

Pepper asked hesitantly.


"Is it really okay?"

Compared to whether Tony can develop the Iron Man suit.

Pepper wants to make sure that Tony is safe.

So she is particularly concerned about this matter.

Seeing that Pepper is worried.

Tony pointed to the screen.


"Hey, what are you doing~"

"Didn't the video just show that Rod flew away wearing my Mark II."

"If I hadn't made sure that the palladium element would not cause adverse reactions to his body, would I let him wear it?"

"After all, the small Ark reactor on the chest is just like the existence of a car, and the palladium element sheet is like fuel."

"If there is enough fuel, the car can be driven, and the suit can be driven."

"And the small Ark reactor of the Mark II suit is placed on Rod's chest, not inside the chest, not in the flesh."

"So, he can drive a car like a normal car, and his body will not have any adverse reactions."

Hearing this.

Pepper then loosened her clenched fist.


Although Tony said it lightly on the surface.

But in fact, he was thinking about something else.

The gangster who used the Lightning Five Whips on me on the racetrack...

Is he the son of my father's former partner?

So it seems.

He is still alive in the real world.

If I invent the Iron Man suit in the future.

He can also learn about my recent situation through the news.

In a few months, he will also invent a small Ark reactor.

Then he will come to me for revenge! ? ?

Should I find an opportunity.

Take action in advance.

Get rid of this guy...

In addition.

Tony is also very interested in the new element that is about to appear.

He knows that a new element is born.

For him.

What does it mean for the entire earth.

That is undoubtedly a sensation! ! !


The energy generated by this element.

According to the black-salted egg in the video.

It is more powerful than the Ark reactor.

You know.

Whether the Ark reactor is large or small.

It can generate 8 billion watts of energy per hour.

This number is already terrifying.

If he wasn't wearing an iron suit, it would require a lot of energy.

Ordinary electricity supply for the public.

I don't know how many people it can supply.

Tony thought this was already very powerful.

He didn't expect his father Howard.

Could he actually discover such a powerful thing in the last century?

It really deserves to be... Howard...

Tony couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Rhodes on the side seemed a little depressed.

He was thinking.

The reason why Tony gave him Mark II.

It was because he was poisoned by palladium.

He was dying.

But now.

Tony is in good health.

The Ten Commandments gang was also arrested.

Then Tony would not have the chance to be poisoned by palladium!

Doesn't that mean.

I would not have the chance to wear the Mark II! ???

It's bad!

Suddenly I wanted to shoot Tony in the chest.

What's going on?

Rhodes touched the gun on his waist.

He felt like making a move.


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