After the film was released, the film was remade.

【After being inspired by his father Howard in the video. 】

【Tony guessed that perhaps the key to making new elements was in the city model made by his father. 】

【So, he moved the city model in the company back to the underground laboratory. 】

【Tony asked to scan this 1974 Steinke exhibition model to generate a three-dimensional 3D model. 】

【Thanks to his father Howard's reminder, the originally ordinary and inconspicuous model suddenly became meaningful. 】

【Tony looked at the model carefully. 】

【The more he looked at it, the more he felt that the big sphere in the middle was like an atomic nucleus. 】

【So. 】

【He gave orders to Jarvis one by one. ]

[Tony: Highlight the spherical building!

Eliminate the sidewalks, don't want them!

Eliminate the scenery, the shrubs, and the trees!

Take away the parking lot, the exit, the entrance, all of them!

Construct protons and neutrons.

Use the exhibition hall as a wireframe...]

[Jarvis carried out the orders one by one in an orderly manner. ]

[Finally. ]

[A small blue ball appeared in front of Tony. ]

[Tony suddenly enlarged it! ]

[A new element that can replace palladium! ]

[Born! ]


Stark Tower.

Tony looked at all this.

He couldn't help but sigh.

"You've been dead for 20 years, I didn't expect you could still teach me something..."

Rod, Happy, Pepper and others on the side seemed very excited.

"Tony, can this new element really be created?"

"Tony, if you follow the steps in the video, can you not only create it, but also build a model of the new element?"

No wonder they were so excited.

With the continuous progress of human science.

The difficulty of broadening the boundaries of science is also increasing.

You can say.

If Tony really creates this new element.

Not to mention charging his own battle suit.

Just a Nobel Prize, that's still easy.

If you get it.

It can be said that it will add fuel to the development of Steinke.

Tony nodded.

"Well, if you follow the steps in the video."

"We should still be able to create it."

"After all, isn't that city model in the company?"

"As long as we take the model back and let Jarvis repeat the steps in the video, the model of the new element will still appear."

"That is, when synthesizing new elements later, we need to find the corresponding things."

Hearing Tony's affirmative reply.

The other people present were even more excited.

"What are we waiting for?"

"Get started! Get started!"

"Stane, go, go!!!"


Behind the military camp.

Howard watched himself incorporate the new element concept into the city model.

He couldn't help but secretly marvel in his heart.

"A city model in 1974..."

"It's only 1943 now, and it's still nearly 30 years since the concept was proposed, and it's still at least 70 years since the new element was actually invented..."

"Now I really understand what I said in the video, what does it mean to 'due to the limitations of the times, it is impossible to create new elements'."

"Now I can clearly see what the model and concept of the new element are like, but due to this era and the limitations of science, I just can't make it no matter what."

At this time.

Howard glanced at Captain America next to him.

He looked dull and empty.

It is obvious that Captain America is listening with one ear and out with the other.

Howard chuckled.


How could I forget Captain America's attributes as a soldier.

He only knows how to command and act recklessly on the battlefield.

He can't even operate the most basic mechanical equipment.

Like in the previous video.

The scene of fighting with Red Skull on the plane.

If I were to take the field.

Wouldn't it be possible to repair the plane in a few seconds?

Wouldn't it be unnecessary to crash the plane into the ice layer?

Captain America suffered from his lack of education.

Let's take a step back.

Even if you, Captain America, don't know how to operate a plane.

Then you can completely break the glass and jump out of the plane when it is about to fall!

After watching the video, Howard carefully calculated the physical trajectory.

The plane crashed

The trajectory towards the ice layer is a parabola.

If Captain America jumped off the plane at that time, even if the inertia factor is taken into account, it will also be a parabola.

But the arc of Captain America's parabola is much smaller than the arc of the plane hitting the ice layer.

He can survive well if he jumps down.


Even if the explosion effect caused by the plane hitting the ice layer is taken into account.

But it can be offset by the ice layer.

In addition, Captain America was injected with super soldier serum.

Even if there is a little shock wave.

With Captain America's physical fitness.

It is obvious that he can easily survive this crisis.

But because he does not understand physics, he does not know such a simple self-rescue method.

Howard shook his head.

He sighed.

His son Tony's bad temper should be the same as his own.

I really don't know when Tony and Captain America get along in the future.

How upset his son Tony will be.


Stark Tower.

Tony and others have already moved the city model back from the company.

Just about to summon Jarvis, ready to do a big job.

At this time.

A new title appeared on the screen.

"Famous Scene 6: Black Widow and Happy have a passionate night in the car!"

Tony: ???

Pepper: ???

Rod: ???

Happy: !!!

"Damn, you are not going to do that with Black Widow!???"

"Good guy, I saw the previous video of the boxing ring, you looked at others with a pig face."

"I didn't expect you to really eat it!???"

Tony patted Happy's shoulder.

His face was full of disbelief.

After all.

Happy's performance in the ring before was really too pig-like and too salty!

He really didn't believe that Happy and Black Widow would get together.

And it was in the car!

So exciting! ? ? ?

Happy put his hands on his hips.

His face was flushed.

Although he didn't know what was going on.

But the man's self-esteem made him stubborn.

It's like asking a boy online how big his penis is.

The unanimous reply is 18!

"Hey, how can it be impossible?"

"You don't know this, Tony."

"Before I was your bodyguard, I had long hair. When I shook my hair, who in the bar didn't praise me as a little white dragon!!!"

The people present saw Happy's shameless look.

They all showed disgust.

But it was hard to say anything for a while.

After all.

The title above clearly said that Black Widow and Happy would have a wave of excitement in the car.

Who knew that the future Happy would actually succeed! ? ? ?



Black Widow saw Black Egg and Hawkeye looking at her with a half-smile, very teasing look.

She couldn't help but get furious.

She put her hands on her hips.

She said to the two adult men.

"Gentlemen, is it funny?"

"When the video starts playing, you must close your eyes!"


Black Widow glanced at Black Egg.

"Director, you don't want to lose sight with your other eye, do you?"

Director Nick Fury nodded obediently like a chicken pecking at rice.

Hawkeye followed suit.

He also nodded.

In fact, he was thinking in his heart.

"It's just that you can't watch it."

"It's not that you can't listen to it."

"Then later..."

"Hey, hey..."



Dr. Banner looked at the title.

He felt a sour feeling in his heart.

He muttered to himself.

"Why do I feel jealous when I see this title?"

"Why do I feel like a green hat is flying towards me!???"

Dr. Banner scratched his head.

He was puzzled.


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