The captain waited for Howard's explanation curiously. But Howard changed the subject. He asked him a question instead. "Steve, what kind of person do you think Tony is?" Captain America frowned. He didn't understand why Howard asked that suddenly. But since Howard asked. Captain America answered. "Tony, he is...your son." After saying that, Captain America opened his big eyes and looked at Howard innocently. Howard was so angry that he almost vomited blood after hearing that. He really wanted to grab Miss Carter's small pistol next to him. Shoot two bullets at Captain America's head!

I'm asking you what kind of person Tony is!

You fucking told me that Tony is my son! ? ?

How could I not know that Tony is my son?

I want to ask you what kind of person you think Tony is!

What kind of qualities does he have! ! !


I know you're not very smart!

You can't reach my level of cognition!

But you can't be so stupid! ! !

You've made me not want to go to the ice layer to search for you in the future! ! !



Good guy.

After talking for a long time.

I'm the one who is cursed by knowledge! ? ? ?


Believe in yourself.

You can definitely communicate with monkeys.

Come on.

Take a deep breath.

Don't be angry.

Don't be angry.

Howard took a few deep breaths.

Suppress the anger towards Captain America in your heart.


Very good.

That's it.

Come on.



Howard pulled out a smile that was uglier than crying, and said to Captain America with gritted teeth.

"Steve, I'm asking you what kind of person you think Tony is."

Miss Carter on the side saw that Howard was about to explode.

Step back a few steps.

Move the pistol to the back of the hip.

Miss Carter curled her lips.

Yeah, although I also want to hit Steve.

Captain America is like a big rough man, who didn't understand Howard's reaction.

After hearing Howard's words, he patted his head.

"Hey, this is what you are talking about."

Captain America pondered for a while.

Then he spoke.

"How should I put it? At first glance, Tony is a playboy. He looks very free and easy. His behavior seems to be very casual, but he can do things beautifully."

"So, if I get along with him in the future, I might think Tony is really a bad person at first."

"It's like a man who is crazy about external promotion and responsible internally."

"It makes people hate and love him."

Miss Carter nodded.

She also thinks of Tony.


Captain America continued.

"After watching so many videos of Tony, I think Tony is actually a good person, even a very good person!"

"Under Tony's cynical face, it is..."

"My next words, although they look a bit gay, I still want to say."

"I think Tony is a very kind person, and a person who is highly responsible for his team, and believes that everything is his responsibility."

"This is a man who can be relied on."

Howard nodded.

Took over Captain America's words.

"Yes, in the video, the reason why Tony can be called a superhero."

"In addition to his armor that is far ahead of his time, it is because of his high sense of responsibility like a hero."

"It is precisely because of this sense of responsibility that he threw a nuclear bomb into the wormhole alone during the New York War, regardless of whether he would die or not."


"This sense of responsibility is also the reason why Tony suffers from the knowledge curse!"

"Tony is too talented! He is too responsible!"

"Because of such qualities, countless people have different degrees of expectations for him."

"And these expectations will make people feel the joy of being welcomed at first."

"But gradually."

"Expectations are increasing, just like small mountains carried by Tony."

"Tony desires success, desires victory, does not want to fail, and even-dare not fail!!!"

"But, how can people not lose

"If you fail?"

"After you climb this mountain, there will be a higher mountain in front of you."

"But in order to live up to the expectations of others and live up to your own responsibilities, you have to keep exercising and expect to climb higher mountains."

"Tony is the same."

"After the New York War, he realized that there are more powerful and unknown enemies in the universe."

"In the New York War, he killed the Chitauri mothership alone, and finally gained glory and pressure."

"This pressure comes not only from the expectations of the people around him, but also from the unknown threats in the universe."

Speaking of this.

Howard paused.

Waiting for Captain America and Miss Carter to digest it.

Captain America held his chin and digested Howard's words, and said.

"Isn't it a good thing to have pressure? Why is Tony like this?"

Howard nodded, agreeing with Captain America's words.

"Indeed, there is pressure, there is motivation. "

"For example, if the school holiday homework is said to be checked tomorrow, then tonight, students can create miracles with a pen and a desk lamp!"

"But this tells you when the crisis will come."

"What if it doesn't tell you?"

"Look at Director Nick Fury. In the previous video, he clearly discovered the Cosmic Cube very early. According to the timeline, I should have been there at that time."

"Then, we can obviously use the Cosmic Cube early, and even learn from the technology of Hydra using the Cosmic Cube to make weapons in this era."

"We should have built a large-scale weapon against alien creatures early, but why didn't we see the existence of this thing during the Battle of New York?"

After listening to Howard's words, Captain America felt like his head was like paste, and he could only barely keep up with his thoughts.


Howard answered firmly.

"Because, I can't understand!"

"For most people, there is absolutely no concept of being prepared for danger in times of peace. ”

“When the crisis is resolved, they will reward themselves with a lot of food and drink, and they will not see the next crisis coming.”

“Many people will struggle and work hard only when they are about to die.”

“It’s like holiday homework. Many people play until they forget themselves in the early and middle stages of the holiday. In the late stage of the holiday, they pray that their homework will not be checked. In the last two or three days, they will exert their fighting spirit and work late into the night. This is the daily routine of most people.”

“The research and development of weapons is the same. After defeating the enemy with great difficulty, the weapons are collected in the warehouse to gather dust, or they think about how to make the existing weapons civilian and make a lot of money.”

“They never thought that this is a chance to breathe, and they should take this opportunity to work hard to develop technology.”

“And Tony is a different person.”

“He is a person cursed by knowledge. He clearly sees that the crisis from alien creatures in the universe is coming.”

“As for when it will come?”

“I don’t know.”

“But it will definitely come!”

“Others don’t have this awareness and enjoy a peaceful life there. ”

“Only Tony realized it!”

“So he locked himself in the underground laboratory and frantically built Mark armor. Even though he had built nearly forty sets, it was not enough!!!”

“Who is the enemy? I don’t know!”

“When will it arrive? I don’t know!”

“How strong is the enemy? I still don’t know!”

“But the only thing Tony can be sure of is that the enemy must be very, very strong!”

“And only I can save everyone.”

“But the greatest fear comes from the unknown.”

“Without the exact time, place, person, and combat power comparison, Tony can only imagine the enemy to be extremely powerful.”

“Even though it is already ridiculously strong, Tony still feels it is not enough!”

“So, fear, anxiety, uneasiness, heartache and other negative emotions grew wildly in Tony’s heart like mushrooms after rain.”

“Look at how happy Tony was when he built Mark II and flew into the air. "

"But now he can only tell some boring jokes and dirty jokes to amuse himself and try to get rid of the pressure."

"The big rabbit given to Pepper looks like two huge peaks on the rabbit's chest, which is very colorful, but it is actually two hands, which is the best proof."

Captain America and Miss Carter were silent.

They didn't expect it.

Tony, who looks like a scoundrel on the outside, is under such great pressure in his heart!

Howard sighed again.

"Oh, Tony, my poor child. "


On the screen.

The video continues.

[Pepper, who understands Tony's inner pain, walks up to Tony. ]

[Buries his head in her chest and hugs Tony soothingly. ]

[Tony touches Pepper's back with both hands. ]

[Since confessing his own stress, he seems to have relaxed a lot physically and mentally. ]

[Pepper looks at the exhausted man in front of her. ]

[Pepper: I'm going to take a shower. ]

[Tony nods. ]

[Tony: Oh, okay. ]

[Pepper walks to the door and turns around. ]

[Pepper: Tony, come along too. ]

[Tony: Ahem, that's better! ]


Behind the barracks.

Howard: !!!

Captain America: !!!

Miss Carter: !!!

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