The fireworks display was a big success.

The Stark Building.

Pepper looked at Tony with emotion.

She knew how expensive this grand fireworks show was!

Even if one set of Mark armor cost 500 million US dollars.

A full 42 sets of armor.

That would cost at least 21 billion US dollars!


It was undoubtedly a luxury!

But the man in front of him.

In order to be happy.

He still ordered Jarvis directly without any hesitation to make all the Mark armor explode!


According to the content of the video.

It seems that this is not a temporary decision.

Tony had issued a "cleaning plan" in Jarvis early on.

This shows.

In the future.

Regardless of whether they were threatened by the Extremis virus at that time, or whether they were kidnapped.

Tony would give himself such a firework worth tens of billions on Christmas Day.

This means that Tony wants to make a clean break with the past from the bottom of his heart!

He doesn't want to be bound by the words "Iron Man" and "Mark Armor"!

He wants to return to the identity of Tony Stark!

Despite this.

Pepper couldn't help but say.

"Tony, it's unnecessary."

"No matter what decision you make, no matter what kind of person you want to be, I will support you silently behind your back."

"You don't have to blow up all the Mark Armors in the future to prove something to me."

Tony was a little unrecovered.

He didn't expect it at first.

He was so decisive in the video.

He actually blew up all 42 sets of armor!

This was really beyond his expectations.

But think about it.

Tony also fully understands why he will make such a decision in the future.

You can say.

At the beginning of the video.

The Mark Armor has deviated from the original intention of Tony's invention.

From a tool to protect the world.

It has become an existence that imprisons one's heart.

And the future self did not realize this problem at first.

Instead, he believed that this sense of uneasiness of imprisonment came from the lack of quantity and quality of the Mark Armor.

So he went in a completely opposite and wrong direction - constantly developing more models of Mark Armor, and moving forward tirelessly.

In the end.

It will only be a cocoon for himself!

If Killian hadn't appeared and destroyed everything he was proud of - the latest Mark 42, his beloved girlfriend Pepper, etc., one by one to varying degrees.

Tony might not have realized this mistake.

And without these external things.

In the process of killing Killian, the future self put more attention on exploring himself.

Repeatedly thinking about what kind of person he is.


My future self understood.



Not an ordinary person hiding behind the Mark Armor.

Not a person who only relies on the Mark Armor.

I am me!

It's not me who relies on the Armor!

But the Armor relies on me!

After understanding this, I am like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon!

A new life is truly ushered in!


My future self will blow up all 42 sets of Mark Armor!

This means that I will completely break off with my past self!

Tony regained his mind.

Muttered to himself.

"Sure enough, if I am useless without the Armor, then I don't deserve to have it."

The people present were silent after hearing this.

They understood what Tony meant.

After a while.

Colonel Rhodes asked.

"Then, Tony, are you still going to make the Mark Armor?"


Tony snapped his fingers.

"I will still build it. The Mark Armor is just a tool after all. I will not be bound by tools, let alone the idea of ​​'I will not be bound by tools'."

"In order to better protect the people I love, I will still build the Mark Armor."

Colonel Rhodes heard Tony's rather confusing words.

He felt at ease.

He knew.

The old friend in front of him.

He matured again.


Behind the military camp.

Howard was furious.

"Hey, my son, why is he so wasteful!"

"It seems that the Mark Armor is expensive, how can it explode just like that!!"

"I know you want to break off with the past, but you don't have to break off so cleanly!"

"This is an epoch-making invention after all!"

"If you really don't want it, you can explain it to Colonel Rhodes next to you!"

Howard felt particularly sad.

After all.

In his current era.

The whole world is still in chaos.

Every bullet seems particularly precious.


The scene of tens of thousands of boxes of bullets exploding in an instant appeared in front of Howard.

How could he not feel sad.

Howard was even thinking.

If this weird screen could only display video clips, but could travel through the future, and could get things in the future with the body of the past.

Howard wanted to bring back all 42 sets of Mark armor.

Then fly to Germany and confront the head of state directly!

Let him know who is the real boss of this world!

As a woman, Miss Carter's attention was not focused here.

Instead, she thought of another thing.

"Steve, come to think of it, we haven't set off fireworks for a long time."

"I don't know when we can see such gorgeous fireworks."

Captain America took Miss Carter's hand boldly this time.


"It will be, it will be!"

"After the war, I will take you to see the most grand fireworks!"

The two looked at each other.

A pool of spring water in it.

At this time.

There was a noisy sound from another tent.

Captain America looked over there.

I saw a military vehicle with a red cross on the outside stop quickly.

There were two people carrying a stretcher.

Carefully carry the wounded down.

Captain America felt for these wounded from the bottom of his heart.

"It's really not easy for these soldiers on the front line."

"The battle they face must be very cruel."

Miss Carter nodded.

"Indeed, Schmidt sent out a troop.

Two hundred soldiers went to fight, but less than fifty returned.

Among them were the 107th Infantry Regiment."

Captain America's eyes widened after hearing this.

"Wait, the 107th Infantry Regiment!"


On the screen.

The video continued.

[After the battle in the cabin ended. ]

[The actor who played the Mandarin was arrested. ]

[Happy gradually recovered in the intensive care unit. ]

[Because of concerns about the instability of the Extremis virus. ]

[Tony took Pepper to extract the Extremis virus from her body, and Pepper returned to her ordinary identity. ]

[And Tony seemed to say goodbye to the past, and found a good doctor friend to extract the shrapnel from his chest. ]

[This also seems to mean that Tony will temporarily say goodbye to the identity of Iron Man. ]


Stark Tower.

Tony saw the sequel of the story.

Smiled easily.

It seems.

Everyone has a good ending.


【After the Battle of New York. 】

【Different people have different experiences. 】

【Some lives have returned to normal. 】

【Some lives have changed. 】

【For example. 】

【Meet someone you never expected. 】

【Or find that the truth is far beyond your imagination. 】

【Or encounter betrayal and deception. 】

【And this is the story of Captain America. 】

【Below. 】

【Please watch. 】

【Famous scene 1: Go home to pick cotton! 】


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