The captain felt a little strange.

This shouldn't be right.

He shouldn't be that kind of person.

Director Nick Fury was a little dark.

But he shouldn't say that to him in person.

Captain America frowned.

He looked at the screen.


On the screen.

The video continued.

[Early morning. ]

[In the park. ]

[Falcon, a veteran in a white shirt, jogs in the park. ]

[This is a hobby of his after he retired. ]

[Before. ]

[Before the sun rose. ]

[He was the only one in the park. ]

[Falcon enjoyed the feeling of fresh air in the morning. ]

[It made him feel very peaceful and calm. ]

[And today. ]

[This peace was broken. ]

[Falcon passed by the lake and was running at his usual speed. ]

[Suddenly. ]

[Only a thin whizzing sound was heard from behind. ]

[Captain America's figure quickly passed by Falcon's left. ]

[Captain America: On your left. ]

[The scene changed. ]

[Under a few pillars. ]

[Falcon was still running at his own pace. ]

[Suddenly. ]

[He heard the thin whizzing sound from behind again. ]

[Captain America's voice sounded again. ]

[Captain America: On your left. ]

[As soon as the voice fell. ]

[Captain America ran ahead of Falcon again. ]

[Falcon: Aha, left, I know. ]

[The scene switches again. ]

[In front of the grass. ]

[Falcon's pace quickens. ]

[It's hard to say why. ]

[He feels that the man who runs so fast will do it again. ]

[As if to confirm his inner thoughts. ]

[Captain America's footsteps are heard on his left again. ]

[Falcon is anxious. ]

[Falcon: Stop talking, stop talking! ]

[Captain America's voice continues. ]

[Captain America: On your left. ]

[Falcon wails: Oh, my God. ]

[He looks at the man running in front of him. ]

[He calls him a pervert in his heart. ]

[Because. ]

[This man in a gray shirt and a good figure has passed by his left three times in a row. ]

[This means that this man has already lapped him three times before he has finished running!!! ]

[Falcon is really too tired to bear it. ]

[He is breathing heavily under a big tree. ]

[Captain America comes forward and asks. ]

[Captain America: Do you need to call a doctor? ]

[Falcon smiles when he sees someone coming. ]

[Falcon: I think I need a new lung.

Man, you just ran almost thirteen miles in half an hour. ]

[Captain America: If you get up late, you should run more. By the way, you look like a soldier. Which unit are you from? ]

[While speaking, Captain America stretches out his hand and pretends to pull Falcon up. ]

[Falcon takes Captain America's hand and says. ]

[Falcon: 58th Division, airborne rescue force, now working at the Veterans Service.

My name is Sam Wilson. ]

[Captain America nods: My name is Steve Rogers. ]

[Falcon: I can guess. After thawing and returning home, did you get shocked by the world you saw?

Tell me, Captain, how is this era? ]

[Captain America: Oh, the Internet era is really good. I've watched a lot of animation works recently.

For example.

The Retreat of the Dwarves.

Bell Bud's Door.

I still have a movie in my hand that I haven't finished watching yet. ]

[Falcon is interested. ]

[Falcon: What's it called? I'll take a look too. ]

[Captain America nodded, took out his phone from his pocket, put it close to Falcon's ear, and said. ]

[Captain America: It's an environmental theme.

It seems to be called... Free the Black Man. ]

[The scene changes. ]

[Only by the lake. ]

[Falcon chases Captain America. ]

[Falcon: Hey! Stop! Captain America! Fuck you! 】

【Captain America leaves Falcon far behind. 】

【Captain America: Go home and pick cotton~~~】


Behind the military camp.

Captain America:! ? ?

Carter:! ? ? ?

Howard:! ? ? ?

Bucky:! ? ? ?

“Steve, why are you so vulgar in the future?”

Bucky was the first to lose his temper.

He asked.

"Yeah, aren't you polite? Why do you discriminate against black people in the video?"

Ms. Carter echoed.

Captain America looked at the screen carefully.

"Wait, something's wrong!"

"Look, the lip movements in this video don't match!"

"Oh my goodness, this video can't be a fake video!"

Howard stepped forward and observed.

"Yes, everyone come and see."

"Steve shouted 'Go home and pick cotton' at the end. This clip is obviously reused from the previous clip."

"This is edited!"

Captain America was furious after hearing this.

"Okay, you little screen brother."

"We haven't seen each other for so long, and you come to do a big job for me!???"

"If you keep going like this, I'll sue you for defamation!"

"I'll sue you for defamation!!!!"



Due to the advancement of technology.

It has been for the needs of public opinion.

As long as they are staff members of S.H.I.E.L.D., they will more or less participate in the review of videos on the Internet. So. Lu Dan, Hawkeye, and Black Widow can be recognized at a glance. This video has been edited and spliced. Black Widow laughed. "I didn't expect that this screen title party would be fine, and even the video can be faked. It's really interesting." Director Nick Fury breathed a sigh of relief. "Huh, fortunately it's just fake." Just now he heard Captain America say that he was going home to pick cotton. He shuddered all over. It seems that he felt the ancient call from his blood. He was so scared that his body tensed. Fortunately. Fortunately. Director Nick Fury picked up a bottle of beer on the table. He drank it. ...... It seems that the joke was too much. The screen explained. [Everyone can see it. ] [The video just now was completely edited and created by netizens themselves. 】

【No responsibility for this screen. 】

【Again, I would like to state that. 】

【The previous video has nothing to do with this screen. 】

【Next, let me play the correct video. 】


【By the lake. 】

【Falcon runs at his own pace. 】

【He has been lapped by Captain America for at least two laps now. 】

【At this time. 】

【Captain America is about to pass behind him. 】

【Falcon greets him. 】

【Falcon: Good morning, Captain. 】

【Captain America: Don't try to get close to me, idiot! 】

【Falcon: Hey! 】

【Captain America runs away from his left. 】

【Captain America: Go home and pick cotton~~~】

【Falcon: Stop, stop! Damn it! 】


Behind the military camp.

Bucky said to Captain America faintly.

"Steve, your little mouth is really full of honey~~~"


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