The first time, the most important thing.


After seeing this title.

Director Nick Fury frowned.

He recalled the introduction when the Captain America video was first played.

It said.

Captain America will find that the truth of the matter is far beyond his imagination.

At the same time.

He will encounter betrayal and deception.

Could it be.

It is about this assassination on the road?

However. .

Who can assassinate Captain America Steve?

Based on his performance in the Battle of New York.

Although the official did not really publicize it.

But there are still many rumors circulating among the people.

It is said that Captain America Steve appeared in the Avengers team.

Plus, Captain America and the Avengers had just won a victory.

It can be said that Captain America has a great influence both officially and privately.

Even as much as the President of the United States!

He is just such a person.

Who can assassinate him?

Who dares to assassinate him?


Stark Tower.

Tony made a completely opposite speculation from Director Nick Fury.

He sighed.


"Alas, it seems that Director Nick Fury is going to be assassinated."

Several people present felt very strange.

Happy was the first to lose his temper.


"No, Tony, you are mistaken!"

"Now we are watching a video about Captain America."

"The famous scenes before also happened to Captain America."

"Then, it stands to reason that the next video should also be about Captain America."

"This is not a special about Director Nick Fury, why do you say that Director Nick Fury will be assassinated?"

Pepper rolled her eyes.

After a little thought.

She explained.

"No, Happy, you are wrong."

"In the next video."

"Anyone can be assassinated."

"Falcon running in the park will be assassinated, Black Widow driving a luxury car will be assassinated, and even Carter, Captain America's former lover lying in the hospital bed, will be assassinated."

"But! Captain America is the only one who cannot be assassinated!"

Happy was confused.

He really couldn't figure out the twists and turns inside.


He raised his own questions.

"Why can't Captain America be assassinated? Is it because Captain America Steve is Captain America?"


Tony snapped his fingers.

He took over the conversation.

"Yes! That's right!"

"Because he has the title of Captain America!"

"You know, after the Battle of New York, Captain America's influence in various dimensions can be said to be at its peak!"

"His influence is even more terrifying than mine."

"Although it sounds a bit Versailles, my influence, Tony, is pretty good. At least on the Internet, my name will be displayed in blue font."

"But even someone like me who has some influence will be kidnapped by the Ten Commandments, let alone those who are under my influence. "But Captain America is different. He is basically the most influential person in the world!" "If the Ten Commandments are really blind and kidnap Captain America." "No doubt, they will face the pursuit of the world's artillery fire and the pursuit of the world!" "Maybe, the mysterious leader Mandarin will personally send Captain America back obediently." "So, in this video, anyone can be assassinated! But Captain America won't!" Happy listened to Tony's explanation. Nodded. It was clear. But he still had a question. "Then, Tony, why do you say that it was Director Nick Fury who was assassinated?" Tony continued to explain patiently. "Among the known characters who appeared, Falcon? I just met him, I'm not familiar with him."

"Black Widow? One of the superheroes, if you go to assassinate her, you have to be careful whether you will get there first."

"Carter? That's Captain America's Achilles' heel! If you touch her, it's like touching Captain America!

I think any country in the world would be happy to see that they help Captain America kill the murderer who assassinated Ms. Carter in exchange for some of Captain America's favor.

For such a loyal person, debts of favor are the most difficult to bear."

"So, the only one left is Director Nick Fury."

"After all, there are enemy forces that don't like Captain America, but if they can't touch Captain America, I can't touch the people behind you, Captain America.


“There is an old Chinese saying that is true.”

“A tree that stands out in the forest will be destroyed by the wind.”

“It seems that Director Nick Fury has encountered many disasters this time. ”


[On the highway.]

[Director Nick Fury drove a jeep specially equipped with artificial intelligence for SHIELD.]

[On the way to SHIELD.]

[At this time.]

[The traffic light at the intersection happened to be red.]

[Director Nick Fury also stopped.]

[On the side.]

[A police car also stopped.]

[Director Nick Fury turned his head and looked in the direction of the police car with boredom.]

[Two white policemen wearing sunglasses were looking at him.]

[It seemed that he was the criminal on a wanted warrant.]

[Director Nick Fury felt a little speechless.]

[Because of his skin color, he has suffered a lot in this country since he was a child.]

[Even if he got to the top position of SHIELD.]

[Not to mention that with a wave of his hand, the people below should 】

【But at least it is a relatively decent, even high-end position. 】

【But he feels like a second-class citizen in this country. 】

【Not respected. 】

【Thinking of this, he was already upset, and even more upset. 】

【Director Nick Fury said to the two police officers unhappily. 】

【Nick Fury: Oh, what's the matter, officer, do you want to check my ID? 】

【After saying that, he snorted. 】

【He turned his eyes back to the road ahead. 】

【Just in time. 】

【The red light at the intersection turned green. 】

【The police in the police car next to him were unhappy. 】

【But they still honked the horn, turned on the police lights, and drove away with an expression of "I'll let you go this time." 】

【Director Nick Fury continued to drive out without temper . ]

[Obviously. ]

[He has seen this situation many times. ]

[If he hadn't been driving a high-end car and wearing clothes that looked more like a government official. ]

[Perhaps, even if the red light turned green, these brainless policemen would stop the car and question him. ]

[Forget it, let's go to SHIELD first. ]

[Director Nick Fury thought so. ]

[Just drove the car less than two meters. ]

[On the left road, a police car hit Director Fury's car directly into a fire hydrant at a very fast speed. ]

[And the police car that had just driven less than five meters in front actually reversed back! ]

[Rid in front of Director Fury's car! ]

[Before Nick Fury Commissioner Fury reacted. ]

[Two more police cars came and completely blocked his car! ]

[At this moment. ]

[There were four police cars in total, and together with the wall next to them, they completely blocked Commissioner Fury's car from front to back and left to right! ]

[And soon! ]

[More and more police cars drove in his direction. ]

[Even, you can see several vehicles that are obviously special forces driving towards him. ]

[Commissioner Nick Fury doesn't know what's going on. ]

[But he knows. ]

[Myself today. ]

[It seems that there is no escape! ]

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