The king of Asgard.

In the palace.

The people of Asgard just felt that they had too much fun eating melons today.

When they came to the assembly in the morning.

Everyone thought it was just an ordinary coronation ceremony.

Thor appeared.

Odin passed on the throne.

The ceremony was over.

I didn't expect to see such explosive news one after another today.


It's the younger brother of the next king of Asgard.

Loki, the king of tricks and lies, actually secretly contacted the frost giants.

He wanted to steal the most important thing in the arsenal - the ice box!

And thus caused a riot.

Trying to fight for the throne.

If Loki hadn't let it slip.

Maybe he would have succeeded in implementing the plan!


He saw the God King Odin scolding his son Thor.

He also threatened to deprive Thor of his throne and power and take away his hammer.

He even demoted him to the human world!

Oh my.

Everyone knows.

The human world is a place.

It has nothing.

As soon as winter comes.

The temperature drops.

The young ladies who used to wear short sleeves and short skirts.

All of them put on down jackets.

You can't see anything!

It doesn't look like Asgard at all.

It's spring all year round here.

The women here are used to wearing sleeveless long skirts.


There is less to see.

But they wear it all year round.

Just be content.


Go to the human world.

You have to pass the Rainbow Bridge.

On the Rainbow Bridge, there is Heimdall, who is wearing golden armor and holding a sword of protection, responsible for supervising the Rainbow Bridge in the God's Domain.

You can say.

Going to the human world.

There are many procedures.

And I didn't get anything.

It's really not a good place to go.


Seeing Thor might be demoted to the human world.

The Asgardians present.

They all sympathized with Thor.

But I thought Thor was miserable enough.


Worse is yet to come.

Who would have thought.

Loki was actually adopted!

Everyone present knew.

The throne of Asgard is inherited by hereditary system.

That is, the throne is passed down from father to son.

This son is about the offspring with the same blood.

And if it is as it is said on the screen.

If Loki is really adopted.

Then he will never be able to inherit the throne of Asgard in his lifetime!

He will never be able to rule the people of Asgard in his lifetime!

Thinking of this.

The people of Asgard looked at Loki with a little sympathy in their eyes.

"What a poor child, he was taught from a young age that the throne would be inherited by himself and his brother."

"But who would have thought that Loki was adopted?"

"To put it bluntly, from the day he was adopted, his fate in this life was doomed!"

"He will never be the king of Asgard, Loki can only assist his brother!"

"Poor child, maybe when he found out that he was not the heir to the throne, he was still blaming himself for not doing well enough."

"No wonder he secretly contacted the Frost Giants. If I were treated like this, I would do the same."

Just then.

Someone in the crowd shouted.

"I think it's right! Loki is so pitiful!"

"I choose Loki! He is the one that everyone wants!"

"Loki! Loki! Loki!"

"Loki! Loki! Loki!"

"Loki! Loki! Loki!"


Listening to the Asgardians talking about it, Loki was completely confused.



What happened to me this time.

How did I suddenly turn the tide?

I haven't used any of the tricks in my brain yet!

How did I suddenly have the advantage?

I secretly contacted the Frost Giants because I wanted to steal the Ice Box so that I could create chaos and instigate the throne!

It's not because the throne will not be passed on to me!

You got the order wrong! ! !

Thinking of this, Loki, who has always been famous for his intelligence, came to his senses.

"No, the throne was never intended to be passed on to me from the beginning!???"

"I was actually adopted!???"

Loki felt as if the truth of the matter was like a heavy hammer hitting the back of his head.

He felt like he was not feeling well.



Thor looked at the Asgardians who were enjoying themselves and enjoying themselves.

And Loki who seemed to be shocked by the truth.

He reacted instantly.

He really did something wrong!

Identity is a sensitive issue.

How could he suddenly be so stupid as to change the subject just because he felt socially dead?

Thinking of this,

Thor felt deeply guilty.

He really got into trouble today!!!


Frigga, the mother of Thor, stood by and looked at the God King Odin on the throne with worry.

She was really worried that the elderly Odin could not bear the pressure and would enter the Odinsleep in advance and never wake up again.

Frigga gritted her teeth.

She complained secretly in her heart.

"I don't know what happened today."

"Thor and Loki."

"Neither of them is a worry!"

"Each one is causing more trouble than the other!"

"After today's farce is over, I will deal with them!"


Odin, the king of gods, sitting on the throne.

It seems that he has been hit.

The voice is full of vicissitudes.

He said to Loki with a sincere tone and slowly.

"After the battle with the frost giants, I walked into the temple and found a baby."

"The young offspring of the giants, abandoned, very painful, waiting to fend for themselves, is the son of Laufey."

As soon as the voice fell.

The whole audience was in an uproar.

"What? Loki is the descendant of the frost giants!??"

"Oh my God, every time my daughter doesn't sleep well, I use the frost giants to scare her. I didn't expect that our king's son is actually a frost giant!!!"

After hearing this, Loki felt that he was not feeling well.

"I... I am a frost giant???"

"Yes, child, you are."

Odin continued.

"I hope that one day, the two tribes can unite, form an alliance, and bring permanent peace."

"And you are my hope."

"Loki, my dear child, I hope you can forgive me."

"In my plan, I hope your brother Thor can become the king of Asgard."

"And you, Loki, you will become the king of Jotunheim!"

"Only with the relationship between you and Thor can the nine kingdoms usher in true peace!"

After listening to Odin's words.

Loki felt as if his heart was hit by Thor's hammer.

He was shocked!

He didn't expect that his father's plan had been laid out for so long!

In the end, he and Thor became different kings and jointly protected the nine kingdoms! ? ?

In other words.

In his father's heart.

Are he and Thor equally important?

Loki had always thought before.

Father has a preference for Thor.


I was actually given such an important task!

Loki had always felt that he was living in Thor's powerful shadow.

After all, he and Thor were walking in Asgard.

The eyes of passers-by.

Most of them were focused on Thor.

I was upset about this before.

But now it seems.

I was too narrow-minded before!

Loki felt at this moment.

His suppressed heart.

Suddenly got released.

His mood was inexplicably much more comfortable.


He said to Odin.

"Father, I understand what you mean, and I will definitely not let you down in the future!"

Odin looked at Loki's response.

He was also relieved.

After all.

He had kept the fact that Loki was a descendant of the Frost Giants in his heart for a long time.

He was also worried that after he told the story.

Loki would have an emotional breakdown reaction.

But to his surprise, Loki seemed to be happy to accept this matter. He no longer looked depressed and full of things as before. Although he didn't know why, Odin finally let go of his worries. So, he ordered people to untie Loki. Then he arranged for a doctor who was proficient in healing spells to examine Loki. After seeing that Loki was completely fine, Odin turned to look at Thor. He said stiffly, "Next, it's your turn!"......

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