The captain collapsed at this moment.

He collapsed to the ground.

He looked at the white clouds slowly moving in the sky.

He thought to himself.

It's over.

Goodbye to the world forever.

Let alone seventy years later.

It's hard to say whether I can see the sun tomorrow.


This day next year will be my death anniversary.

Carter saw the captain's appearance.

He walked up to him with a smile.

He pulled the captain's arm hard.

He pulled him up.

And Miss Carter still kept the faint smile on her face.

She said.

"Hey, Steve, why are you panicking?"

"Did you forget?"

"Didn't we watch this video before?"

"Aren't we just watching it again now?"

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot that you will kiss someone in the future."

"Who is it?"

"Oh! By the way, I remember it, it's my good niece Sharon Carter who you wanted to invite to have coffee with me when you came home after visiting me in the ward during the day!"

"Look at my brain, how could I forget such things. ”

“Hey, Howard, Bucky, Steve, why are you so nervous? Why did you step back a few steps? Why are you so far away from me?

I’m not a man-eating tiger, what are you afraid of?”

“Oh, what? You mean the subtitle - Miss Carter is cuckolded?”

“Hehe, Steve, you’re so funny, how can I be angry? This must be the screen title party, trying to stimulate the relationship between you and me.”

“Don’t be nervous, I still like you.”

Steve didn’t dare to breathe at this moment.

If you want to ask what the second scariest thing in the world is.

It’s an angry woman.

Then what’s the scariest thing in the world?

It’s a woman who is weird and looks not angry, but is actually on the verge of erupting.

Captain America Steve didn’t believe what Miss Carter said that she was not angry at all and didn’t take it to heart.

Oh, you ask him why he didn’t believe it?

Just look at Captain America’s purple arm.

You know.

Captain America is a man who has been injected with super soldier serum!

His muscles are very strong and durable.

In the elevator of the future 70 years later, he can fight against more than ten people without losing, and even kill the opponent.

He can be called the American version of the elevator god of war.

Who could have thought.

There would be such a strange woman who pinched Captain America's arm purple without making a sound?

Even when pinching, she was still smiling on the surface.

Bucky and Howard couldn't help but sigh.

Sure enough.

Women are the most vicious!

Brother Steve is still good!


And the moment of Captain America's execution has just begun.

On the screen.

The video starts playing.

[After escaping from the SHIELD building. ]

[Captain America no longer knows who to trust. ]

[He decided to take out the USB flash drive handed to him by Director Fury from the hospital first. ]

[Crack the information inside, and then think about the rest. 】

【But who knows. 】

【The USB flash drive originally placed in the vending machine disappeared. 】

【Instead, it fell into the hands of Black Widow. 】

【After talking about how she was also injured by the Winter Soldier and had a bullet wound on her waist, Black Widow gained Captain America's trust. 】

【On the other hand. 】

【Minister Pierce lied to both sides of SHIELD. 】

【On the one hand, facing the Board of Directors, he lied to Director Nick Fury that he was secretly trading intelligence and had already betrayed, hoping to promote the Insight Project as soon as possible. 】

【On the other hand, facing ordinary SHIELD staff, he lied that Captain America knew the cause of Director Nick Fury's death, but did not report it, had already betrayed, and should be wanted! 】

【In short. 】

【In the case of eating from both sides and the huge power vacuum caused by Director Nick Fury's death. 】

【Minister Pierce became the highest-ranking person in the entire SHIELD - no one else! 】



Director Nick Fury frowned.

Minister Pierce was one of the first people who followed him to gradually improve S.H.I.E.L.D.

He could be said to be a veteran.

He had also been through life and death with him and had carried out many missions.


To say.

Not a brother.

Better than a brother!

Just one person.

How can the future change so much?

Deceiving the lower and slandering the upper.

He wants to be the king of the entire SHIELD!

Director Nick Fury sighed.


Could it be that the story of Tony and Obama.

Will it happen again to me and Minister Pierce?


[In the mall. ]

[When in a mobile phone store, I learned through a USB flash drive that the source of the mysterious signal originated from New Jersey. ]

[The whereabouts of Black Widow and Captain America were also exposed. ]

[Captain America quickly looked at the people around him. ]

[Captain America: Standard tactical team, two in front, two in the back, and two on the flank.

If we are discovered, I will fight them.

You take the elevator on the south side to the subway station. ]

[Black Widow: Shut up, hug me, and laugh twice. ]

[Captain America: What? ]

[Black Widow: Hurry! ]

[Captain America didn't have time to think too much when he saw the pursuers right in front of him. ]

[He put his arm around Black Widow's shoulder and laughed. ]

[And this method really worked. The two pursuers thought they were a couple chatting, and turned their heads away without even looking at them for two seconds. ]


Behind the military camp.

Miss Carter said sarcastically.

"Oh, pretending to be a couple, huh."

"Steve, you're really smart~~~"

"I've been with you for so long, and you've never been so intimate with me."

"In the future, you'll be able to put your arm around the shoulders of female team members and even want to go for coffee with your new neighbors after you've just recovered for a few months."

"Steve, I don't know whether I should say that you'll be popular with women in the future, or that I'm suppressing your nature now because I'm here."

Captain America felt the strength in his arms getting stronger and stronger.

He knew it well.

If I don't say anything at this moment.

I will have to explain myself here today.


He blurted out.

"How about tonight, you and I do some intimate actions."

Ms. Carter:! ? ? ?

Bucky:! ? ? ?

Howard:! ? ? ?

Bucky was completely confused by Captain America's suddenness.


"Good guy, Steve, I knew you had planned it all along!!!"

"You pretend to be a pure lover all day long, but in the end you play more than me!"

Captain America argued after hearing this.

"Hey, no, that, I..."

Captain America is really like a dumb person eating bitter herbs, unable to say anything.

Why did he suddenly say such a thing?

Is he really like Bucky.

I am a natural love saint! ? ? ?

But it's not bad.

Miss Carter seemed to have pinched my arm with less force...


[In the elevator. ]

[Captain America and Black Widow were about to go downstairs. ]

[But suddenly they found that Rumlow had also taken the elevator and was walking up. ]

[Black Widow saw that the situation was not good, and quickly turned around and looked at Captain America. ]

[Black Widow: Come on, kiss me! ]

[Captain America: What? ]

[Black Widow: Showing affection in public will make people uncomfortable. ]

[Captain America: Oh, yes. ]

[Before Captain America could react, Black Widow hugged Captain America's head with her right hand, leaned forward and kissed him. ]

[Rumlow was just as Black Widow said. ]

[Seeing the kiss between Captain America and Black Widow, the two young lovers, he didn't even want to watch, so he turned his head away. ]

[After all, no one wants to be a light bulb! ]

[After seeing the pursuers leave. ]

[Black Widow turned around and showed an expression of "I succeeded". ]

[Black Widow: Are you still uncomfortable? ]

[Captain America: I feel pretty good~]


Behind the military camp.

Captain America has already laid down.

Just waiting for Miss Carter's angry iron fist.

But who knows.

Miss Carter seems... not so angry.

Could it be... I am the son of national destiny, and God will not allow me to die today?

In the end, Captain America still cautiously tried.

"Miss Carter, are you... not angry?"

Miss Carter pouted.

"What are you thinking about? Steve, how can I not be angry?"

"However, we have already watched this video once before. Watching it again, it won't be as painful as the first time."

"Besides, the kiss was initiated by Black Widow herself, not by you. Looking at her, it seems that she has been looking forward to it for a long time."

"Hey, Howard, you must get the super soldier serum in the next few years.

Reproduce it. "

"I want to live to seventy years later and teach the little bitch Black Widow and the filial daughter Sharon a lesson."

"Let them know who is Steve's real girlfriend!"

Howard, who had retreated far away, nodded like a chicken pecking at rice after hearing what Miss Carter said.

He knew.

Women who have just calmed down are the most terrifying.

Captain America looked at Miss Carter, whose mood was up and down.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Sure enough.

Women are really strange creatures.



Dr. Banner felt unhappy.

He cursed.


"What's the matter with the green on my head suddenly?"

"Could it be that Hulk's green is forgiveness green! ? ? ? "


At this time.

A new title appeared on the screen.

"Famous Scene 6: Goodbye Dr. Zola!"


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