The truth is, the truth is that the truth is not true.

Director Nick Fury felt that Hawkeye's words were really heartbreaking.

I've never seen you so active on the battlefield.

You're the most active in digging holes and complaining.

No wonder there's no personal hero origin clip on the screen.

It should be because he's too talkative.

The screen hates him.


Then again.

Hawkeye is right.

Looking for a traitor in SHIELD?

There's no traitor!

Others are just a rat shit that spoils the whole pot of porridge.

They're better.

They're a pot of rat shit that mixes with a grain of porridge!

Director Nick Fury smiled bitterly.

"Forget it, think positively."

"We have infiltrated the Hydra-SHIELD branch on our own."

"We have also infiltrated the enemy."

Black Widow was amused by Director Lu Dan's statement.

But not long after.

Her face was filled with sorrow again.

"Alas, when I first joined SHIELD, I thought I was finally on the right path."

"But I didn't expect to end up working for Hydra."

Hawkeye comforted her.

"It's okay, Natasha, at least we know who the enemy is to be solved."

Director Nick Fury tapped the table with his fingers.

A hint of determination appeared on his stern face.

"Yes, now we understand that the people of the Hydra organization are lurking around us."

"After the video is played and enough information is collected, their catastrophe will begin."

Director Fury's tone revealed a strong aura that could not be refused.


He decided to clean up SHIELD.


At this time.

A new title appeared on the screen.

《Famous Scene 7: Winter Soldier VS Captain America!》


Behind the military camp.

Bucky's face showed a complicated expression.

Am I fighting Steve?

Steve was just a follower of mine originally.

Although I didn't think of him as a follower.

But objectively speaking.

Steve is indeed.

Every time I encounter difficulties, I have to help myself.

And now.

After being injected with the super soldier serum, he can kill the Hydra organization alone and save himself.

It can be said.

I have grown a lot.

I am even going to become Captain America's follower.

I didn't expect.

In the future.

I am brainwashed.

I will actually fight with Steve.

I don't know.

If I wake up in the future and my memory recovers.

What should I think?

【Captain America kidnapped Agent Sitwell. 】

【Learned the true purpose of the Insight Project. 】

【To the outside world, they claimed that they were using the big data system to catch the bad guys in advance and protect world peace. 】

【But internally, for SHIELD, their plan was to upload Dr. Zora to the sky carrier. 】

【Using Dr. Zora's algorithm, they can accurately analyze people who may be harmful to the Hydra organization. 】

【In addition, after the Battle of New York, Loki's scepter was taken away. 】

【With just one shell, millions of lives can be dissipated in the world. 】

【Even Director Nick Fury didn't know this. 】

【After all, he is not a member of the Hydra organization. 】


Director Nick Fury was full of black lines.

What is this!

What do you mean by "After all, I am not a member of the Hydra organization"?


Of course I'm not!

I'm obviously a member of SHIELD!


Just play the video properly on your broken screen!

How come you secretly call SHIELD "Snake Shield"!

Even if you do, you can't really say it!

Do I still have any face?

Do SHIELD still have any face?

Of course.

What Director Lu Dan didn't know was that.

This video was projected synchronously across all dimensions.

If he knew that other heroes also knew about the existence of Snake Shield.

He would probably deduct three bedrooms and one living room on the spot.


[Captain America and his men, along with Agent Sitwell, are heading to the SHIELD building to try to completely eliminate the Zora algorithm of the Helicarrier. ]

[Suddenly! ]

[On the highway! ]

[A mechanical arm opened the door of the car that Captain America and his men were driving. ]

[Winter Soldier! ]

[Here it comes! 】


Baki looked at the scene of his handsome appearance.

In his heart

I just felt awkward.

It's broken.

I'm obviously a villain.

But why do I still think I'm handsome?

Although I'm a villain in the video.

But why do I still want to beat up Steve?


【Falcon, who was sitting in the driver's seat, noticed the enemy's arrival. 】

【In order to further prevent the Winter Soldier from further attacking. 】

【He slammed on the brakes. 】

【Throwing the Winter Soldier out of the car. 】

【The Winter Soldier turned a beautiful 360-degree circle in the air, and after landing, he used his mechanical arm to draw a nearly five-meter-long mark on the road. 】

【Then he stood up and looked at Captain America with full oppression】

【If an ordinary person encountered such a thing, he would either die or be injured, but for the Winter Soldier, it was as if nothing happened. 】

【Captain America was about to take action. 】

【An armored vehicle behind him hit the back of the car Captain America was riding in. ]

[The armored vehicle drove their car and was about to crash into the Winter Soldier. ]

[The Winter Soldier understood what the armored vehicle meant. ]

[He jumped onto Captain America's car and punched a big hole in the roof. ]

[Falcon: shit! shit!]

[Big holes appeared on the roof of the car one after another. ]

[The three were helpless. ]

[They had to jump out of the window and leave. ]

[And the Winter Soldier was still chasing him. ]

[He picked up the rocket launcher and fired at Captain America's face! ]

[Captain America quickly protected himself with a shield. ]

[But the powerful impact still knocked him out and fell into the bus under the bridge, scaring the passengers. ]


Stark Building.

Rhodes saw the Winter Soldier's series of physical movements.

He couldn't help but sigh.

"Oh my god, Winter Soldier's combat awareness is too good!"

"Basically every attack is stuck at the Captain's breathing port."

"Plus Winter Soldier's own physical fitness is excellent, it can be said that he is a big boss with thick blood and high attack awareness!!!"



Director Nick Fury was nervous by Winter Soldier's series of offensive behaviors.

He remembered.

In the previous car chase on the highway, Winter Soldier was the most powerful enemy.

He only appeared for less than two minutes.

He forced me to escape instinctively and had no way to survive.

If I didn't carry a small musket with me.

I might have died at that time.

And Captain America in the video, even if he had a shield.

He was bounced away by him.

This battle.

How should we fight! ? ?


[Winter Soldier on the bridge being shot by Black Widow under the bridge. ]

[Seeing his goggles cracked by bullets. ]

[Knowing that he couldn't just sit there and wait for death. ]

[So. ]

[He chose to take the initiative. ]

[Jumping off the bridge. ]

[Looking for the figure of Black Widow. ]

[Walking lightly beside the cars. ]

[He suddenly stopped. ]

[Seeming to hear something. ]

[Winter Soldier ducked. ]

[Throwing two small balls under a car. ]

[Boom! ]

[Explosions came from the car! ]

[Before he could react. ]

[Black Widow jumped out from behind him! ]

[Feint to the east and attack in the west! ]

[This was the only thought in Winter Soldier's mind. ]

[Black Widow jumped to the back of Winter Soldier and tried to strangle him with a steel cable. 】

【The Winter Soldier immediately protected his neck with his palm, effectively preventing his throat from being entangled by the steel cable. 】

【At the same time, the Winter Soldier's mechanical left arm had already grabbed the Black Widow's left leg. 】

【He bent his body and threw his left hand forward. 】

【The Black Widow was thrown out. 】



Black Widow looked at the Winter Soldier in the video.

She felt that the enemy in front of her was really tricky.

She had been secretly training in the Red Room since she was a child.

It can be said that both in terms of physical strength and combat ability.

They are far superior to ordinary people.

And the self in the video.

Basically did the best that could be done!

But even so.

This Winter Soldier still threw himself out like throwing a chicken.

Black Widow couldn't help but feel a headache.


This is a cheat!

How can I fight this! ! !


【Seeing that he couldn't hit her with one strike. 】

【Black Widow could only flee in embarrassment. 】

【However, there was no reason for the Winter Soldier to let the enemy go. 】

【He picked up the gun and shot Black Widow in the head. 】

Black Widow barely escaped. ]

[But the bullet still penetrated her shoulder. ]

[A lot of blood flowed. ]

[Fortunately. ]

[Just then. ]

[Captain America appeared! ]

[He ran to the position of the Winter Soldier and was about to punch. ]

[Who knew that the Winter Soldier was one step faster than him! ]

[The left mechanical arm punched Captain America! ]

[Captain America had no choice but to use his shield to block it. ]

[The mechanical arm with extremely hardness faced the vibranium shield with amazing defense. ]

[The two could not tell the winner. ]

[Only a huge thump was left, echoing throughout the street. ]


Behind the military camp.

Captain America glanced at Bucky and said.

"Bucky, your mechanical arm is too powerful."

"I used a vibranium shield as a cushion and fell from 40 or 50 floors without any damage."

"But looking at the video, my vibranium shield can't withstand it."

"Bucky, I think we should just do this."

"You work harder, or go to Hydra and volunteer now."

"Tell them you want to be the Winter Soldier, and then let them cut off your left arm and replace it with the mechanical arm."

"Then I'll rescue you, and we'll be good brothers again."

Bucky: ???

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