"It's really great to meet you.."

Naruto's words made Sasuke slightly stunned. There seemed to be a strange feeling in his eyes, which made him raise his mouth. His eyes flashed a soft look, and finally turned fierce. He said in a deep voice:"Naruto, no matter what you say, my mind will not change."

"I will never go back to Konoha!"

"On the contrary, I will destroy them and everything in Konoha."

Hearing this, Naruto's brilliant smile turned into a bitter smile, squinting his eyes and said sadly:"I say, is this really the only way to go?"

"Yes, either kill me and become a hero, or be killed by me, these are the only two options you have"

""I will take back everything in Konoha, including the genocide of the Uchiha clan!" Sasuke said in a very cold voice.

Naruto opened his squinting eyes, his pretty face showing determination, and said firmly:"I will not be the hero who kills you, nor will I be killed by you. I will not choose these two paths.!"



Accompanied by a loud bang, a repulsive force surged out from the explosion, blowing the two people back. In the end, they both stood steadily in the lake...

"I understand your thoughts now..."

Naruto stood in the lake, looking at Uchiha Sasuke with complicated eyes.

Sasuke really...really intended to destroy Konoha, and his hatred was just like Naruto's hatred for the village back then, or even worse.

Sasuke lost his family, his people, and finally his brother...how desperate was he when he knew the truth?

Naruto couldn't understand, because he had never lost anything, so he couldn't understand that feeling, but he knew that if he lost teacher Iruka, perhaps he would go crazy too?

It was precisely because of this mutual contradiction that Naruto could not understand it at all, but now, in the collision of the Rasengan, he understood a little bit.

""Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish!"

Those were dark shadows that chased after Sasuke and Naruto from the forest behind them. They surrounded Sasuke and Naruto.

They were members of the Root.

As soon as Danzo learned that Uchiha Sasuke had defected, he ordered that Uchiha Sasuke be captured alive!

"The Nine-Tails Jinchuriki is here too?"Looking at Uzumaki Naruto, a Root Anbu was slightly startled, and then his eyes turned cold.

"Please come with us, both of you."

"What do you want to do?"Naruto stood in front of Sasuke and shouted at these people

"Master Danzo wants to see you." After saying this, the Anbu surrounding them instantly rushed towards them, as if they wanted to capture them alive.


Suddenly, a flock of crows flew up from the Valley of the End and flew in the air above the lake....

In front of Naruto and Sasuke, crows suddenly gathered densely, and then a figure wearing a dark cloud robe appeared out of thin air.

Looking at this figure, Sasuke's pupils suddenly shrank. It was..

"Who are you...."

Seeing the figure suddenly appear, the Anbu were slightly shocked and at the same time were very surprised. Just when they were about to retreat..

"Immerse yourself in the Sharingan's illusion..."

The man formed a seal with one hand, glared with his Sharingan, and everyone instantly fell to the ground and fainted.

This scene happened too quickly, just a few seconds, so fast that Naruto didn't react before it was over. He stared at the former in a daze until...

"Uchiha... Itachi."

Sasuke said blankly, his eyes full of disbelief. He just appeared before him.

"Sasuke, and... Naruto-kun."Uchiha Itachi slowly turned around, revealing a complicated expression, looking at the two, especially Sasuke.

There were many emotions in his eyes, including complexity, heartache, guilt, warmth... but not the murderous intent that night.

Sasuke was silent. Itachi's appearance made him at a loss. He didn't know how to face him. Similarly, the latter had the same idea.

Only Naruto was curiously looking at Uchiha Itachi, Sasuke's brother.

For a moment, the lake fell into silence... until..


A figure arrived as promised. Upon closer inspection, wasn't it Kakashi?

"Teacher Kakashi?"Looking at the latter's path, Naruto was surprised.

"Naruto, come here!" Kakashi said in a deep voice, staring at Uchiha Itachi with cautious eyes.

Even though Tianmu had exposed Itachi's affairs, Kakashi's vigilance had not decreased. A hint of complexity flashed in his eyes.

""Kakashi-san, don't worry, I have always been Uchiha Itachi of Konoha." Itachi's words eliminated Kakashi's vigilance.

It made the latter more complicated. In the past, he had led the other party for a period of time in the Anbu, but later the other party actually did such a thing, which made him particularly puzzled at the time.

Hearing the word Konoha, Sasuke frowned and became more dissatisfied. He didn't understand why? They treated you like that, why do you still do this?

"This is not the place to talk, let's go, Itachi, you should follow me." Kakashi spoke, with a complicated expression on his face.

""Okay." The latter nodded.

Following behind everyone, Sasuke's eyes were always staring at Itachi's back, his pupils full of confusion and confusion. How should he face him?

What happened that year, he knew that they could no longer be the same as before.

Just when Sasuke was troubled, Naruto caught up with him and gently bumped him with his shoulder, revealing a bright smile. Suddenly, the latter felt much better.

At least, at least he was not alone.......

Hokage's Office

Kakashi completed the mission and returned with a few people

""Sir, Third Hokage." Itachi said respectfully to Hiruzen, who was wearing the Hokage hat. Hiruzen was not surprised to see him. He sighed bitterly and said,"You have worked hard over the years. The affairs of the Uchiha clan should not be���You alone bear"

"The Sandaime-sama has done what he can, and it is our clan that has caused you trouble."Itachi shook his head, without any blame in his words.

After doing such a thing that year, he was ready to bear it all.

Hiruzen sighed, and Sasuke stared at him coldly.......

I lost the second rank of jonin today, I'm really upset, I'll post one more picture(ノಥBenefits

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