The young man was born in a strange land.

Land of the Earth, Hidden Rock Village——

"If this kid doesn't die, he will definitely become a great ninja in Konoha in the future!"

Onoki said deeply, his eyes full of shock, although this kid is a ninja from the Land of Fire.

But it doesn't matter if they praise and admire the talent.

"This boy is so powerful!" Kurotsuchi's eyes were full of shock.

Unexpectedly, the younger brother who looked younger than himself would have such strength?

There was even no lack of praise for Uzumaki Naruto from the top shadow-level ninjas.

Uzumaki Naruto, in an instant, had a resounding reputation in the entire ninja world, and in the eyes of those who were full of maternal love, Naruto made them feel distressed.

At such a young age, it's not enough to be amazing, but he's also so sunny, and his smile is like a little sun.


Because... they are my companions...

Gaara's mind kept echoing with the words of Uzumaki Naruto in the sky, because of his companions... that guy is so powerful?

[The picture slowly darkened...]

[But at this moment, the picture suddenly changed. ]

[It was a lawn, like a small hill, and on the hill was the grown-up Naruto... and Kakashi and others, as well as a few people from Might Guy's team. 】

【At the same time... there are Gaara and others from the Sand Village... but Gaara is lying quietly on the lawn at this moment...】

【Looking at Gaara, Naruto's eyes are full of sadness...】

"Hey? Is that the grown-up Naruto? What's going on? Suddenly, the grown-up Naruto appears?"

"This sky is really magical. It can even predict future events. It's hard to imagine."

"Where is that? Is that Gaara? Is that Sakura?"

In the hospital...

"Is that... me?"

Xiao Li stared at the sky with a look of surprise. He actually saw his own figure in the sky... and... his body...

Similarly, even Neji and Tenten showed strange and shocked expressions, and at the same time, a hint of excitement flashed in the corners of their eyes...

Because they also found that Xiao Li's legs and hands were intact, which means that Xiao Li's injuries will be healed in the future!

"Is that us when we grow up? But...where's Sasuke?" Sakura looked at the sky, and was puzzled by the lack of one person.

He was puzzled. Why didn't Sasuke, who was also in Team 7, appear in the picture? Was he doing other tasks?

Place of training

Sasuke looked at the sky, and he vaguely felt something was wrong.

In the video, their expressions and looks...seemed very sad.

"Is that...Grandma Chiyo?"

Temari and Kankuro looked at the old figure, and were also slightly shocked, with strange eyes.

"Something is wrong, there is something wrong with Gaara in the picture." Temari looked at Gaara in the video with some worry.

And Gaara, staring at the sky, what's wrong with their expressions? Why do they look at him with that expression...

Why exactly?

[The scene continues]

[In the scene, Naruto looks at Gaara, grits his teeth, clenches his fists, his eyes are full of disbelief and tears...]

["Why is it Gaara... Why is it always Gaara..."]

["How can he die like this..."]

["He is the Kazekage... He just became the Kazekage..."]


The whole ninja world was shocked, and all of them were filled with disbelief.

That Gaara, he is dead?

And, more importantly... he became the Kazekage... No... How did he die?

"No... I'm a little confused now, what happened? Wasn't Gaara fine just now, why did he suddenly die?"

"Gaara became the Kazekage? Died?"

"No? What happened? Gaara died? Who killed him? How could he just die like this?"

"Redeemed? Redeemed as promised? Is the final redemption death?"

Gaara looked at the sky in shock. His future self, dead?

Just... died?

Why, he became the Kazekage... why did he die?

And... why, Uzumaki Naruto, you want to cry for him, for an enemy like him?

"Gaara." Temari and Kankuro were a little worried.


"What? Gaara... died?" Naruto's eyes widened instantly, with an unbelievable look

, he died? That boy died?

"How could he... die? How could he... die?"

It seems that he has so many people's approval, and he has become the Kazekage...

It seems that he has companions.

But... why!

Naruto was shaking with excitement, and his eyes began to turn red. Why, why could that equally lonely person, who obviously had the same past... die like this...

If this is the case... wouldn't it be... too pitiful?

"Calm down, Naruto!" Jiraiya said in a deep voice.

【"Calm down, Naruto."】

【Chiyo, who looked at this scene, sighed softly, and although she was also sad, she still said softly. 】

【Hearing this, Naruto's anger, which had been suppressed for a long time, suddenly broke out, and he turned around abruptly, revealing his face that had been wet with tears. 】

【"Shut up!"】

【Chiyo and the others were shocked by Naruto's action. Looking at Naruto's appearance, they were all silent. 】

【"If you, the Sand Ninja, hadn't put that monster into Gaara's body..."】

【"This wouldn't have happened!"】

【"What does Gaara think? Have you ever asked him how he feels...?!"】

【In the picture, Naruto became more and more excited, as if he was questioning the Sand Ninja, and also as if he was questioning injustice. Why should our Jinchūriki accept this kind of treatment...】

【"What Jinchūriki..."】

【"Don't pretend to be sanctimonious and say such words!"】

The five major countries fell silent because of Naruto's questioning...

No one wants to be a Jinchūriki, but But no one has ever asked them what they think...

From the birth of the word Jinchūriki, it is destined to have a rough life, and even the hatred of the people around them...

Their birth seems to suppress the tailed beasts, and it seems to suppress the dissatisfaction in the hearts of the villagers...

Gaara looks at Naruto in the video with admiration, why...would he cry for someone like me?

[Naruto in the video lowered his head and wiped the tears that kept flowing with his sleeves. His voice had already become choked, and he said:]

["I can't save Sasuke, and I can't do anything about it, Gaara..."]

"!!!" Sasuke.

["My three years of training are still the same as three years ago..."]

Good man, what do you mean?

If it's not Naruto, what do you mean? What do you mean by that? I can't save Sasuke?

Is it...he died in the future?

Thinking of this possibility, Sasuke's pretty face changed. How could it be possible? How could he die before killing that man...

"What does Naruto mean? What happened to Sasuke? Is he dead?"

"Oh my god, you're right, it's really possible. Otherwise, if the tailed beast says it can't save Sasuke, it won't really be that?"

"Oh my god, it can't be possible. Just die like this? Good guy?!"

Looking at the conversation in the barrage, Kakashi and others changed instantly, their eyes filled with disbelief.

"It's not certain whether this is true, Sasuke, don't worry for now." Kakashi immediately stabilized Sasuke's body and mind to prevent him from exploding.

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