Show Off Once in Every World

Chapter 97: Interstellar pirate with mecha (11)

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After Wen Ying returned from Randall Star, she sorted the picked herbs into different categories. The most important ones were collected first and then used one by one when needed. In fact, in the original trajectory, after years of research in the direction of eliminating pheromones, he stopped in the most critical place. He encountered a hurdle, and this hurdle has not been able to pass through his life.

However, since Wen Ying said such words, it was not unreasonable. With the experience of her predecessors, she stood on the shoulders of giants and looked at the world. At least for the road ahead, she would not encounter too much difficulty, and that one was stumped. The key to the other party is that she still has a "spirit" to borrow. Although there is no guarantee that it will be possible, there is at least a chance to implement it.

Chris couldn't help seeing how she devoted herself to the cause of scientific research. If at first he just thought that she was studying very seriously, then after knowing her purpose of doing these things, she could not help producing a subtle emotion. Before this, whether it was the halo that the Ackerman family added to him, his long experience, or the identity of alpha, let him have a feeling of being like a small animal when facing him.

This is not a derogatory statement, but he is willing to endure her, care about her, and indulge her. Although he appreciates her talents, he will still be in the role of an adult, treating her every move, words and deeds with a very rational state.

Therefore, she hopes he teaches mech skills, and he will teach her. She judges his behavior to be "betrayal", then he is betrayal, and his thoughts follow her, but it does not mean that she is moved and persuaded by her. A kind of politeness and indulgence to a person who is not so familiar but gives him appreciation.

But now, he changed her eyes to see her.

He understood that she was different from every omega he had ever seen. Even a talented person such as Allen might not be as accessible to her because of the harsh growth environment. And her talent in mecha is outstanding, and she is not too much in pharmacy. The time and energy spent on it, not to mention omega, many industrious betas should be ashamed.

Such a person is enough for him to make a short three-pointer, and gaze with a slight admiration.

But obviously, his over-scorching eyes did not impress Wen Ying, but hindered her research, so she said: "If you have nothing to do, why not do me a favor."

"my pleasure!"

"... You connect to Xingwang and take a look at the situation on Cyril's side." She had a hesitant expression on her face, and there was a little hesitation. "He said he would report the situation of Allen truthfully, but these two days I I haven't seen any related reports. If omega appears in the military department of the Free Federal College, it should make waves in the society. However, it may also be treated coldly by the college ... "

Chris didn't expect to accept such a task, he couldn't help but ask: "... You pay attention to this matter just to maintain order?"

"No, I'm not an order police. I take the principle of maintaining order and justice." She was teased and the potion in her hand was put down. "Relax, don't just because I said so much reason, you just I looked at me as a public knowledge. I wanted to see if Cyril would regret it, he promised me. "

The last words she emphasized made Chris suddenly sink in his heart.

When she was doing experiments, she didn't like to be disturbed by her thoughts. In her words, it affected her appearance of "a flash of aura". But right now, she was clearly in the middle of the experiment and started a small difference, and the reason for transferring her emotions was actually because of Cyril.

He couldn't help thinking of the problem that she had diverged from last time.

But his greatest advantage and his biggest disadvantage is that when he has doubts in his heart, he must try to understand it.

So he asked, "Do you like Cyrillic?"

This time, she took it for granted and responded exceptionally quickly. "Otherwise? Can I still like you?"

"Of course, he is not as good as me."

"Huh?" She was stunned for a while, and then her eyes were curved, she couldn't help laughing. "Don't joke. Ah, although you said that you are human, but in my opinion, you are a misty group." , Or do you prefer the state of the metal bracelet? "

Neither of them are human beings, and they don't have the feeling of being emotional.

I have to say that she was too straightforward to immediately wake up Chris, who had a big dream in spring and autumn, thinking that he was still hiding in the soul film. He only felt a sharp arrow and blood flowed.

He jumped up immediately, "You go to search! Chris Ackerman! I can definitely see a lot of pictures of me, well, I also won the honorary medal of the Federal College of Honor, and that time I finally played against Cyril, he I still failed to win me. "He said unintentionally.

If he had n’t heard her, he had almost forgotten that he had n’t been able to tell her his true identity so far. At first, he was out of consideration for his own safety. Later, he was used to getting along with her in a completely strange state. Willing to remind her deliberately, even if this will delay his return time.

But now, he must stand up and say!

"Chris Ackerman?" She repeated.


His name, which he had always hated, was so sweet in her mouth. He wished to put this name in her mind, replacing the frequency of Cyrillic appearance, and immediately erected a brilliant and reliable image of a man!

"Ah I know ..." She said slowly in his delighted mood, "That ten thousand-year repeater."

Chris: "???

"It is said that I have never passed the college assessment, so I have not graduated from the lower grades."

Chris: "..."

"You still skipped the bear dance to me when you were young. The big bear bear called me, maybe you have forgotten."

Chris: "..."

, I chose to die.


Because Wen Ying was obsessed with the study of potions, even mecha exercise was thrown aside first. So much so that Cyril, eager to verify, went online to find someone, but he couldn't wait for the "Cindy Rilla" to go online.

He couldn't believe that the two would be the same person. Cinderella was an absolute strong in his mind, and most people guessed her as alpha. But Beatrix was a childhood playmate, a soft and pitying omega. If she had n’t just experienced a battle with her and saw her killing after seeing blood, he would never believe they were the same. personal. The huge contrast gives people an unprecedented feeling.

Even if Beatrix was very powerful when she blocked the animal tide, he could n’t help but think that it was the reason for the beta help, or that the s-class mecha that she drove was very good, and she did n’t wait long for the enemy. Wait. The thoughts that have been inherent for many years have been impacted. There will always be various reasons to convince myself that this is false, and then repeatedly reminded by the facts. At this stage, he learned that she is probably Cindy The fact of pulling ...

He was breathless after being hit by the "truth" one after another.

Because he was too shocked, even for a moment, he even forgot the report.

But-apart from the emotion of surprise, he also felt that his heart was not a taste, if they were the same person, she did not tell herself, then what is his status in her heart? So he hesitated to talk to her, preferring to go to Cindy Rila for verification, instead of sending her a text message.

When he could n’t find Cindy Rella, he thought of the training house owned by the Sweet family. He connected to the newsletter and said to the person in charge: “Send me a copy of all Centirella materials. Especially her login port. "

This is to check the meaning of real people.

The person in charge was surprised, and after a while he said: "... Okay."

"That's right." He paused slightly, his voice subdued, and there was a subtle softness that he didn't know. "If she goes online, tell me immediately."


The person in charge suddenly felt worried after the other party hung up the communication. Although Master Cyril seemed to admire Cindy Rila before, he did not want to see her. Remember that last time, he did not say that the other party was probably a certain person. The illegitimate children of a family will involve a lot of trouble, don't you get involved? If it is useless to the Sweet family, why should he know the other party's true identity?

Suddenly, the person in charge thought of a creepy fact that Master Cyril shouldn't be ... online dating? !

Cyril didn't know that the person in charge had been defamated after seeing him abnormally. After obtaining her Starnet information, the Sweet family had sufficient authority to check the status of family members below the super star. While waiting for information verification, he received an anonymous message.

After opening, it is a piece of audio.

"Why did you take Allen's inhibitor back then?"

"You want to make an inhibitor that surpasses your predecessors ... so for Allen who wants to break the stereotypes like you ..."

"What I want to make is not an inhibitor ... if his identity is debunked ... who sympathizes with omega, who is more pitiful than him? The emergence of pheromones, the classification of abo, is the root of the real problem ... We must get rid of this and Beast-like **** instinct ... "

He knew the voice of Beatrix, but the content of it greatly refreshed his cognition.

He couldn't imagine how she would feel when he thought she was jealous because of selfishness and even threatened to keep her secret.

Alpha has always been arrogant. In addition to the social environment, pheromones also account for a part of the reasons, but arrogance like Cyril also realizes that he cannot compare with omega on this issue.

Cyril suddenly couldn't sit still and wanted to find her.

He got into the maglev car and just heard the end of the audio, not the voice of Beatrix, but from a man who seemed to be sending it to him.

"Hi, rival, I'm reluctant to let you listen to this collection of words. But looking at the stupid you misunderstood her just like the stupid me, I'm not too happy. After listening, am I surprised? As an alpha, is it better than an omega in overall view? If you have this idea, congratulations, you have n’t jumped out of the shackles of abo, give up, you do n’t deserve her, oh, of course, this is not to say I'll be worthy of her ... In short, don't come to see her until you promise to do what you want to do, thank you. "

The tone and habit of this nonsense series are faintly familiar.


In the laboratory, Wen Ying looked at the blue Yingying injection in his hand and said nothing.

"what happened?"

"No subject ..." She frowned. She thought the medicine was not perfect, but if no one described the feeling after the injection, it was clear that the medicine could not be improved.

Chris suggested: "It's better to find a little mouse ... Beatrix!"

He was shocked to see her hitting herself with a needle, the action was more decisive than when she killed the giant toothed beast with her teeth.

She said: "Just when my estrus is coming, try it first."

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