Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 1 Open! Become a Star Envoy!


Fengyang Avenue, Demon Slayer Division.

"I'm so nervous! I hope I must open the 'Star Boundary'."

"To open the 'Star Boundary' is to reach the sky in one step and become a Star Envoy. If you fail to open it, you can only become an ordinary person with a limited future."

"Opening the 'Star Boundary' is only the first step, what kind of 'Star Boundary Creatures' can be bred is even more important."

"My requirements are not that high. I just need to be able to open the 'Star Boundary' and officially enter the Demon Slayer Department."

on the square.

Young people in twos and threes gathered together, whispering.

They have different expressions.

Someone is nervous.

Someone is looking forward to it.

Someone is excited.

Someone is uneasy.

after all--

Can the ‘Star Boundary’ be opened today, and what ‘Star Boundary Creatures’ can be given birth to?

It has already determined a lifetime of achievement.

Who can calm down?

Zhao Xin (xin, first voice) was also standing in the crowd, with bloodshot eyes and low energy.


This is no good rest.

"did not expect--"

"I traveled through time and came to this world, but I still can't get rid of that dream..."

"More often."

He smiled bitterly in his heart.

Ten days ago.

He came through time.

Before traveling through time, he had a problem since he was a child.

Every once in a while, a dream will repeat itself.

And as you grow up.

This dream repeated itself more and more frequently.

I went to many doctors and couldn't find anything wrong.

But I could barely survive at that time, and the most frequent recurrence was every five or six days.

But after coming to this world——

But I have this dream every day.


He is a high, eternal and supreme God.

A world that rules an endless territory.

There are countless true gods and countless believers under his command.

All living beings paid homage to him.

The gods regard him as their master, pious and fanatical.

But other than that.

Everything else is just like a dream.

Whenever I wake up, it becomes blurry and I cannot recall details.

That's why.

Even on the most important day of opening the 'Star Boundary', he still couldn't be in high spirits.

"Get in line!"

"Go in one by one and open the 'star realm'!"

"As long as you can open the 'Star Boundary', you can become a formal member of our Demon Slayer Department!"

at this time.

In the Demon Slayer Department, a man in black robe walked out and said.

Standing on the man's shoulder was a crow as black as ink, with eyes as scarlet as blood.

The crow was motionless, but it was surrounded by an ominous black mist.

The black mist was twisted, as if there were countless creatures struggling and wailing in it, which was terrifying.


All the young people immediately lined up in a long queue, daring not to make any more noise.

Zhao Xin also stood in the middle of the queue.

The clock is ticking.

One after another young people walked into the awakening room.

Some people walked out with joy and confidence.

Some people came out in despair, squatting on the ground and sobbing silently.

Open the ‘Star Boundary’——

This is the difference between one step to heaven and one step to hell.

Maybe before that.

Everyone can still talk and laugh, and their status is similar.

But now——

A young man who successfully opened the ‘Star Realm’ and became a Star Envoy.

Ordinary people who failed to open the 'Star Boundary' are destined to be no longer in the same world.

"We must open the 'Star Boundary'..."

Zhao Xin felt nervous.

When you enter a country, do as the locals do.

not to mention--

His time travel is not an ordinary time travel.

If you can't become a Star Envoy, master extraordinary power.

Then a crisis may arise at any time and cause him to die!


He had already reached the front of the queue.

"Just enter the awakening room and stand in the awakening circle."

The man in black robe said calmly.

"Thank you, sir!"

Zhao Xin bowed.

He didn't dare to look at the strange crow on the shoulder of the man in black robe.

Walk directly into the hall of the Demon Slayer.

The light gradually disappears from behind.

He had come to a square black room.

The room was very dark.

There aren't any light fixtures.

Only the middle position.

There is a magic circle outlined in various mysterious colors that lights up.

The magic circle is extremely complex.

There are countless lines of all kinds, densely packed.

The entire magic circle flickered brightly and darkly.

Just like the beating of the heart, it has a special rhythm.


The whole room was empty, giving people an extremely depressing feeling.

"Standing on the magic circle..."

Zhao Xin took a deep breath.

He stepped onto the awakening circle.


The entire awakening array suddenly lit up.

There is special energy flowing towards Zhao Xin along a large number of complex lines!


Zhao Xin felt her eyes darken.

"Is this the star realm?"

"I successfully opened the star realm?"

"There are related descriptions in my memory."

"Whether the astral realm can be opened depends on whether there are 'astral realm seeds' in the body."

"The astral seeds cannot be explored or found."

"Only when the 'Star Boundary' is opened, can we know whether there is a 'Star Boundary Seed' or not."

"And opening the 'Star Boundary' means using the awakening energy to stimulate the 'Star Boundary Seeds'."

"With the 'Star Boundary Seed', it only takes a moment to open the 'Star Boundary'."

Zhao Xin looked at the space in front of him, which probably covered less than 1.5 square kilometers, and his face showed joy.


He successfully became a Star Envoy!

From now on.

You can also master extraordinary powers!

There is also the power to fight against the danger behind this crossing.


As far as he knows, he has completely integrated all the memories of his predecessor.

This world is also extremely dangerous.

The wild is full of all kinds of extraordinary monsters, bloodthirsty and cruel.

Ordinary people simply do not have the ability to leave the city.

Once out of town.

If you can't survive a day, you will become the food of monsters.

This is also the world.

The reason for the extremely high status of the Royal Star Envoy.

Only the Royal Star Envoy——

Only in this way can we fight against extraordinary monsters and protect mankind!


"It's about giving birth to 'astral creatures'——"

"This is the foundation of the power of the Star Envoy..."

"Yu Xing - it means Yu Xing to fight with the creatures of the star world..."

"I don't know what kind of astral creatures I can give birth to."

"I heard that the top genius gave birth for the first time——"

"It can breed high-level astral creatures such as the Nether Fire Bone Dragon, the Powerful Demon Ape, the Death Mantis, and the Nine Netherworld Pythons."

He whispered softly.

High-level astral creatures—

Who wouldn’t want to be conceived?

As long as you have a high-level astral creature.

Then in the future, I at least 70% hope to become a seventh-level or above Royal Star Envoy!

The Royal Star Envoy of the seventh level and above.

Any one of them is a real big shot.

"I don't dare to ask for high-level astral creatures."

"But at least give me a mid-level astral creature..."

He looked at the astral space in front of him.

No further delay.

Start giving birth to ‘astral creatures’!

There is a metaphysical theory.

If you stand in the awakening circle to give birth to ‘astral creatures’——

The quality of the 'astral creatures' produced will be better.

So any Star Envoy who has opened the ‘Star Boundary’.

Each city will begin to give birth to its first ‘astral creature’ in the awakening room.

With his control——


In the entire astral space.

A large amount of gray mist surged out, carrying the power of death, converging toward the center!

"Death type!"

"Is my first astral creature a death type?"

Zhao Xin stared intently.

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