Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 105 The biggest harvest in history!

Skeleton King knelt down?

This is the super mutated Skeleton King, the three-star King Skeleton King!

Ortav Encyclopedia simply doubted whether he was dreaming.

He had high hopes for this Skeleton King.

This is his trump card to improve his status in the Bailing Mother Cult.

It was cultivated at a high cost in order to suppress the other death-system astral creatures.

But now——

But he just knelt down?

Or toward another skeleton?

He looked at the thousand-meter-high phantom of the skeleton, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of fear in his heart.

It was like ordinary people suddenly saw the almighty king.

It makes no sense.

I just want to surrender to the other person!

"What...what is this?!"

He was horrified.

Tap tap tap——

In the void.

The little skeleton walked step by step, and the thousand-meter-long shadow was condescending, looking down on everything.

The ghost bone dragon, nightmare knight, and necromancer showed a hint of fear in their eyes, but they still attacked the little skeleton.


at this time.

The Skeleton King kneeling on the ground suddenly let out a shocking roar, and a deep voice echoed throughout the sky:

"The great God of Death is here, but you don't kneel down and surrender. This is unforgivable!"

The words fell.

The terrifying sword in his hand had suddenly swung and slashed towards the Necromancer!


The Necromancer is also a three-star king.

The strength is not weaker than the Skeleton King.

but now--

Suppressed by the little skeleton's ability to 'suppress the undead'.

The necromancer's strength was greatly reduced, and he could only display the strength of the two-star king level.

Seeing the Skeleton King strike, he was stunned at first, but then he reacted and resisted frantically.

But the gap in strength cannot be erased even if he is a spell caster!

boom! !

The fire of the Necromancer's soul dimmed, and his body was chopped off with a sword. Many of his bones cracked and broken, and he was seriously injured!

And at the same time——

"Angel's Judgment."

Death Angel Zhao Yan takes action.

The wings on her back were spread very brightly, her face was cold and solemn, and the angel sword was raised high in her hand.


There was a storm in the starry sky, and a huge gray lightsaber fell from the sky.


It was as if one could see that the huge lightsaber was held by a huge phantom of an angel, its wings covering the sky, and it was thrust downwards!

The air exploded, air currents flew, and strong winds raged!


The ghost bone dragon opened its mouth and sprayed out dragon breath. The death-gray dragon breath was extremely shocking and had the power to corrode everything.

But the terrifying lightsaber falling from the sky, with the terrifying power to suppress any death-type creature, directly shattered the dragon's breath, inserted into the ghost bone dragon's back, and countless dragon bones were cut off by the lightsaber in an instant!

"hold head high!!"

The ghost bone dragon screamed, and the soul fire in its eyes suddenly withered.


Medusa's black hair is like a snake, flying behind her head.

Her eyes were indifferent, and her death-grey eyes just looked at the nightmare knight who was charging like a thousand troops and had a very terrifying aura.

Click click click——

The Nightmare Knight's speed suddenly slowed down.

The feet of the Nightmare King Beast gradually turned gray and turned into stone.

Moreover, the gray-white color continues to extend upwards. In the blink of an eye, the legs of the Nightmare Knight stepping on both sides of the Nightmare King Beast are also dyed gray-white. The hellfire is extinguished, and all active substances turn into lifeless stones!

The Nightmare Knight's eyes showed horror.

At this time, the dragon spear in his hand was turning gray-white.

He roared and roared, the air of death rose into the sky, and the fire of hell arose.

But it was all in vain.

Everything, even the energy, even his attacks, turned into stone under Medusa's gaze!

Just a moment.

The Ghost Bone Dragon, Nightmare Knight, and Necromancer lost the ability to fight again.

"How can it be!!"

"How could this could this happen..."

Ortav Encyclopedia's face was pale, with a look of despair in his eyes.


A battle that he thought was a sure bet was actually lost!

For this battle.

He did not hesitate to spend an astonishing price to purchase a 'Scroll of War Shackles'.

Using the three broken stone slabs as coordinates, he came directly across the void.

This is why he is here.

In his original plan.

He will definitely win this battle, and then get everything from the Death Tribunal Ogunkorn.

His ancient tree of life will also be revived.

He will break away from the ranks of 'losers in the struggle for hegemony among all races' and once again become a 'participant in the struggle for hegemony among all races'!

But now——

But he found out.

The opponent's strength far exceeded his imagination! !

The Skeleton King surrenders to the opponent.

The other astral creatures were easily severely injured by the opponent!


"I hate it so much..."

He roared, his eyes bloodshot.

My heart was completely filled with regret.

I regret why I didn’t investigate the other party thoroughly.

If he knew that the other party was the same person as Daphne Modesty and Clara Steno.

It is absolutely impossible for him to kill directly.

He might even cancel his plan.

But all this.

There are no ifs.

There is no regret medicine in the world.

The little skeleton stepped forward and walked in the air.

The pale white skeleton body is like the weakest skeleton.

But combined with the thousand-meter-high skeleton shadow behind it, it looks as majestic as a skeletal god.

The soul fire in his eyes flickered slightly, and he looked at the severely injured Ghost Bone Dragon, Nightmare Knight, and Necromancer.


The expressions of these three king-level astral creatures were distorted, and they rolled violently on the ground, letting out shrill wails.

The death energy is surging, and the terrifying wailing is enough to break the souls of even mid-level demons.

The little skeletons are enslaving them!

Just two breaths.

The Ghost Bone Dragon, Nightmare Knight, and Necromancer stopped struggling and surrendered to the little skeleton.

The little skeleton stood in the air, the fire of the soul in its eyes calmed down.


"Death is the destination of all living beings!"

"I deliver death!"

The Skeleton King, Ghost Bone Dragon, Nightmare Knight, and Necromancer roared, suddenly turned around, and started to kill their original master, Ortav Encyclopedia!

The dragon's breath surges, the death sword is terrifying, the dragon spear penetrates everything, and the death meteorite floods the world!

Just for a moment.

Ortav Encyclopedia didn't even have time to scream.

He was directly killed by his own astral creature, and the eighth-winged Meteor King's suit was shattered!

No blood, no flesh and blood.

Everything listed in the Ortav Encyclopedia was corroded and annihilated by the terrifying death system attack.

The ancient tree of life trembled under his feet.

The ancient tree of life under Zhao Xin's feet was extremely excited, and he devoured the 900-meter-high ancient tree of life opposite, but it had a slightly illusory feel.

Amazing life force surged in.

Just for a moment.

The 900-meter-tall ancient tree of life turned into ashes in silence and disappeared completely.

And the three special stone slabs filled with light in the void also shuddered suddenly and exploded into powder.

A large amount of life force rushed out from it and was absorbed by Zhao Xin's ancient tree of life.

"This battlefield where thousands of races compete for hegemony is more dangerous than I imagined."

"Normally speaking, this person should not belong to the same starry sky as me."

"He is a senior participant and is fighting in another starry sky."

"But he came to me through those three broken stone slabs."

"It shows that different starry skies are not completely inaccessible."

Zhao Xin looked at the stars in the sky and whispered to himself.

He has also visited the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races many times.

Naturally, I found out a lot of information about the struggle for hegemony among all races.


It’s about senior participants!

Thousands of races contend for hegemony——

No one knows how many years ago it started.

Every May, a large number of new participants will arrive and fight with each other. The strong will live and the weak will die.

Countless years passed.

No one knows how many participants there are.

But every year’s participants.

In the first year, you will only compete and fight with the participants of the same period.

Basically you won't meet more experienced participants.

But now——

The person behind the Bailing Sect has obviously been involved in the struggle for hegemony among all races for many years. He is a true veteran, but he appears in front of him and takes action against him!

Where there is one there are two.

It shows that senior participants can also take action against new participants like him.

This is naturally not good news for him.

Participants who can live for many years in the battlefield where thousands of races compete for hegemony are absolutely terrifying.

Don't talk about the king's rank.

There must be lord-level beings that surpass the king level, and even beings stronger than lord-level beings!

"It's no use thinking too much."

"Improving strength is the most important thing."

He shook his head.

Look at the ancient tree of life that is constantly evolving and growing under your feet.

[Name: Ancient Tree of Life]

[Attribute: Creation System]

[Level: Demigod]

[Level: First level upper level (promoting, time required: ten days)]

[Combat Power: None]

[Power of life: 102 points]

[Recovery speed: 4 points/month (1 point can be recovered after four days)]

【power enhanced】

"102 points of life force!"

Zhao Xin raised his eyebrows, with a look of surprise on his face.

Wealth is sought in danger, and the ancients will not deceive me.

This time, although the people behind the Bailing Sect were powerful, there were two of them at the three-star king level.

But if you kill the opponent, the harvest will be equally astonishing!

"A horse will not be fat without night grass, and a man will not be rich without windfall..."

"How long will it take for me to accumulate 102 points of life force by myself?"

He had a smile on his face.


Instead, he looked forward to meeting a senior participant again.

these senior participants.

As long as you kill it, you can swallow a lot of life power!

102 points of life force.

For the astral beings at the king level, it may only be a drop in the bucket, so the other party will keep it.

But for him——

But it is enough to greatly enhance the strength of all astral creatures!

"It only takes 10 points of life force to upgrade the third-order high level to the fourth-order low level, the fourth-order low level to the fourth-order mid-level, and the fourth-level mid-level to the fourth-level high level."

"Zhao Yan, Zhou Xuan, Medusa, and Silver Sky Snake are all at the lower level of the fourth level. It takes 40 points of life force to upgrade them all to the middle level of the fourth level."

"The little skeleton is in the middle of the fourth level. It takes 10 points of life force to upgrade to the upper level of the fourth level."

"Thunder Titan and Phoenix are at the top level of the third level. To upgrade to the middle level of the fourth level, it takes 40 points of life force to raise them twice in a row."


"By spending 90 points of life force, the combat power of all astral creatures will be greatly improved!"

"And the little skeleton also enslaved two three-star kings and two two-star kings!"

He felt a little surging in his heart.

This is such a harvest!

Simply the most amazing harvest ever!

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