Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 109 Breaking records! Order from the elders of the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance! (Additio

A whole eight levels of king-level aura soared into the sky.

For the fire dragon in this space, it is simply a disaster.

The terrifying death-gray sword light shattered everything.

Various death spells are thrown at the fire dragon, killing it upon contact, and its flesh and bones are often corroded cleanly.

The entire world was filled with the screams and wails of the fire dragon.

Even if the Fire Dragon King comes out, how can the strength of the eighth level compete with the king level?

In less than two hundred seconds.

All the fire dragons were destroyed and no one was left.

【congratulations! Successfully passed the second ridge of Tianmai Mountain! 】

[The clearance time is one hundred and ninety-seven seconds! 】

[You successfully broke the record of the second ridge of Tianmai Mountain and entered the Tianmai list! 】

[Your sculpture will be erected in Tianmai Square and will be admired by all participants! 】

[You get a chance to win a high-level lottery! 】

【Would you like to use the advanced lottery now? 】


"Breaking the record again..."

"This record is too simple..."

Zhao Xin shook his head, feeling helpless.

He really didn't want to break the record, but his strength didn't allow it.

I can only do it reluctantly and break the record.


With a thought in his mind, he chose 'yes' and entered the high-level lottery space again.

The bright moon is vast, bright and sacred.

It's like the ancient mythical world appears in the modern world, it's extremely beautiful.

Zhao Xin stood in the starry sky, watching this scene quietly, choosing a bright moon with blue light on the edge.

The bright moon comes across the sky.

The bright moonlight gradually dispersed.

An extremely delicate token appeared, spinning gently in the air.

Thousands of stars are engraved on the token.

The other side depicts a huge and majestic palace, standing high in the clouds.

"What is this?"

Zhao Xin was curious.

He reached for the token.

Immediately the information was transmitted into his mental power.

[Elder Order of the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance: Holding this token, you are an elder of the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance, and your status is respected]

"The order of the elders of the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance?"

"What kind of force is the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance?"

"An elder token can actually appear in the high-level lottery of the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races?"

Zhao Xin raised her eyebrows, feeling surprised.

In his opinion.

The high-level lottery space in the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races must have extremely high standards.

Every item that can appear here is a treasure, extremely precious.

But now——

This is just a token symbolizing identity, but it can also appear here?

"The Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance..."

"This should be an extremely powerful force..."

he mused.

Shaking his head, he put the token away.

In a flash of light, it has returned to the second ridge of Tianmai Mountain.

[Congratulations on passing the second line of Tianmai Mountain. You will be rewarded with a Lord's Heart. 】

[You can go to the ‘Temple of All Races’ to receive rewards. 】

[You have cleared both Tianmai Mountains today, and you can continue the challenge twenty days later. 】

Dark red handwriting appeared in front of Zhao Xin.

"You can't continue the challenge?"

Zhao Xin raised his eyebrows.

He originally wanted to break the records of the third and fourth veins at the same time.

Unexpectedly, he refused.

Shaked his head.

He chose to leave Tianmai Mountain.

And at this time.

There was deathly silence in Tianmai Square.

Everyone stared blankly, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

The golden light was overwhelming and enveloped everything.

The sculpture symbolizing the record holder of the second vein slowly twisted into another figure in the golden light.

"The record of...the second pulse has also been broken!!"

Someone finally spoke out with difficulty, his voice full of trance, as if he was dreaming.

A short time.

I saw the Tianmai Mountain record broken twice in succession.

If you don't see this kind of thing with your own eyes, no one would believe it.

"The record holder of the second lineage is Master Bai Ling of the God Clan! He is one of the most powerful people of the God Clan and one of the most powerful people in the starry sky!"

"Lord Bai Ling's record has been held for one thousand three hundred and ninety-seven years! It was actually broken today!"

"Could it be that the human race that defeated the Master of Yun Eclipse Island before broke Lord Bai Ling's record again!"

Participants of all major races were shocked and spoke in silence.


"Is it still him?"

The elf girl Emily swallowed her saliva and stared at the sculpture of the second vein with her eyes.

Many people are like her, staring at the sculpture of Second Meridian without blinking.

The golden light dispersed.

The second sculpture appeared in front of everyone.

The starry sky is endless.

In a star filled with endless flames, sitting cross-legged was a young man wearing a black trench coat and sunglasses, always with a smile on his face.

No matter how fierce the flames were and the fire of the sun was raging, they could not cause any harm to him.

Even in his every breath.

A large amount of the sun's fire was absorbed by the mouth and nose of the young man in black, causing the entire star's light to dim slightly.

Can be seen.

The light of this star has long been much dimmer than that of a normal star, and it doesn't have much of a blazing feel.

"Island Master! Something big happened!"

"Your record in Tianmai Mountain has been broken!"

at this time.

A screen of light popped up in front of the young man in black, and a woman in green shouted.

The woman in green clothes was very beautiful, carrying a long sword on her back, like a peerless fairy, but she was shouting and screaming, but she didn't have the temperament that a fairy should have.


The young man in black opened his eyes and said with some surprise:

"My record is 2,732 seconds. I broke the record with an absolute advantage of 75 seconds, but it was broken in only 795 years?"

"Which race is the one who broke my record?"

He seemed a little surprised at the first sentence.

But in the second sentence, there was more solemnity in the voice.

All races in the starry sky are constantly killing each other for resources and territory.

If he can break his record, he will most likely become a strong man not much weaker than him in the future.

If there was a chance for such monsters from other races, he would naturally kill them directly.

Why shouldn't the big bully the small?

Why should we wait for the other party to grow up before we can have a fair fight?

He didn't have any brain damage, so how could he do this?


We must directly kill the opponent with absolute strength before he can grow up!

"It's my human race!"

The woman in green clothes said.

"Ha ha ha ha--"

"It's actually my human race!"

A smile suddenly appeared on the face of the young man in black, and he was in a good mood.

As one of the top leaders of the human race, he was naturally happy that a monster could be born again in the human race.

After all, in this starry sky, the human race has many powerful enemies.

Every time a strong human race rises up, the pressure on him will be reduced.

He stood up, his body very slender, and said with a smile:

"How long did it take him?"

"I'm guessing it took him twenty seconds less than me at most."

"If you can do it twenty seconds faster than me, your talent is comparable to mine."

In the light curtain.

The woman in green had a strange look on her face, and looked at Yun Eclipse Island Master with some hesitation.

"What's wrong?"

"Does it only take a second or two less than me?"

The owner of Yun Eclipse Island was stunned and looked at the woman in green.

If so.

That would be a shame for him.

After all, it can always be erected in the Tianmaishan Square in the form of a sculpture, and is respected by all races.

This is invisible, but it has great benefits.

But it is worth it to discover a peerless monster for the human race.

But blessings and misfortunes depend on each other.

If their human race can discover that peerless evildoer, the rest of the human race's enemies can naturally do the same.


The woman in Tsing Yi looked even weirder:

"Island Master, it only took him one hundred and sixty-five seconds..."

"...One hundred and sixty-five seconds?!"

The owner of Yun Eclipse Island was stunned, with a look of astonishment and disbelief on his face.

"...It's really him!"

"In one day, the records of the first and second veins were broken one after another!"

"Who is he?"

"How could he be so evil!!"

The elf girl Emily murmured, her mind going blank.


Have you actually talked to such an awesome person?

"same person!"

"It's all that human race!"

"Continuously breaking the records of Yun Eclipse Island Master and Lord Bai Ling!"

"The human race has given birth to a peerless monster!"

"And look at the time, it's one hundred and ninety-seven seconds! It's almost forty-nine times faster than Lord Bai Ling's time of nine thousand six hundred and forty-two seconds!!"

"What kind of monster is this! Is the human race trying to defy heaven?!"

"If the starry sky is not peaceful, who among the great enemies of the human race can watch the rise of such a monster in the human race?"

A large number of participants in the struggle for hegemony among all races were filled with turmoil in their hearts and lost their voices.

This is since the emergence of the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races.

Something that has never happened before.

one person--

He can actually occupy two places on the Tianmai list! !

This is the first person in history!

"Unimaginable monster..."

the other side.

Xu Daohong also stood on the edge of the square, unable to calm down and murmuring.

He was dressed in black armor, carrying a spear on his back, with a tall and straight body, black hair shawl, and a very outstanding temperament.

But at this moment, his face was filled with shock.

It has been more than thirty years since he entered the battlefield where all races compete for hegemony.

He has fought life and death battles with thousands of races more than twenty times.

I have been to Tianmai Mountain many times.

He also knows a lot about Tianmai Mountain.

After all, he himself has passed through the first and second meridians.

Now stuck in the third vein.

But when he passed the first pulse, he entered it four times, which took a total of more than 76,000 seconds!

"More than four hundred times faster than me..."

He smiled bitterly in his heart.

As the strongest man in the world in Chen Star, this was the first time he felt such an unimaginable gap.

In the past, when I looked at those statues, I was just looking at the ancients.

But now——

But he was a contemporary of him.

"This kind of monster should be the top monster cultivated by the top forces in the human camp."

"I just come from a small dust star, so naturally I can't compare."

He comforted himself in his heart.

And just then.

He found that the eyes of all the foreign races around him were looking in the direction of the Tianmai Gate.

His heart stirred. Could it be that the human monster who broke the records of the first and second veins came out?

He also immediately looked towards the Heavenly Meridian Gate.

Immediately I saw——

A young human race man who looked exactly like the statue walked out of the Tianmai Gate.

The other party was dressed very ordinary and had a very ordinary temperament, just like ordinary young people seen everywhere on the street.

There is no trace of the temperament of an unparalleled monster at all.

"Such monsters are not from the same world as me..."

"My target is still on the three motherships of Liuling Civilization."

"And the other party's target should have been the sea of ​​stars..."

"If the three motherships of Liuling Civilization are placed in front of the other party, the other party may not even look at it..."

Xu Daohong thought silently.

Looking at the figure who, although ordinary, was shining brightly in the eyes of all the participants at the moment, he couldn't help but show some respect.

after all--

This is a peerless monster who has successively broken the records of the first and second line of Tianmai Mountain. He deserves his respect!

There is only one chapter left in last month’s update.

There are not even 100 monthly tickets for this month. Brothers, can you do your best and let Dongtian keep adding more updates! !

200 monthly tickets to add an additional chapter! ! The leader adds four more chapters! !

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