Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 132 The devil appears! Fallen angels take action!

Half empty in the distance.

The Qianyu organization's aircraft was suspended.

"In just a short period of time, there were five king-level monsters."

"As time goes by, there will be more king-level monsters."

"It's a pity that this passage is too fragile, and the four-star king level should not be able to pass through."

"However, there are a large number of one-star kings, two-star kings, and three-star kings, which are enough to make Haicheng's chickens and dogs stay."

"Inquisition of Death?"

"I'll let you experience what real death is."

The deputy leader of Qianyu Organization whispered coldly.

In order to open this demon channel.

He even did not hesitate to consume the corpses of twenty-four king-level monsters.

This was something he urgently collected from the Dark Moon Empire at a huge cost!



A shocking roar came from the passage.

The roar carried terrifying sound waves, sweeping in all directions. Even though the distance was far away, the aircraft was still affected and shook a few times.


"That is--"

The deputy leader of the Qianyu Organization ignored the shaking of the aircraft, his pupils shrank tightly, and he looked at the passage with some horror.

There lava shot into the sky.

The terrifying dark red flame is burning, burning everything.

A huge dark red heart was suspended in the air, surrounded by hundreds of meters of shadow.

That roar was probably coming from this phantom.

On the earth.

Countless stones flew up into the air and were burned by the dark red flames, absorbing bits of stone essence and blending into the shadow.

With the integration of countless stone essences.

The shadow quickly transforms into a physical entity.

This is a huge figure that is over a hundred meters tall and covered with dark red rocks.

The earth-shaking evil aura filled the air, causing the void to twist!


"This is the legendary lava troll!!"

The deputy leader of Qianyu Organization looked horrified.

He didn't expect that.

He just opened a passage to the plane of all spirits.

It actually attracted a lava troll!

The demon civilization is an extremely vast and extremely complex civilization.

Just like the Star Envoy civilization, there are many races.

And in the demon civilization.

The demon lineage is the most frightening and heart-stopping race!

Among the legends.

Demons come from unknown places.

Countless years ago, there was no demon clan in the demon civilization.

But I don't know when it started, a clan of demons appeared and became an important branch of the demon civilization.

The devil clan——

All elite!

As long as it appears, the weakest will be the king level!

And they are inherently evil, even other races with demonic civilizations are afraid of the demon clan.

As for the Star Envoy civilization.


Even more terrible.

The evil aura can turn strong human beings into evil and forcibly transform them into demon servants.

There are even many demons who enjoy playing with people's hearts.

He often creates small things to lure humans step by step towards evil, and is eventually harvested by demons for their souls and everything.

"How come there are demons in the plane of all spirits!"

"The plane of all spirits should be just an ordinary demon plane."

"The devil is a noble of the demonic civilization, how could he appear in the plane of all spirits!"

The deputy leader of Qianyu Organization swallowed his saliva, even if he just looked at it from a distance, he felt scared.

The evil aura made him tremble all over.


He can tell.

The lava troll used a special method to forcefully cross over from the plane of spirits.

This is a four-star king-level demon!

It shouldn't have crossed the border.

But it showed up!

"This world is going to be in big trouble."

"The combat power of the lava troll is terrifying. Not to mention the four-star king-level astral creatures, even the five-star king-level astral creatures may not be able to match it."

"And wherever you go, evil will spread. If you enter that sea city, I am afraid that many humans will be infected by evil..."

he muttered.

I also felt a little lucky in my heart.


This dust star did not join the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance.


If he were on the planet of the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance, he would dare to attract a demon.

Then what awaits him is definitely death.

There will be no second way.

But in a flash he became excited again.

If a demon appears, that sea city will be 100% destroyed!

Even if all the kings of the Red Moon Kingdom appear, they can't stop this terrifying lava troll!

Even a bad one.

This world may be destroyed by this lava troll!

"Follow carefully."

"Never attract the attention of a lava troll."

he ordered.

As the latest aircraft model of the Dark Moon Empire, it naturally has powerful concealment capabilities.

In addition, the distance was far enough, so he dared to follow a lava troll.


The lava troll ‘Ishar’ looked down at the surroundings.

His eyes were scarlet, and an evil black mist was exuding from his whole body.

Some of the surrounding demons were contaminated, and they all twisted on the ground, and then turned into demon servants and became evil minions.

Many demons stayed away.

Even two three-star king-level demons were afraid and did not dare to approach the lava troll ‘Ishar’.

"This is the human world?"

"It is indeed much stronger than the abyss created by our ancestors."

"The popularity, which is as vast as the ocean, excites me more than the best lava fruit."

Ishar said to himself.

This time he accidentally ended up in the plane of all spirits.

I didn't expect to encounter such a thing and enter the human world.

for the human world.

He knew a lot from his ancestors.

Legend has it that their ancestors came from an infinitely powerful place.

The humans there are also infinitely powerful, and as long as they can seduce one, it is enough to increase the strength of the demons.


They can never go back.

But Ishar didn't care.

All he cares about is humans.

Can humans make demons stronger?

"I hope this human world will allow me to complete my first transformation."

He licked his lips and strode towards Haicheng.

The rocky body of I'm afraid is like a hill walking on the ground. Nothing can stop it as it passes.

Even if there are majestic mountains thousands of meters high standing.

They were all shattered by a slight bump from him, and the essence was absorbed, making his height increase a lot.


Zhao Xin sat cross-legged under the space sacred tree of Dalikos.

Zhao Hongyue has not come back since she left yesterday.

"Still a fiancée."

"He disappeared when he went out."

He shook his head and cursed.

But he actually didn't care that much.

The only thing he's looking forward to now.

When will another demon come to my door?

The two king-level demons not long ago gave him a lot of gains.

Although it is just the river of time, it is also something he needs very much.

If you can get seventy, eighty or ninety king-level demons.

Even if everything is the river of time.

he thinks--

The astral creatures under his command have also grown in strength!

But he knew it very well.

This is too difficult.

The Red Moon Kingdom can send two king-level monsters, and they should both be monsters that have been dealt with for a long time.

The king-level demon must be captured alive.

Not easy.

It is much more difficult than killing a king-level monster.

Even if the four-star king level takes action, it will be difficult to catch it.

"I don't know where the Seven Gods Hermitage is hidden."

"When will you jump out and let me solve it once and for all..."

He thought of his remaining enemies again and whispered in his heart.

This organization is too hidden.

It's not like the Bailing Sect, the Ancha Organization, the Witch Snake Tail, and the Three-Color Demon God Society, which are known to the whole world.

He checked online.

There is no information about the Hermitage of the Seven at all.

It's not blocked.

It is this organization that is unknown.

But one thing he was sure of.

It is the strength of this organization that should be much stronger than the Bailing Sect and others.

With such an organization hiding in the dark, he was naturally wary and wanted to find the other party and solve them all.

The essence of Gou Dao is to kill all enemies who affect one's ability to go on.

Both soul and body will be completely destroyed.



A faint black light rushed from outside, revealing Chen Mingyue's figure.

Dalekos's Space Sacred Tree did not stop him.

After all, he is Zhao Xin's astral creature, and he carries a very strong aura of Zhao Xin.

At this time, the fallen angel looked quite serious, looked at Zhao Xin and said solemnly:

"I sensed the devil's aura, more than two hundred kilometers northwest of Haicheng!"

She is a fallen angel.

The three pairs of fused wings come from a Lord of the Abyss.

It can be said--

She is an extremely high-level demon.

He has a natural ability to sense and suppress other demons.

She can even summon demons from unknown places to serve her.

But at the same time.

She is also a native of Haicheng.

It was clear how serious the problem was when a demon appeared so close to Haicheng.

What is the devil.

She knows better than anyone else!

It is a symbol of evil and the controller of evil. Whenever it appears, it means that evil is expanding!

This kind of life is chaotic and disorderly, evil and cruel, and can spread evil to other living beings.


Zhao Xin was shocked.

More than two hundred kilometers away from Haicheng, a demon appears?

He frowned.

He had obtained a lot of information from the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races.

Information about the demon civilization was naturally among his inquiries.

And the devil——

It is one of the most focused information on demon civilization.

This is an evil creature that destroys the world and destroys everything at every turn.

The devil appears.

It will only bring evil and destruction!


Fallen angels, extremely high-level demons, are different.

The nature of the fallen angel's power is evil, but it is the purest evil.

Rather than being a chaotic evil like ordinary demons.

"Within a radius of 500 kilometers, there is only Haicheng."

"The devil likes places where people gather the most, so the devil's target must be Haicheng."

"Can you control that demon?"

He looked at Chen Mingyue and asked.

"Not sure of the opponent's strength."

"If you're not much stronger than me, that's fine."

Chen Mingyue said.

The distance is too far.

She could only feel the presence of the devil's aura, but the intensity was unable to be accurately sensed.

"It doesn't matter."

"I still have the power of faith here."

"It can temporarily strengthen your strength."

Zhao Xin said.

Without any hesitation, he changed his robes, spread out five pairs of dark wings, and rose into the sky with Chen Mingyue, heading towards the direction of the devil.

It didn’t take long——

He felt the demonic aura rolling in.

"So many monsters!"

"Is this a wave of demons breaking out?"

Zhao Xin was not surprised but happy.

Because he felt the aura of many ninth-level, pseudo-king-level, and king-level monsters from it!

How many times can this open up a dream world?

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