Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 135 Received a gift of a wolf-eared lady! Re-enter the dream world (2-in-1)

The reason why the demon civilization is so powerful is that it dares to directly invade the planes and planets of a large number of Star Envoy civilizations.

A big part of the reason.

It is the appearance and joining of demons.

Demons are terrible.

Wherever it passes, it is like a plague, directly polluting the entire world into a source of evil, turning the entire world into a birthplace of evil creatures.

Wherever the devil has passed——

Countless planets and planes have been completely polluted and all life has been extinct!

The Red Moon Empress actually felt the devil's aura at this time, and her heart was naturally heavy.

"did not see."

Zhao Ya, the commander of the Sky Navy, shook his head.

"She needs to be informed about this matter..."

The Red Moon Empress murmured.

The appearance of the devil is terrifying.

Even though she is extremely talented and beautiful, she is still a King-level Star Envoy at the age of twenty-one or twelve, and she has three-star King-level astral creatures on her hands.

Can face the devil——

Also very powerless.

"Is this where the passage was opened?"

Zhao Xin was suspended in mid-air, looking down at the earth below.

The ground has been shattered, and all the mountains and other mountains have collapsed.

There was only a huge spiral pit in place, and the remaining demonic aura was very strong.

He already knew from the mouth of the lava troll sent into the 'Demon Realm' by the fallen angel Chen Mingyue that this passage connected the plane of all spirits.

But the channel is very unstable.

After the lava troll came, it collapsed.

After all, the lava troll 'Ishar' is a four-star king-level demon, which exceeds the carrying limit of this temporary passage.

"Bah bah bah!"

Silver Sky Snake stretched out its head and shouted.

The Silver Sun has now moved outside the city, so it naturally no longer needs the Silver Sky Snake to shield it.

"You said the space here is weak?"

Zhao Xin raised his eyebrows.

No wonder——

The Qianyu Organization can open a temporary passage to the plane of all spirits from here.


Silver Sky Snake continued to speak, his voice was like a silver bell and had a childish feel to it.

"If you continue to become stronger, can you open a temporary passage from here?"

Zhao Xin's eyes lit up slightly.

The plane of all spirits is a plane under the rule of demon civilization.

Planes are different from planets.

The planet is among the stars.

The plane is the round sky and the square place, located in the interlayer of space.

in other words--

The planet is in the big universe and belongs to this world.

The plane is an extraordinary world attached to the macrocosm.

In the extraordinary world, ordinary creatures cannot survive.

The original energy of heaven and earth is too strong. In that kind of environment, ordinary creatures will be eroded by the original energy of heaven and earth, and their bodies and souls will collapse.

Only extraordinary people can withstand the rich original energy of heaven and earth, and their cultivation speed will be greatly increased.

From just opening temporary channels soon.

Eleven king-level demons came over, and Zhao Xin knew that there were definitely a lot of king-level demons in the Plane of All Spirits.


He is already at the seventh level of perfection.

To open the dream world, the ninth-level demon is useless.

Only demons above the pseudo-king level can let him open it!

If he could enter the plane of all spirits, it would definitely be an excellent place for him to practice.

Moreover, with the presence of the lava troll ‘Ishar’, safety in the plane of all spirits is guaranteed.

Take a step back and say——

Even the lava troll ‘Ishar’ could not guarantee his safety.

He also has the extremely powerful trump card of ‘Warrior Card’.

"Bah, bah, bah, bah!"

Silver Sky Snake nodded its little snake head.


"The Qianyu Organization not only sends a super gift, but there are more gifts behind this super gift."

Zhao Xin was satisfied.

He didn't stay long.

The strong men of the Red Moon Kingdom will definitely follow the demon's path to find this place.


His whole body was twisted, silver light filled the air, and he had disappeared in place.


The Silver Sky Snake's level has reached the mid-seventh level.

The combat power has even reached the four-star king level.

I can already use the 'Short Space Array' non-stop.

Even though it’s a short distance——

But in fact, one transmission can still reach about fifty kilometers.

This is really convenient for traveling.

However, it cannot be used against the enemy.

After all, each time the 'Short Space Array' is used, it takes about three seconds.

It just flashed five times.

He has already returned to Haicheng.

Sitting cross-legged under the space sacred tree of Dalikos, he was in a good mood.

A sudden and amazing harvest will put anyone in a great mood.

"It's a pity that this kind of thing can only happen once."

"The Qianyu organization probably spent a lot of money to open that temporary channel."

"It's almost impossible to meet again."

He felt a little regretful.

If you can encounter it often——

He felt that he would soon become a true king-level Star Envoy.

The astral creatures under his command are able to increase their combat power dramatically, and surpassing the king level is just around the corner!

That afternoon.

He unexpectedly saw that Zhao Hongyue was back.

"I'm here to say goodbye to you."

"I'm going back to Red Moon City and found something very urgent."

Zhao Hongyue looked at Zhao Xin and said.

Two people are sitting in the living room, one is wearing white clothes and the other is wearing red clothes. White and red complement each other.

"Very urgent matter?"

Zhao Xin said doubtfully.

"An extremely terrifying creature has appeared."

"I need to find out the whereabouts of that terrifying creature."

Zhao Hongyue's pretty face is quite serious.

The appearance of the devil put a lot of pressure on her.

After all, it was an evil creature that destroyed countless planes and planets!

"An extremely terrifying creature?"

Zhao Xin was startled.

All kinds of information swirled in his mind.

What creature can be called extremely terrifying?


This is too much.

For Dust Star, many, many creatures are extremely terrifying.

"Be careful."

"If I can be of any help, just ask."

He spoke.

From the first meeting.

He knew that Zhao Hongyue's status in the kingdom was definitely not low.

The majestic temperament that appears from time to time cannot be faked.

But he had no intention of exploring.

No matter Zhao Hongyue's identity, he didn't care.

Zhao Hongyue nodded.

There was silence between the two of them again.

Shortly after.

Zhao Hongyue left the villa.

Zhao Xin looked at the other person's back and disappeared into a hover car before looking away.

Such is the intersection between people.

Maybe a turn around, or a goodbye, it will be forever.

He didn't know whether he and Zhao Hongyue would be connected in the future.

He did not take the words of his fiancé and fiancée seriously.

He believes it.

With the majestic temperament shown by Zhao Hongyue, she probably wouldn't take it seriously.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

Haicheng has been quiet these three days.

Zhao Xin went to work in the execution hall every day, rain or shine.

I don’t know where the leader of the red skirt hall has gone, and I haven’t seen him for several days.

The girl Zhou Xi has also disappeared. It is said that she has taken a long leave.

There are also many new faces in the execution hall.

Zhao Xin actually likes this kind of ordinary life.

He felt that nothing could compare to peace.

He doesn't like Wang Jie's world. He only likes to go to work every day and occasionally exchange a few words with his colleagues.

Steamed buns, fried dough sticks, soy milk and rice crackers all made him feel satisfied.

"There are wonderful things in this world."

"The world of Wangjie has no reality like the human world."

He whispered in his heart.


If you live in the human world and your strength can continue to improve rapidly, it will naturally be very pleasant.

"Today is the third day."

"I wonder if those slave shops captured any pseudo-king-level monsters."

Zhao Xin returned to the villa, looked at the sunset on the horizon, and said expectantly.

Three days.

There were also two king-level beings outside Haicheng who brought a one-star king-level demon.

However, he did not go to meet him and asked the other party to wait outside Haicheng.


A few days would not matter to Wang Jie at all.

After all, there is a king-level existence, his body and soul have been transformed, and his lifespan has been far longer than that of ordinary people, as long as five hundred years.

He was worried about killing the king-level monsters brought by these two king-level beings, and he would be promoted to the eighth-level Star Royal Envoy.

Once promoted to the eighth level of Star Envoy.

The pseudo-king-level monsters he ordered in the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races were useless.

before ordering.

He definitely didn't expect it.

The Qianyu Organization would give him such a huge gift, which would make his cultivation level soar by leaps and bounds, from the middle level of the sixth level to the perfect level of the seventh level.


His mental consciousness moved slightly and he had arrived at the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races.

Bailondo Slave Shop.

"Sir, I'm very sorry..."

"The pseudo-king-level demon you ordered has not arrived yet..."

The little girl with wolf ears blushed and said.

He vowed that it would be enough in three days.

As a result, the time came, but the goods did not arrive.

And this is already the second time we have missed an appointment.

She was also very embarrassed.

"The strength of your slave trading firm disappoints me very much."

Zhao Xin said calmly.

"Dear guest, I'm very sorry..."

At this time, a graceful-looking wolf-eared lady came from not far away and bowed to Zhao Xin:

"The pseudo-king-level monsters you ordered are too cunning. We captured too many monsters, making the pseudo-king-level monsters very wary of us."

"So even though several kings were dispatched in three days, they still failed to arrest him."

"As an apology, we will give you a slave girl for free."

"Lan Hu'er, from now on, you will be this guest's slave."

The last sentence.

This graceful and elegant wolf-eared lady said this to the little wolf-eared lady standing in front of Zhao Xin.

"Ah? Yes."

The little girl with wolf ears was surprised, but she still took the order immediately.

She looked at Zhao Xin secretly, without much resistance in her heart.

Several contacts have let her know that Zhao Xin is not only a wealthy participant, but also has a good personality.

The wolf's tail protruding from the small leather skirt shook slightly, and bowed to Zhao Xin, with a red face:

"Meet the master~"


Zhao Xin had ten thousand horses galloping past in her heart.

Did he say anything?

Is there an additional wolf-eared female slave?

However, considering that his shop also needed manpower, he reluctantly nodded:

"I accept your store's apology."

"Thank you for your understanding, guest!"

"This is the spiritual imprint of Blue Cod."

The graceful and elegant Wolf Ear Lady handed Zhao Xin a spiritual seal.

As long as you master this spiritual mark, you can completely control a slave.

Seeing Zhao Xin take over the spiritual mark, the graceful and elegant Wolf Ear Lady approached Zhao Xin and whispered:

"Dear guest, Blue Cod'er is a baby~"


Zhao Xin was speechless.

Is he that kind of person?

Immediately afterwards.

He then went to the remaining twelve slave shops.

However, only three families completed the commission and captured the pseudo-king-level demon.

The remaining nine all failed.

"The layout is not as good as the Bailon slave shop..."

"There was no sign of anything..."

He cursed in his heart.

But being able to obtain three pseudo-king-level demons was enough to make him happy.

This means——

It allows him to open the dream world three times.

Taking the wolf-eared girl Lan Hu'er to the empty shop, he ordered:

"From now on, you will stay here. When I have items to sell, you will be responsible for the sales."

"Yes, Master~"

Blue Cod said respectfully.

She curiously looked at this shop that was larger than she imagined.

The decor is nice and there are plenty of counters, but unfortunately there are no goods.

at the same time.

She was also secretly guessing about the identity of her master.

To be able to own such a big shop.

And the location is far better than Bailendo.

Zhao Xin nodded.

After leaving some food and water, he left directly.

"This shop should also be utilized..."

He whispered in his heart.

But they are not selling precious items such as dragon energy and wood energy.

Instead, it’s time to sell some normal items.

But for a while.

He also could not find a valid source of goods.

Return to No. 15 Bell Street, in the villa.

Looking at the three pseudo-king-level monsters in front of him, Zhao Xin's eyes brightened.

Although it is far less than the large number of demons three days ago.

But the opportunity to open the dream world three times still made him very happy.

"let's start……"

"I hope this time, I can get another precious item."

He whispered softly.

He has opened the dream world many times.

But the probability of obtaining items is very low.

So far--

He also only obtained five items: the scroll of sacred praise, the human skin of the cursed true god, the dragon source crystal, the wood source crystal, and the warrior card.

In terms of talent——

He has only received four talents: Sword God, Fire Control, Earth Control, and Trinity.

In terms of magic——

It is even rarer, with only the soul magic 'Slavery' and the lower true god level sword skill 'Ten Thousand Tribulations'.

And the rest.

There are only two extremely precious energy life forms, Dalekos' Space Sacred Tree and Haofeis' Pool of Ascension, as well as the immortal characteristic of 'favor of fate'.

The rest of the dream world that is opened is all the river of time.

He held out his right hand.

After evolving once with Haofeisi's pool of promotion, a long sword that has reached the middle level of king level appears.


The cold sword energy flashed.

A pseudo-king-level demon that was suppressed by the slave mark and unable to move has been killed.


He is already at the seventh level of perfection.

The low-level true god-level swordsmanship 'Ten Thousand Tribulations' has also reached the Nine Tribulations realm. A sword slash is accompanied by nine tribulation lights, increasing the power and speed by nine times.

Even the pseudo-king-level monster that has not been suppressed can hardly block his sword.

Even Zhao Xin felt——

With his current fighting power, he should be able to match even a one-star king-level monster.


A large number of soul light points flew over.

Zhao Xin looked slightly dazed, he had seen the dream world again.

It was not a long time, which made him happy.

As long as time does not flow, any other harvest is absolutely precious!

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