Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 14 Kill the demon and open the dream world!

No. 57 Guihua Avenue.

Room 608 on the sixth floor.

Zhao Xin installed the fixed star array properly.

The trainee Star Envoy is promoted to the first level Star Envoy.

Need a fixed star.

What is a fixed star?

Just set the star power attribute!

Astral beings have various attributes.

Such as death system, fire system, water system, spiritual system, thunder system, light system...etc.

And the Royal Star Envoy——

Naturally, they also have their own attributes!

differences in properties.

It will be related to the difference in abilities that the Star Master can master in the future.

For example, the Fire Elemental Star Envoy.

Most of the abilities that can be mastered are to increase the explosive power of astral creatures.

The Royal Star Envoy of the Light Department.

Most of the abilities that can be mastered are recovery.

Wind elemental star envoy.

The ability that can be mastered is naturally to increase the speed of astral creatures.


The attributes of the Royal Star Envoy are also very important.

If it can complement each other with astral creatures.

Then it can naturally increase the combat power of astral creatures!

And to advance from a trainee Star Envoy to a first-level Star Envoy, it is necessary to determine the star power attribute!

Once the star power attributes are determined.

Basically it cannot be changed.

"let's start."

"After tonight—"

"I am the first-order Star Envoy."

"The record for the fastest promotion to the first level of Star Envoy in history——"

"It seems to be the ninth day, right?"

"but me--"

"Promoted on day one."

Zhao Xin looked calm and sat cross-legged on the fixed star array.

He took out the drop of star power water and swallowed it directly.

At the same time, he held the first-order demon core in his right hand and began to operate the 'Hengsha World Map'.


At the position of his heart, eighty-four golden light spots lit up again.

The original energy of heaven and earth roared and stirred up the wind.

Pieces of white paper flew up from the table, making a clattering sound.

Just for a moment.

The original energy of heaven and earth formed a vortex above Zhao Xin's head.

A large amount of the original energy of heaven and earth——

Being swallowed by the eighty-four cells located in his heart.

at the same time--

In the heart core of the first-order demon in his hand.

There was also a special aura coming out.

This special breath joins the original energy of heaven and earth.

It directly caused the original energy of heaven and earth to become violent.

Eighty-four golden cells expanded violently, and then contracted sharply.

This happened eighty-one times.

The core of the first-order demon's heart has become dim.

Within the eighty-four golden cells, micro spaces were derived one by one.

The space is very small.

It can produce a large amount of the original energy of heaven and earth.

However, a large amount of star power was formed and poured into eighty-four golden cells!


Zhao Xin felt as if his entire body and soul had been sublimated.

I feel indescribably comfortable all over.

Physical fitness and mental strength have been greatly improved again!

"The Hengsha World Map is too powerful."

On the way to work.

Zhao Xin felt that her body seemed to be completely renewed and she was very satisfied.


He has officially broken through.

Became a first-level Star Envoy.

From ancient times to the present.

The fastest promoted first-level Star Envoy!

he thinks--

Even a low-level extraordinary demon might not be able to withstand his punch!

This is for any first-level Star Envoy.

It's all unimaginable.

After all, the combat power of the Star Envoy basically relies on the creatures of the astral world.


The combat power is not high, and it mostly plays a supporting role.

He was in a happy mood while eating fried dough sticks and sweet soy milk bought on the roadside.

Stopped a hover car casually.

Go to the Demon Slayer Department.

He is full of enthusiasm and expectation for his daily work.

"For the Xingtang to have an excellent employee like me, it's a real blessing."

"I hope that Miss Hall Master, who I don't know what she looks like, can feel my love——"

"Then give me more burdens."

Walking into the strange passage of the torture hall, Zhao Xin thought to himself.


He walked into the hall master's office.

There are several members of the Criminal Hall in the office, receiving tasks.

after him.

Several members of the torture hall also came in.

Everyone lined up very consciously.

Zhao Xin also saw the girl Zhou Xi, the young Soong Ling, and the black man Wade who were in the same lounge with him.

He smiled at the girl Zhou Xi as a greeting.

As for the other two?

He just pretended not to see it.

If others don't want to see him, he naturally doesn't want to see them either.

The girl Zhou Xi returned a big smile.

Saying 'good morning' without making a sound.

After a while.

It's Zhao Xin's turn.

"Grab the token yourself."

"Which level of mission you want to complete depends entirely on your luck."

The hall master, who was still wearing a red dress, spoke calmly.

In front of her was a wooden box that could fit one hand inside.


Zhao Xin bowed his hands.

Without any hesitation, he reached directly into the wooden box, grabbed a token and took it out.


"You are so unlucky, be careful."

The leader of the red skirt hall shook his head and reminded him.

She whispered in her mind.

In front of me is this new subordinate who arrived yesterday.

Are you afraid that the goddess of misfortune has struck you?

The astral creatures that are conceived are the weakest little skeletons.

Now extract the task for the first time.

Number ten again?

The demon captured by the war hall and wanted to be executed directly.

Depending on the strength.

They will be held in different rooms of the execution hall.

Rooms 1-3 are all used to imprison seventh-level demons and above.

Rooms 4-10 are all used to imprison level 4 and above demons.

The stronger the demon is.

The more likely it is that an accident will occur when members of the execution hall go to kill someone.

Even if it has been firmly bound.

But the demon's methods are mysterious.

No one can be sure.

Does this monster have the means to break free from some constraints?

The members of the execution hall who came for execution were severely injured and killed.

"Thank you, Master, for reminding me."

Zhao Xin's expression remained unchanged.

He hugged his fists and turned to leave.

Many members of the execution hall looked at his back and whispered:

"Is this Zhao Xin who gave birth to a little skeleton? It's really bad luck."

"So unlucky, do you think there will be any special circumstances?"

"I think it's possible."

"But I have to thank him for taking away the only mid-level mission."

"This kind of useless stuff can sometimes be useful."

"Intermediate demon?"

Zhao Xin asked the little skeleton to push open the No. 10 iron gate.

The room was quiet.

A beautiful woman wearing an aristocratic evening dress and gold-rimmed glasses was tied in the middle.

The woman has jet-black hair that is very smooth.

Although the figure is not exaggerated, it is still quite thrilling.

Especially the binder doesn't know what kind of peace of mind he has.

The binding technique is very special...

"Young Star Envoy..."

"As long as you let me go, I can stay with you for a month..."

"You can do whatever you want in one month..."

The woman lowered her head slightly, with an intoxicating blush on her face.

Her voice was shy, like a young girl speaking love words to her lover...

Zhao Xin suddenly felt——

A very weak spiritual power came from the other party.

Wanting to influence his sanity and capture him as a crotch toy.

"Mid-level demon, vampire?"

"The wisdom is indeed no worse than that of ordinary people."

"But you actually want to charm me?"

"Don't you know that I have already reached the point where I have read countless films and have no women in my heart?"

Zhao Xin put his hands behind his back and said calmly.


The vampire woman looked up, confused.

You’ve read countless films, but you don’t have a girl in your heart?

What state is this?

Why hasn't she heard of it?

next moment.

A bright black sword light appeared and slashed past her neck!


The vampire woman's eyes showed despair and resentment.

After struggling fiercely for a few times, there was no sound again.

A large number of soul light spots flew out of the vampire woman's body and landed on Zhao Xin.

With the integration of soul light spots——

Zhao Xin suddenly felt slightly in a trance.

The dream world reappears.

He saw an endless towering sacred mountain standing in the void.

There are billions of divine swords stuck on the sacred mountain.

And as he looked at-

The entire sacred mountain began to shake slightly.

The billions of divine swords also suddenly let out a sword cry.

Endless sword energy soared into the sky, tearing apart hundreds of millions of kilometers of sky!

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