Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 24 Tian Feiming hired the murderer, the ghost of Youlan Society!

Jialan Mountains.

This is considered a relatively small mountain range near Haicheng.

There are only a few hundred kilometers in length and breadth.

And it is too close to a base of the Tianjin Navy.

In addition, it is used as a sea city survival test site every year.

Before the survival trial, they will also be swept away by the Sky Navy.

Therefore, smart mid-level monsters will stay away.

As for the third-level monsters, they will also be killed by the Sky Navy in advance.

Only first- and second-level demons will remain in the Jialan Mountains.

Even the number of second-level demons will be strictly limited.

Zhao Xin took the little skeleton and walked all the way deep into the mountains.

He planned to find a place with nice scenery to spend these three days.

Kill monsters and get points?

He has no such interest.

After all, it is in the perception of others.

He is just a useless star user who gave birth to a little skeleton.

If you kill the demon, won't it attract attention?


How can I work in the torture hall with peace of mind?

Along the way.

He also encountered several monsters.

But he had already left without giving those demons a chance to take action.

At noon.

He finally found a lake with beautiful scenery.

"That's it."

he said with satisfaction.

After looking around, he found the thickest tree and jumped onto it.

Instruct the little skeleton to guard.

He started practicing directly.

There is a lot of dense foliage all around.

You can't even see him from the outside.

"I hope Tian Feiming can be more forceful."

"At least we need to use a few mid-level Star Envoys..."

"Perhaps we can drive intermediate demons to come, I don't mind either..."

"Don't just drive low-level demons or low-level star guardians..."

"They should be able to locate the watch on my hand..."

Zhao Xin said to himself.

He wanted to take a look.

Kill the mid-level astral creatures and the mid-level Star Envoy.

Can you open the dream world and get items?


The wind started to pick up.

The original energy of heaven and earth roared and gathered towards Zhao Xin.


He has reached the second level.

The second level of perfection is not far away.

As long as he reaches the second-level perfection, he can start to break through and become the third-level Royal Star Envoy.

And became a third-level Star Envoy.

He can give birth to another astral creature!

at this time.

Outside the Jialan Mountains.

Tian Feiming came in person with the Marley brothers.

Originally, according to the plan, he would not come.

But the plan was accidentally passed on to Zhao Xin by Zhou Xuan.

This plan——

Naturally, it cannot be used.

But if one plan doesn't work, naturally another plan can be used.

But this plan must be done by him personally.

Considering that the survival trial is ongoing, the vicinity of the Jialan Mountains is safe.

That's why he dared to walk out of Haicheng and come here.



A faint cold black wind blew from all directions.



Clear laughter sounded.

Mask after mask appeared on Black Wind.

Each mask has a weird smile, looking at Tian Feiming and the three people in the middle.

"But Miss Jueyi from the 'Youlan Society'?"

Tian Feiming felt a little chilly and quickly clasped his fists.

This is not the first time he has met each other.

However, he was still a little creepy about such ghosts and ghosts.

"The boy from the Tian family, Tian Feiming."

"You sent a message saying there was a deal for three hundred pounds."

"Who are you going to kill?"

The black wind calmed down.

It transformed into a woman wearing a moon-white costume with delicate blush on her face.

Women wear long sleeves to partially cover their faces.

Only half of her pretty face, as pale as paper, was exposed.

"Zhao Xin."

"I just opened the Star Realm half a month ago, and I'm just a trainee for the Star Envoy."

"Now take part in the survival trial in the Jialan Mountains."

"Here are the photos and location, and the three hundred pound note."

Tian Feiming immediately took out three hundred pounds of banknotes, a photo and a watch with Zhao Xin's real-time location.

This positioned him through Zhao Xin's watch.

And a very small locator in the mezzanine of Zhao Xin's backpack to locate it.

Double protection.

"A little guy like this is also looking for me?"

"But for the sake of money, it's a deal."

"It's very close, wait an hour."

The woman waved her sleeves gently.

Banknotes, photos and watches flew in.

The next moment, the woman's body turned into black wind again and disappeared.

After people leave.

Tian Feiming breathed a sigh of relief.

Facing such ghosts and ghosts, he was under great psychological pressure.

beside him.

Brother Marley also relaxed his tense bodies and asked:

"Master, are we waiting here?"


"Miss Jueyi is very punctual."

"She said she would definitely be back in an hour."

"It's a pity that we can't see Zhao Xin's desperate struggle before his death..."

Tian Feiming nodded, feeling a little regretful.

He really wanted to see Zhao Xin's desperate look...

After all, it was before.

He is Zhao Xin's lackey.

Now that he has become the master, he naturally wants to see Zhao Xin in despair, wailing, and begging for mercy.

But as soon as he thought about Zhao Xin, he would die soon.

He was still very happy.

"Zhao Xin..."

"I not only want to kill you..."

"I want to take away Zhou Xuan, who loves you the most..."

"I feel so excited just thinking about it..."

Tian Feiming was very happy, with a smile on his face.

On the big tree.

Zhao Xin stopped practicing.

He practices the 'Hengsha World Map'.

Both quantity and quality of spiritual power are far superior to those of the same level.

And also extremely sharp.

at this time.

He sensed a rather strange force.

It is vaguely about fifteen meters ahead on the left.

"Is it the demon driven by Tian Feiming..."

He whispered in his heart.

The soul fire in the eyes of the little skeleton standing next to him wavered gently.

The skull stared blankly ahead to the left.


With the strength of the little skeleton, the enemy has already been discovered.


Maybe the enemy's strength is too low.

He thought there was no danger, so he did not interrupt Zhao Xin's practice.

"Go and have a look."

"It feels like a condensation of dead energy."

Zhao Xin said to the little skeleton and jumped down from the tree.

The little skeleton also jumped down.

And walked directly in front of Zhao Xin, walking towards the left front.

Every time the skeleton took a step, it made the sound of bones rubbing together.

In the dense forest.

Miss Jueyi from the ‘Youlan Society’ frowned.

She still covered half of her face with her long white sleeves.

Watching the little skeleton walk over step by step.

She was a little unsure.

Did the other party discover her?

Or are you just about to leave from this direction?

If it's just right, this would be too much of a coincidence...

But the little skeleton looks like this——

A gust of wind may blow it apart.

It's so shabby that people can't feel the slightest danger...

"No matter what..."

"On the left and right is a trainee Star Envoy and the most useless little skeleton..."

"Killing means..."

She suddenly turned into a gust of black wind and blew towards the little skeleton.

The black wind is extremely cold.

Wherever he passed, large black ice floes formed all around.

Flowers, grass, stones, dead branches and leaves, etc.

They were all frozen, then suddenly shattered, turning into black ice crystals and dissipating...

It was just a blink of an eye.

The black wind was like a giant black snake, blowing in front of the little skeleton.

next moment--

Just pass through the little skeleton!

But at this moment.

The little skeleton's progress stopped.

The fire of the soul in his eyes looked particularly calm.

The skull looked at the black wind snake quietly.

The sickle in his hand was filled with gray flames, burning silently.


The black scythe is faster than lightning.

With blazing gray flames, it slashed past the black wind snake.

Just for a moment——

The entire black wind snake was ignited and turned into a sea of ​​gray flames!

Asking for a monthly ticket.

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