Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 34 Amazing improvement! The first battle of all races for hegemony!

The starry sky is bright.

Endless starlight shines.

The ancient tree of life is rooted in the starry sky, flashing with misty green light.

As Zhao Xin chooses [Yes].

Suddenly a misty green light spread from the ancient tree of life.

Shrouding the small skeleton standing in the canopy of the tree.

The soul fire in the little skull's eyes fluctuated for a moment, then calmed down immediately.

"Do not conflict."

Zhao Xin felt relieved.

But come to think of it.

How high is the level of this struggle for hegemony among all races?

And death-type astral creatures are not unique to him.

Many Aspects have death-based astral creatures.

If the ancient tree of life is upgraded, it will conflict with the death-type astral creatures.

That is simply a slap in the face of all races competing for hegemony.

"There are still 3 points of life force."

"The Thunder Titan can also be promoted to the second lower level."

He thought to himself.


The Thunder Titan, holding a thunder hammer, wearing a thunder armor, and with very rough and simple purple skin, appeared on the canopy.

He is nearly five meters tall and feels extremely oppressive.


Zhao Xin chose [Yes] again.


The misty green light separated into a ray and enveloped the Thunder Titan.

time flies.

Visible to the naked eye——

The Thunder Titan's body began to expand.

And the soul fire in the little skeleton's eyes became more and more powerful.

After a while.

The misty green glow disappeared.

The little skeleton's appearance has not changed much.

The bones are still pale, not much different from ordinary little skeletons.

But the Thunder Titan surged to a terrifying level of nearly six meters.

The whole body is surrounded by thunder, like a thunder god, quite terrifying.

Zhao Xin's eyes flashed.

An unexpected discovery.

Here, just like the star realm, you can also view information about the Little Skeleton and Thunder Titan.

[Name: Little Skeleton]

[Attribute: Death System]

[Level: Undecided]

[Level: Second level lower level]

[Combat power: 8.9]

[Abilities: Resurrection from the dead, suppression of the undead, roar of the undead, medium sword skills, skeleton guard, soul armor, bone growth, power of death, enslaving the undead (not yet mastered), death curse (not yet mastered), voice of the undead (not yet mastered) Mastered), advanced sword skills (not mastered)...】

[Name: Thunder Titan]

[Attribute: Thunder System]

[Level: Undecided]

[Level: Second level lower level]

[Combat power: 8.8]

[Ability: Control thunder, condense thunder into hammer, condense thunder into armor, medium hammer technique, sea of ​​purgatory thunder, purple lightning dragon, condense thunder into beast, thunder flash, hundreds of thunders (not mastered), power of sky thunder (Not mastered), Heavenly Thunder (not mastered), Advanced Hammer Technique (not mastered)...】

"Little Skeleton has 8.9 combat power!"

"Thunder Titan 8.8 combat power!"

Zhao Xin's eyes flashed and he was very happy.

Little Skeleton and Thunder Titan have reached the eighth level of strength!

Such strength.

In Haicheng, they are definitely at the top level.

"This struggle among thousands of races for hegemony is truly terrifying..."

"It's such a big benefit at the beginning..."

He regained his composure and sighed.

Every creature participating in the struggle for hegemony among all races has felt this rapid improvement.

Who is willing to improve slowly and honestly?

If he didn't still have the death energy in the execution hall, he could improve his strength in the dream world.

You'll definitely be crazy about it.

After all, this kind of improvement is too tempting.


"There is a starlight approaching!"


He saw a starlight approaching him that was not far away at the lower left front!

Just in the blink of an eye.

This starlight was already less than five hundred meters away from him.

It was also a 300-meter-tall ancient tree of life.

Standing on the crown of the ancient tree was a creature whose body was made of stone and was about three meters tall.

This creature stared at Zhao Xin with excitement in his eyes, and a buzzing sound came from his mouth:


"Human race?"

"God is really helping me."

"I was actually allowed to encounter the weak human race in the first battle of this race for hegemony!"

"Dedicate your life to the ancient tree. I, 'Ulas', am a great being who will surely stand at the top of the stone giant clan!"


The ancient branches of life at the feet of the stone giant swayed with leaves.

Still approaching Zhao Xin.

But when it got close to a hundred meters away, it stopped getting closer.

Instead, one thick branch after another twisted and stretched out, forming a wooden bridge and building it over!

The ancient tree of life under Zhao Xin’s feet was not to be outdone.

The branches twisted and extended, directly intertwined with the wooden bridge extending from the other side.

Two ancient trees of life——

Instantly understood!


"Kill the weak humans on the opposite side!"

The stone giant roared excitedly.

Step directly onto the wooden bridge and rush towards Zhao Xin!

And also at this time.

Zhao Xin discovered.

The stone giant stepped into the wooden bridge.

The previously blurry areas behind him became clear.

A majestic stone wolf and a giant silver eagle flying in the air appeared.

at this time.

The stone wolf and the silver giant eagle also followed behind the stone giant and rushed towards him too!

"Only by rushing into the wooden bridge."

"Only astral creatures appear?"

"The rules of the struggle for hegemony among all races not only test strength, but also test wisdom and luck."

Zhao Xin was thoughtful.

He looked at the little skeleton.

The soul fire in the little skeleton's eyes wavered slightly in response.

next moment.

Four rays of death flew out of his eyes and landed on the wooden bridge.

The death energy surged.

Four large skeletons that had appeared once before walked out of the death aura.

His body was as black as ink, he was holding a bone shield and a bone knife, and his eyes were dark, staring at the charging stone giant.

This is the little skeleton’s ability ‘Skeleton Guard’!

Four skeleton guards can be formed whose combat power is only one level weaker than the small skeleton.

That is to say——

The four skeleton guards in front of me——

At this time, the combat power has reached the middle level of eighth level!


The stone giant ‘Ulas’ was stunned.

Such a tall skeleton?

And four?

But this just ran through his mind and didn't take it to heart.

A skeleton is a skeleton.

Even the Skeleton King is not afraid of him!

after all--

Although he is only a second-level Star Envoy.

But the astral creatures that possess it.

The stone wolf is a fourth-level intermediate astral creature.

The silver giant eagle is even a fourth-level upper-level astral creature!

Their stone giants have amazing talents, how can they be compared to the weak human race?

And as soon as he was born, he was the Royal Star Envoy!


The mighty stone wolf crossed over the stone giant, its pale eyes staring at the four large skeletons in front of it——

There was metallic luster flowing on the wolf's claws, and the body jumped up to grab the big skeleton directly!


The giant silver eagle swooped down from the sky with sharp eyes.

The earth elements on the wooden bridge gathered together crazily, forming stone spears that pierced through the four large skeletons.

Bang bang bang——

The stone spear hit the big skeleton.

The four large skeletons remained motionless, without any damage.

Among the four large skeletons.

The one at the front took a step forward with the soul fire in his eyes dark and cold.

The bone knife in his hand was raised high, and he suddenly slashed towards the swooping silver giant eagle.

The dead gray sword shines like a sword.

In an instant, the silver giant eagle was cut in half.

The bone shield in the other hand struck hard at the leaping stone wolf.


The stone wolf flew upside down and turned into rubble on the ground in the air.


The stone giant ‘Uras’ who rushed from behind stopped in shock.

His pupils shrank sharply, his eyes filled with disbelief and horror.

How can it be! !


His greatest support, the Stone Wolf and the Silver Giant Eagle, were both dead! !

Don't wait for his reaction.

The big skeleton stepped towards him.

The bone knife in his hand carries the aura of death and cuts hard!

The deathly gray sword light swept across, and the huge head rushed up.

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