Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 55 Learn the big secret, the four evil organizations!

The Golden Devil Tiger stopped urgently.

He looked at the terrifying murderous intent in the eyes of his four companions, feeling a little dazed.

what happened?

Aren’t we all companions?


The bone dragon sprayed out death gray dragon breath.

The death knight's spear pierced with deathly gray light.

The Death Sorcerer radiates the light of death.

The skeletal giant smashed his hammer down on his hand.

boom! !

The ground shook.

How can the Golden Devil Tiger resist it?

It was beaten to pieces in an instant, leaving no body behind.


The two eighth-level star masters of the Bailing Sect spit out blood and looked at this scene in horror.

They already feel it.

Lost contact with these four astral creatures! !

How can this be! !

There are actually people who can control other people's astral creatures to backfire! !

Don't say goodbye to this kind of thing.

I’ve never even heard of it!

It was so incredible that they felt like they were dreaming.

In addition to despair, the two of them were still desperate.

This kind of enemy.

how to spell?

"Tell me about your saint."

Zhao Xin looked at the two people and said.

at this time.

The little skeleton stood beside him.

Death Knights, Death Wizards, Skeleton Giants, and Death Bone Dragons surrounded the two eighth-level Star Envoys of the Bailing Cult, staring at them with eager eyes.

The soul fire in his eyes was raging, and his murderous intent was extremely terrifying.

"You...who are you!"

"Is this your astral creature?"


"You are only a third-level star guardian, how can you have a ninth-level star creature!!"

‘Cronin’ stared at Zhao Xin, a little hysterical.

"Member of the Death Tribunal, Ogunkorn."

"I'll ask you again, tell me about your saint."

Zhao Xin said calmly.

His face was already covered with an ordinary mask.

This is naturally an extension of the double-winged Meteor King suit.

He was very satisfied with this Meteor King suit, which he had spent 10 achievement points to redeem.

The defense can no longer keep up.

But this function of changing at will is extremely practical.

"Inquisition of Death?"

"What is your relationship with the Thunder Tribunal?"

Cronin's pupils contracted and he lost his voice.

Not long ago.

‘Hyperris’, a member of the Thunder Tribunal, was born.

With the terrifying strength of the ninth level, he wiped out the important ceremony that the Three Color Demon God Association had prepared for a long time.

This will make the three-color demon angry.

The Thunder Tribunal has also come into the sight of many powerful people and organizations.

As high-level members of the Bailing Sect, they naturally heard about it.

The result now——

Another Death Tribunal appeared!

The two of them, life and death are still in each other's hands!


Zhao Xin felt a little tired.

He asked twice, but the other party answered incorrectly.

Are you that shocked?

Do you want me to tell you that I am the only one in the Death Tribunal and the Thunder Tribunal?

Is it all me from top to bottom?

By the way, I also have a Tribunal of Light.

He cursed in his heart.

But his eyes were full of indifference:

"Since I don't say anything, I'll send you on your way."

The words fell.

The soul fire in the little skull's eyes fluctuated slightly.

next moment.

Death Bone Dragon, Death Knight, Death Wizard, and Skeleton Giant roared.

Launch various deadly gray attacks to hit the two of them!

"don't want……!!"

The two men let out their last desperate screams before being completely overwhelmed by terrifying attacks one after another.

The body was shattered, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and then withered.

Die at the hands of your own astral creatures.

This is also an extremely unique way to die.


Zhao Xin looked around in his robe, and two strange black symbols suddenly flew out of his eyes.

Symbols are like arrows, nailed into the void.


There are two very faint shadows struggling and twisting in it.

Moreover, these two phantoms are still turning into light and dissipating.

"Tell me about your saint."

"Tell me the location of your stronghold in Haicheng..."

"And as you know, the biggest secret of Bailing Cult..."

Zhao Xin's mental power fluctuated and his words were transmitted into the two phantoms.

These two shadows——

Naturally, they are the souls of the two eighth-level Star Envoys from the Bailing Sect.

He was also promoting the soul magic 'Slavery' to the second level.

Only then can the soul be stabilized.

This also means that he has the ability to completely crush the enemy's soul.

But normal situation.

There is no need for him to crush the enemy's soul.

After the creatures in this world die, their souls will quickly dissipate.


Under special circumstances, they can also transform into ghosts.

"The saint has a special physique..."

"Being transformed into the king-level demon 'Queen of the Dead'..."

"This will be the second king-level existence of our Bailing Sect..."

"Our Bailing Sect has three strongholds in Haicheng...respectively..."

"We, the Bailing Sect, unite with the Three-Color Demon God Association, the Ancha Organization, and the Witch Snake Tail..."

"There are two more king-level demons who plan to teach the Red Moon Kingdom a lesson they will never forget..."

"We are going to level one of the nine major cities in the Red Moon Kingdom and let the blood flow all over the earth. Then we can usher in the great... great... great..."

When the two shadows said this, their bodies turned into light and disappeared without a trace.

Zhao Xin frowned.

His expression also became serious.

He didn't expect that.

I actually got such news!

Ancha Organization, Witch Snake Tail.

It is the second of the four major evil organizations along with the Bailing Sect and the Three-Color Demon God Society.

"Four major evil organizations join forces..."

"There are also demons involved."

"We want to destroy a city in the Red Moon Kingdom."

"Who to pick up?"


"Which city are they planning to attack?"

Various thoughts were swirling in his mind.

If the other party plans to take action against Haicheng.

Then he is also in danger.

after all--

For such a big operation, there will definitely be many king-level beings!

With his current strength, he is far from being able to deal with Wang Jie.

It was a terrifying existence that could fly in the air and destroy mountains at every turn.

"Is the Red Moon Kingdom aware of this news?"

He whispered in his heart.

Red Moon Kingdom——

It is a constitutional monarchy.

However, the monarch also retains considerable rights.


Military power is in the hands of the monarch, administrative power is in the hands of the consuls, and judicial power is in the hands of the "First House".

Department of Demon Slayers.

It came under the control of the ‘First House’.


"Enhancing strength is the last word."

He looked at the little skeleton beside him who was still absorbing the death energy.

If the little skeleton can be promoted to the king level.

Then no matter what the situation is, he can sit back and relax.

But it's a pity——

The gap between the ninth level and the king level is too big.

If Little Skeleton wants to advance to the king level, it will definitely not happen so quickly.

And the four major evil organizations may take action at any time.


"I need to remind the Red Moon Kingdom."

"Otherwise, if the Red Moon Kingdom is not clear about it and is caught off guard——"

"And the other party's target is Haicheng, so that will be troublesome."

He has made a decision.

Wait until the little skeleton reaches its limit.

He searched again in the dead air space, but did not find the Flower of Death.

Even the little skeleton is extremely sensitive to death.

Nothing was found.

“Looks like we’ll have to wait until it blooms.”

"This flower of death, I wonder if the little skeleton can be promoted to the king level..."

He was looking forward to it.

Of course, hope will not be placed on this flower of death that will bloom at an unknown time.


Silver light flashes.

His figure disappeared into the dead air space.

And not long after he left.

A black-robed figure appeared at the place where two eighth-level star masters from the Bailing Sect died.

"Who is it...?"

"Took away the Saint, and actually killed Cronin and two other people..."

The figure's expression was very cold, with a shocking murderous intent in his eyes.

If Zhao Xin were here.

You will definitely be surprised to find out.

He knows this figure!

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