Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 81 Destroy the demon god’s clone and gain faith! (Please subscribe!)

Half empty in the distance.

The stone shield on the one-eyed stone man's hand has been shattered, and his right arm is broken.

The four blood-striped tigers were covered in blood, barely able to fly in the air, and even one of their legs was missing.

The magic staff in the magical banshee's hand was missing, most of her hood was broken, and there was blood at the corner of her mouth.

Just under a minute.

The three pseudo-king-level astral creatures were all severely injured in front of the blue demon clone.

"I can't stop it!"

Amber Rose, the Lord of Sea City, had a face full of anxiety and a bit of despair.

"I just received news that reinforcements will arrive in twelve minutes."

Inspector Gu Mingxue also had a hint of despair in his voice.

Don't say twelve minutes.

Even for two minutes, they couldn't hold on any longer!

And the remaining more than ten minutes——

The terror of the Blue Demon God's clone will cause at least hundreds of thousands of deaths!

"The kingdom's arrangements, why didn't you come earlier!!"

Amber Rose said angrily.

They already knew that the four evil organizations were going to destroy a city.

But on the kingdom side.

Why did it take so late to arrange for a strong person to come over!

If the powerful men of the kingdom could enter the city earlier, why would these problems still exist?

"The mountain city was attacked by a wave of monsters yesterday. According to the report, it was a level three wave of monsters!"

"The people who originally came to Haicheng for support have temporarily gone to Mountain City."

Gu Mingxue sighed.

"Block it."

"How long we can hold it off depends on our lives."

"One more second of blocking can save hundreds of thousands more people."

City Lord Amber Rose took a deep breath, stopped complaining, and was already determined to die.

As the city lord.

He had to die in front of the people no matter what.


The giant octopus monster roars.

An extremely bright blue light suddenly burst out from the eight tentacles.

Faintly visible.

It was as if there was a blue ocean appearing in the sky, and it was very blue and enchanting.

Under the shroud of the blue ocean, the speed of the magical banshee, one-eyed stone man, and four blood-striped tigers dropped drastically.

Even the defense and attack power have been weakened by more than 10%!

Bang bang bang——!

Eight tentacles came crashing down.

The three pseudo-king-level astral creatures all flew out.

The magical banshee vomited blood, half of the Cyclops' body collapsed, and two heads of four blood-striped tigers exploded.

"It's over!"

"It's the 'Demon Blue Light Sea'!"

"This is a domain that only king-level beings can possess, and this clone can actually use it!"

City Lord Amber Rose and Inspector Gu Mingxue were completely desperate.

I want to block it for a while longer.

Now it seems.

They are already standing on the edge of death. If they don't use it for five seconds, they will all be torn apart by the Blue Demon God's clone!

But far away——

A bright, deathly gray light rose from the ground into the sky.

The wings behind Zhao Yan, the Angel of Death, were extremely gorgeous, spread out over ten meters, and the speed was extremely fast.

"Death Storm!"

She looked at the huge monster with eight tentacles waving hundreds of meters in front of her with a cold expression.

Dense sword energy flew out of the sword in his hand.

The death-gray angel wings suddenly flapped, forming a hurricane.

The hurricane and sword energy combined, and a mighty death-gray storm swept towards the octopus monster.

Bang bang bang bang—!

A dense crash sounded.

The octopus monster was repelled for the first time and retreated hundreds of meters in the air. Its tentacles and body were covered with dense small wounds.

"...So strong!!"

"Reinforcements have arrived?"

City Lord Amber Rose and Inspector Gu Ming were stunned.

The two of them stared at the Angel of Death Zhao Yan with wide eyes and great joy.

There's help!

But didn’t reinforcements say it would take another twelve minutes?

Why are you here now?

And which super-limited astral creature is this?

It's so terrifying that it can repel the Blue Demon God's clone!

Both of them had some doubts in their hearts.

They are also the top leaders of the Red Moon Kingdom.

They all know the super-limited existence in the Red Moon Kingdom.

But he never knew which astral creature was the being in front of him who looked like an angel from myths and legends.


The octopus monster roared, completely angry.

His eyes were bloodshot and he stared at the Angel of Death, Zhao Yan.

The strange blue light on the eight tentacles appeared again.

The sea of ​​demonic blue light swept across and enveloped Zhao Yan!

"You can actually cast the Demonic Blue Light Sea!"

Amber Rose and Inspector Gu Mingxue turned pale.

Their hearts sank again.

This is the realm where kings exist!

That pseudo-king-level astral creature that looks like an angel may not be able to stop it!


Zhao Yan's voice was still cold as she watched the sea of ​​demonic blue light sweep in quickly.

Her eyes were cold and her hair was full of flying strands.

The angel sword in his hand was erected on his chest, and the incomparable death-gray light suddenly spread in all directions from the angel sword and the wings behind his back!


The realm of death!

boom! !

The two realms collided in mid-air.

One side shows a strange blue color.

One side showed a terrible death gray color.

The sky was divided into two, which was so terrifying that even the pseudo-kings would be frightened.

"She...she can actually use the field!!"

"How can this be!"

"Isn't the domain exclusive to king-level beings?"

"Is she also the clone of a certain king-level existence?"

"Impossible! The abilities of the clones are known to be possessed only by the three demon gods of the Three Color Demon God Association!"

The city owner Amber Rose and the inspector Gu Mingxue were shocked and felt incredible.

If it weren't for the clone...

The two looked at each other in shock.

Can you master the domain with pseudo-king level strength?

Isn't this the destined king's rank? !

And the potential is terrifying, more terrifying than most real kings!

who is it?

Who is this astral creature that looks like an angel?

The strange blue and the terrifying dead gray remained in a stalemate for five seconds, then became powerless and shattered.


Although the clone of the Blue Demon God can display fields.

But it cannot last long, and even the number of times is limited.

boom! !

No longer blocked by the strange sea of ​​blue light.

A deathly gray light swept across, directly covering the octopus monster.

A moment.

The speed of the eight tentacles of the octopus monster dropped sharply.

And in a deathly gray light.

The amazing defense of the octopus monster is also weakening crazily!

The domain characteristics of each king level are different.

The realm of death.

In addition to the common deceleration characteristics, it is an unparalleled corrosive power!

It can weaken the enemy's defense and erosion to the greatest extent!

"Angel combat skills——"

"The Lord's Punishment."

Zhao Yan's body was hanging in the air, her eyes were cold, and she was slashing towards the octopus monster with her sword.

behind her.

A huge shadow appeared.

The shadow was a thousand meters high, as if standing in one layer after another of hell, hazy.

The majestic gaze looks down, like a god coming to the dust!

City Lord Amber Rose and Inspector Gu Mingxue were trembling, and they had the urge to worship the phantom.

Their astral creatures are also almost the same, and their eyes are full of awe.

In the sea city below.

Many people who were fleeing could not help but kneel on the ground and kowtow to the shadow.

This is completely involuntary.

They don't know why they do it, but they do it.

as if--

Failure to do so would be a heinous act.

The huge octopus monster's scarlet eyes showed extreme uneasiness.

It stared at the huge shadow behind Zhao Yan.

It feels like ants looking up to the supreme god.


The surrounding realm of death actually has a terrifying binding force.

To make it unable to move is like turning it into a grasshopper in amber.


The shadow stretched out a hand, overlapped with Zhao Yan's right hand holding the sword, and held the angel sword together.


The angel sword surged.

It directly turned into a three-hundred-meter-long giant sword, shining with endless bright death-gray light, and slashed hard at the octopus monster whose body was frozen and unable to move.

this moment.

The entire sky seemed to be cut in half by this sword.

Countless humans in the entire sea city were all shocked, as if they were watching a miracle.

Boom! !

The sky trembled.

The huge octopus monster was cut in half directly.

The terrifying power of death eroded crazily, and the two halves of the body that were still twisting became dry and full of death gray at an extremely fast speed.

Just a few breaths.

The body of the octopus monster turned into fly ash and was blown away by the wind.

Zhao Yan sheathed her sword.

The shadow behind her has disappeared.

With cold eyes, he glanced at City Lord Amber Rose and Inspector Gu Mingxue. The wings spread out from behind and disappeared in the sky.

It's like an angel came to the world, saved the world, and then left.

A large number of Haicheng people knelt down in gratitude and kowtowed quite piously.


"The clone of the Blue Demon is dead."

"Haicheng has been saved."

City Lord Amber Rose and Inspector Gu Mingxue looked at each other, feeling a little dazed and unreal.


The biggest doubt in their minds.

Or that angel-like being? Whose astral creature is he? !

The strength is terrible.

And the potential is astonishing and unimaginable!

Torture Chamber No. 3.

There was a flash of silver light, and Zhao Xin's figure appeared.

The Eight-Winged Meteor King's battle suit on his body has transformed into the white uniform of the Demon Slayer Department.

"This trip was a bit of a loss."

"These four evil organizations actually didn't send out demons."

"They are all Royal Star Envoys."

He muttered in his mind.

Moreover, the biggest BOSS is just a clone. Even if you kill it, you will not be able to open the dream world.


Just when he was about to walk out of torture room No. 3, he suddenly stopped.

There was a look of surprise on his face, and with a flash of mental awareness, he had already arrived in the star realm.

As for the safety of the outside world.

Naturally, he is protected by the silver sky snake that turns into a bracelet.

The strength of Silver Sky Snake is no less than that of Zhao Yan.

Standing in the star realm.

Zhao Xin looked up at the sky.

The sky above the star realm should have been a gray area with nothing.

but now--

However, one after another extremely small and invisible 'lines' came from unknown places and entered his star realm!

These ‘lines’ can be thin or thick.

After all the 'lines' entered his star realm.

Everything converged on Zhao Yan.

"What's this?"

He looked at Zhao Yan and asked doubtfully.


There are no such 'lines' in his star realm.

"Sir, it is the power of faith!"

Zhao Yan said.

"The power of faith?"

Zhao Xin was surprised and his eyes flashed:

"You just rescued Haicheng, so many people believe in you and formed channels?"

After he finished speaking, his expression turned strange.

The legendary power of faith is so easy to obtain?

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