Showdown, my deck is from the East

Chapter 1075 Old subordinates

Lu Cheng didn't particularly want to land directly at that time.

Facing the celestial bodies of unfamiliar civilizations, we need to calculate the gravity, detect unknown risks, and so on.

But during the detection, Ah Qing reported that what was in front of him might be an artificial celestial body.

Artificial celestial bodies, as the name suggests, are celestial bodies created by humans.

Human race!

Lu Chengshen Nian has been detecting it for more than three months and found that the celestial body in front of him contains various human beings.

This is a human nomadic herd.

In order to capture the drifting meteorites, the ark of the nomadic tribe had a very strong gravitational force. Although the landing was not smooth, it could not be difficult for the Jingwei of the new era.

After a year of struggling, Lu Cheng quietly fell into decline.

And at the moment it fell.

Lu Cheng's lost memories suddenly began to revive.

The immortal's spiritual thoughts also have limits, and Lu Cheng will not retain memories that are too long ago.

But at this moment, regarding the Legion of Calamity, Daxizhou, King Qin’s division, the Needle of Calamity!

Memories came to mind one after another.

After the war, the Great Western Continent underwent drastic changes, and the world's rejection reached its peak. Lu Cheng had to return through the piercing channel, but under his influence, an old card world may have been preserved.

and developed to this day.

Lu Cheng didn't know that the two elders of the Silver String Society had been fighting in a four-dimensional space for tens of thousands of years.

This is too magical.

If this is the case, then the god that this human nomadic tribe believes in is actually themselves!

Lu Cheng was eager to understand the social ecology here, and found out in a few days.

The card masters here worship a card called "Big Demon" as a weapon.

After the Battle of the Sunset, the big monsters helped the human card masters to conquer the north and south and fight their way out of the siege.

From here, Lu Cheng also learned the exact news of the fall of the Third Dynasty.

Later, humans formed a collective and drifted around.

But it is fundamentally different from the sand domain.

Walking on Ark Street, Lu Cheng only felt that the space here was extremely crowded and the people's livelihood was backward.

Nowadays, spiritual energy pipeline formations are used in the sand area, and people's livelihood is also lacking in civilian shuttles, building ships and the like.

Here, none of these are available.

The people here are drifting hard, collecting all resources, and jointly building an Ark deck [Eternity] composed of 40,000 cards.

And among the four thousand cards, only more than thirty are domain cards.

The four domain card masters built the four walls of the ark with cards horizontally and vertically.

They also constitute the upper hand.

From his perspective, the Eternal Human Race's ship is about to reach the end of its lifespan.

In order to collect more resources, the gravity was artificially strengthened, but this also caused the four-sided domain card to be bombarded and dilapidated.

Moreover, card iteration is slow.

Without the giant expansion pack, the technology and mythological background have seriously lagged behind.

However, unlike the relatively peaceful sand region, in terms of combat power, it is definitely a backbone force for mankind.

The old man on the roadside who sold [Demon in the Pot] to Lu Cheng was still boastful, and took the trouble to tell Lu Cheng the true or false history of the eternal human race.

Lu Cheng was deep in thought just now, but didn't hear a word.

As for [Demon in the Pot], I really want to buy one and study it.

"How can I sell this?"

"1-star energy card, no one can bully anyone."

Lu Cheng smiled awkwardly.

Eternal human tribes barter.

But their commonly used currency is still energy cards. Lu Cheng does not have such denominations.

You can't draw a [Kunlun Immortal Qi] from the engine, right?

This is too eye-catching.

He could only wave his hand and refuse.

Move on and learn about eternal human society.

Lu Cheng discovered that the fighting power of the humans in the Eternal Ark was extremely powerful.

They have an old set of demon and gu cards.

However, after being baptized by thousands of years of war, it can still survive to this day, which itself shows its tenacity.

They can even sense nearby humans and come to support them.

Lu Cheng learned from the street that three hundred years ago, the Eternal Human Race detected a war between spiritual humans (Bai Yujing, Taoyuan Human Race), and rushed over without stopping.

The Eternal Ark actually came to support Bai Yujing


Said to be saving the human race, Lu Cheng analyzed that the eternal human race is in a difficult situation and its development is limited.

Maybe they are really in trouble with their own clan and want to take this opportunity to attract new blood.

What they want most is to save the human race and find an expansion pack suitable for human use so that they can continue to exist.

This is the reason for rescue.

But the world's deeds don't matter what the heart is, if they really come, that's enough.

The military system and "demon" concept cards here are all from our own, which can be said to be the old department.

Although it was impossible for Lu Cheng to directly expose Bai Yujing to them, it did not prevent him from giving them some substantial help.

He left without saying goodbye, leaving behind an old army to fight in the north and south.

It just so happens that I have money and technology now, but no one.

If possible.

"Do you want to seize this realm?"

While thinking, the voice of Pipa Cave Master appeared in his mind.

"Why is it just taking it?"

This girl still doesn't know how to speak human words.

The Eternal Tribe is in danger, with energy and consumables in the Kaku being in crisis. If another alien hunt occurs, this human race may disappear in the long river of history.

This is obviously salvation!

"The Eternal Tribe still worships scorpion statues. Such totems can be seen everywhere, and I can feel them. But I can't get power from them." Pipa's voice sounded again.

Lu Cheng glanced at the card surface.


[Pipa Cave Master]'s experience value has not increased at all.

It doesn’t make sense!

Learn more about it.

Eternal Ark, Temple of Heaven.

The four domain lords gathered here to hold a military meeting.

The plan to rescue similar people obviously cannot be carried out.

Regardless of victory or defeat, this star field is now in deathly silence.

No stars of any value

"A trip in vain."

The energy of the Eternal Ark is stretched thin.

With a large population, there are too many cards.

It is difficult to develop by relying on a batch of old energy pyramids left by the Third Dynasty.

The Eternals are not afraid of war, but what they are afraid of is that the cards will no longer be able to be iterated.

In the next thousand years, I am afraid that I will never be able to defeat the opponents I encounter.

If we can rescue the same kind of people this time, we might be able to absorb a new bloodline. It's best to pick up an expansion pack suitable for human use, so that we can have a chance of survival.


It seems that their war has been fought, everything is lonely, and their energy has been wasted.

"Within three rounds, we may not have enough cards to enshrine the Needle of Disaster."

After Ragnarok, the disaster goes away.

Thousands of years ago, Liya, the leader of the Legion of Disaster, besides worshiping the Queen Bee, she never forgot to worship the true god, the demon king at the end of dusk, the Needle of Disaster.

After Liya died.

The Legion of Scourge gradually declined.

However, to this day, the humans of Eternal Ark have not forgotten to dedicate a large amount of resources to the Temple of Heaven every round. This has been done for 20,000 years.


The Needle of Disaster will not come back.

But this may be the only way for them to get access to the over-limit deck without the giant expansion pack.

Unfortunately, we still haven't received any response.

The crisis doesn't stop there.

The next war match is about to begin.

The Four Kings knew that the Eternal Human Race might not be able to survive.

"Everyone." The eldest of the four kings stood up: "I know it is very inappropriate, but we must give up the idea of ​​finding the so-called orthodoxy of Chinese mythology from [The Needle of Disaster]. There may not be such a thing in the world at all. Myth, our ancestors made up such a story to inspire us to move forward. But enough! We should fight back to the core area and find the orthodox myths of the Golden Age from the ruins of the fallen Third Dynasty to change the gate."

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