Hearing that Tom was not immediately convicted, Roger was temporarily relieved. He still had time to help Tom after he rescued Oden.

When Frankie heard this, his eyes were full of sadness and anger.

They were completely used and calculated.

Qiao Mulinsen:"Tom is indeed a legendary shipbuilder. He spent fourteen years to successfully lay track on the sea, successfully let the sea train"Smoking Tom" sail on the sea, and completed the agreement with the judge. According to the agreement, Tom's fault for building Roger's ship was equal to his fault.

But an accident occurred. Spandam received an order to seize Pluto's blueprint. To be precise, Spandam took the initiative to appeal to the five old stars about Pluto's interests. So I came to the Water City to seize the blueprint of Hades from Tom.

This Spandam is the son of Spandaine I mentioned before, the guy who directly led to the destruction of O'Hara."

When Robin heard the name Spangdam, she felt familiar. It was very similar to the enemy in her memory. When she heard Qiaolin say that this was Spandam's son, she understood that it was him. How many more tragedies will the father and son cause?

Qiao Mulinsen:"Spandam inherited his father's ambition and also wanted to make contributions and occupy a position in the world government, so he set his sights on Pluto, and Pluto's design was in Tom's hands at this time. Spandam also After finding out the news, they rushed to the Water City. They thought they could take Tom away directly for building Roger's ship, and then use coercion to lure out Pluto's information. However, they unexpectedly learned that Tom was about to be exempted from prison because he built the sea train. For crime and punishment.

This made his original plan ruined. At the same time, his request for the blueprint of Hades from Tom was rejected. The resentful Spangdam came up with a plan to allow his mission to continue smoothly. A dirty trick."

Roger took a deep breath after hearing this. He probably already guessed what it was, and also guessed Tom's ending.

His hands were trembling, just like his heart, which was difficult or angry, but there was nothing he could do because in another world, this tragedy had already happened.

And Qiaolin's words also revealed Franky's scars that had been buried for many years, and they were also the biggest mistakes he had ever made in his life.

Qiao Mulinsen:"At that time, Franky was particularly talented in weapons manufacturing, so Franky, who had been apprenticed to Tom for many years, used this talent on ships. He built many Franky Combat Ships, which were loaded with many powerful weapons. Firepower.

So when Tom was about to be picked up by the judicial ship from Judiciary Island for the final trial, that is, when the merits and demerits were balanced, Spandam sent CP5 intelligence officers to drive the French Combat and sank the judicial ship..Then the CP5 people disappeared, leaving only the French Combat, and the French Combat was built by Franky, so Franky took the blame.

Tom took the initiative to save Franky. The crime of sinking the Justice Ship was carried on his back, and the credit for successfully building the sea train was offset by this crime, and the crime of building Roger's pirate ship could not be eliminated. In the end, Tom was taken to Justice Island for execution."

Listen. Upon hearing the news of Tom's death, Roger lowered his head in regret.

I'm sorry, Tom, I hurt you.

Frankie was equally regretful as Roger. Over the years, he regretted building those boats every day.

If he hadn't acted recklessly and ignored the persuasion of his master and senior brother to create these things, Spandam would not have found the opportunity, and his master would not have died on his behalf.

Franky's eyes were filled with regret and hatred, half because of himself, and the other half because of the instigator, Spandam. If he had a chance, he would kill him and avenge his master!

He also settled his knot in his heart.

Also angry with Franky was Robin. She knew it would be like this, and getting involved with these guys would not end well.

Historian:"Damn you guys, neither father nor son are good people."

When Qiao Lin saw Robin's speech, she knew that it triggered her previous hatred.

Qiao Mulinsen:"There is a conflict of interests, which is inevitable. If Spandam wants to be in power, he has to make merits. If Spandam wants his son to inherit his position, he also needs to make merits.

Regardless. Either O'Hara or Tom became the victim of their rise to power. By the way, after this incident, Spangdam became the commander of CP9, which can be regarded as a promotion."

This is simply cannibalism!

Climb up by stepping on other people's corpses.

Good people don't live long, and disasters stay for thousands of years.

This aroused the anger of everyone in the group, but Robin and Drago noticed something was wrong.

Spangdam got a promotion?

Doesn't that mean that Pluto will fall into the hands of the world government in the future!

How are they going to play with a world government that holds Uranus and Pluto?

Dorag was thinking about how to ask this question indirectly, but Robin had already raised his doubts over there.

Her character is that of a nerd who doesn't understand One Piece. It's just the right question to ask, and it won't arouse Qiao Lin's suspicion.

Historian:"Did Spandam get Pluto's design?"

Qiao Mulinsen:"No, thankfully, Tom passed Pluto's design to him before the justice ship arrived. Because of the appearance of Spandam, Tom was worried that something unexpected would happen to him, so he made arrangements early, and in fact it was just as he expected.

Spandam should have tortured Tom later They forced a confession, but they didn't get any information about the design from Tom. Thanks to his persistence, his two disciples survived to the end." Seeing

Qiao Lin's reply, both of them couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. That being the case, they might give it a try.

Franky knew that Master had not handed over Pluto's design, but what Qiao Lin said later caught his attention.

Thanks to his persistence, his two disciples survived to the end?

What does it mean?

Gundam Fighter:"Why did Tom's persistence allow his two disciples to survive to the end?"

PS: Fourth update

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