Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, Spandam cursed for a while and then stopped, preparing to end the meeting as usual.

There was no clue and there was nothing they could do.

Seeing Spandam stop, everyone who was originally thinking in a divergent manner realized that it was time to get off work, and suddenly they stopped being in a daze.

The reader also closed the book.

Even those who were meditating opened their eyes.

Seeing them like this, Spangdam's face was almost crumpled with anger. These guys didn't take him as a commander seriously at all.

He said angrily,"The meeting is dismissed."

When he turned to leave, Lu Qi behind him suddenly said:


Lu Qi's sudden opening attracted everyone's attention.

Normally Lu Qi rarely talks, let alone actively seeks out Spandam, but this time he actually stopped Spandam.

It was a bit magical.

Everyone looked at it one after another. Xiang Luqi.

And Spandam was also shocked by Lu Qi's voice.

He stopped in confusion, turned around and looked at Lu Qi,

"What...what happened?"

He was a little worried. After all, he just let go when he was angry and cursed, just like turning on the water pipe, and said whatever came to his mind.

He was worried that he had said something he shouldn't have just said and angered Lu Qi.

Spann Dam remembered the way Lu Qi looked at him just now, and felt a hair in his heart. He trembled and took two steps back slightly.

Seeing Spandam's cowardice, everyone in CP9 flashed a trace of disdain in their eyes.

This good-for-nothing fox pretends to be powerful. Not bad. If someone is really going to do something, let alone what they will do. Just a few words can scare him half out of his life.

"I have a piece of information here that may be of interest to you. Lu

Qi said. As he spoke, he took out a folded piece of paper from his pocket and threw it at Spandam.

Spandam carefully took the note thrown by Lu Qi and opened it. Suddenly his eyes widened

"The figure of Nico Robin, the son of the devil, is suspected to have appeared in Alabasta."

The son of the devil, Nicole Robin.

It is rumored that O'Hara is the orphan, the only person in the world who can read ancient texts.

And it is said that there are several records in the historical texts scattered around the world. The most important thing is the whereabouts of the ancient weapons, King of Heaven, Pluto and King of the Sea.

If they can get Robin and let her interpret the text of history, then they can get a finished Pluto even without getting the design.

This is comparable to the incense of design. There are so many!

Spandam's eyes are shining. There is really no way out.

Franky, who thought he had the blueprint, disappeared without a trace. He obtained the blueprint of Pluto to get a promotion and fortune from the Five Old Stars. The opportunity was completely ruined.

Unexpectedly, he got the whereabouts of Nico Robin at this time.

This was simply a blessing among misfortunes.

His chance for promotion finally came, and he no longer had to stay with these trash from CP9.

Si Pandam remembered that he had been talking for a long time and no one paid attention to him. It was only when he was about to leave that Lu Qi handed over the information. This guy was looking at his joke.

He opened his mouth to curse, but when he saw Lu Qi's eyes widened, His mouth closed again.

For some reason, the way Lu Qi looked at him since he came back from the Water City made him feel a bit chilled.

I don't know if it was his imagination.

But Lu Qi usually treats other people like this Spandam didn't think much about this attitude.

However, he was a little afraid of Lu Qi from the bottom of his heart. Coupled with the rumors about Lu Qi's cold-bloodedness and bloodthirsty, he decided not to provoke this guy.

His life was not like this. If the tools are comparable, it’s not worth getting angry over such a trivial matter.

Spangdam pretended to cough twice, using the cough to cover up the embarrassment of being frightened by Lu Qi just now.

"Great, the hunt for Franky continues.

But we, CP9, are now on another mission, the mission location is Alabasta, and the target person is Nico Robin."

Spandam looked at the people in CP9, glanced at their faces, and deliberately missed Lu Qi's eyes.

"This mission is very important. If you fail again, even I won't be able to protect you. You must succeed.

Get ready, we're leaving today."

After saying that, Spandam walked out excitedly and finally received good news. He was going to catch Nico Robin and get the whereabouts of Hades no matter what.

Promotion and fortune were just around the corner.

He was sitting in his heart. Spandam, who was daydreaming, didn't notice the cold light flashing in Lu Qi's eyes behind him.

When he heard what Spandam just said, the cold light became stronger.

I can't keep it, I'm afraid not, throw it out It's true that you take the blame.

You won't be happy for long, Spandam... The cold light in Lu Qi's eyes quickly subsided.

Because at the moment when murderous intent flashed in his eyes, everyone else in CP9 suddenly noticed something. They all looked at him.

But at this time Lu Qi had returned to Gujing Mubo's expression.

They were a little confused as to where the murderous aura just now came from.

Gabra walked to Lu Qi and said with a smile:

"Why don't you give him this information and let him worry for a while? Or are you trying to kill someone?"

CP9's bloodthirsty is a common problem among them, especially Gabra, who has the animal type wolf fruit. The bloodthirsty in his heart is even stronger.

Lu Qi's murderous intent just now made him mistakenly think that Lu Qi had stayed on Judiciary Island for too long. , I couldn’t bear it any longer.

That’s why I took the initiative to give Spandam clues, otherwise they would all regard Spandam as nothing.


The corners of Lu Qi's mouth curled up imperceptibly, and he sat back in his seat, closing his eyes as if taking a rest.

Gabra and the others were startled by the smile that flashed across Lu Qi's face.

Although Lu Qi's smile came and went quickly, just in an instant, but it couldn't escape their sensitive eyes.

Did Lu Qi smile just now?!

Everyone looked at each other and felt that times may have really changed. Even Lu Qi would usually smile..

But they were more or less aware of it.

Since Lu Qi came back from the Water City, his attitude towards them, which was usually indifferent to other people, seemed to be much friendlier.

Although Lu Qi did not show it obviously, they I noticed a slight difference, but I don’t know why?

PS: First update

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