This is not pleasant.

It is uncomfortable to have your memory reviewed, and accidentally damaging it can result in memory loss at worst, or memory disorder at worst.

Brynn forced herself to endure the discomfort of having her memories reviewed by BIGMOM.

Fortunately, before coming to see BIGMOM, she had already thought that BIGMOM would not believe her and would check it out herself.

In order to prevent BIGMOM from discovering the note, she had already extracted this memory in advance.

Now she only has the memory of going to Doflamingo's place to talk to Sugar and Monet this afternoon, and then she went directly back to BIGMOM.

That memory has been hidden by her and will be triggered again when she sees the note.

BIGMOM took the memory pulled out of Bryn's mind and looked at it, as if watching a video tape.

After reading all the conversations between Brynn and them.

BIGMOM threw Brynn aside and ate a few pieces of cake with gritted teeth.

He stuffed his mouth full and wolfed it down before giving Brynn a dissatisfied look.


She simply has nowhere to vent her anger, so she can only vent it on Brynn.

Doflamingo has someone he likes, and Brynn can't change it.

Brynn also knows this, and knows that her mother is angry now. In my heart, I didn't dare to speak out to refute. I carefully took back my memory and stood silently with my eyebrows lowered.

When there are enemies, their mother may be their protector, but when there are no enemies, they are their mother's. Toys, tools, trash cans, sandbags...

Bryn felt helpless, but she could only bear it silently.

Unlike sister Laura, she did not have the courage and strength to go to sea and resist her mother's orders.

She could only bear it all, She has to find a way to gain her mother's favor in order to live well in this place.

Regarding Sister Laura's freedom, a look of envy flashed in her eyes, but it was quickly covered up by her submissive gaze.

BIGMOM did not expect that Dolfrond Brother Ming actually has someone he likes, and it's not the two people he suspected on the cake island.

Now her plan was disrupted.

If it were the two people on the island, she would kill them casually, or use her ability to destroy them. Their lifespan was shortened by more than half.

It directly caused them to lose their appearance and become old. She didn't believe that Doflamingo could still like them like this.

She didn't care at all about women younger than her. She is young, and she has many ways to make them older.

But now she is no longer on Cake Island but in Dressrosa.

And in Brynn's memory, that Monet spoke so vividly, as if it was true.

Not only that, but also specific people and things that happened in the past.

BIGMOM did hear about Doflamingo's capture of Dressrosa.

After all, Dressrosa was a franchise country at the time, and Doflamingo Brother, the Shichibukai forcibly seizes the throne of the participating countries. This is a major event that shocked the world.

This is not only related to the royal family and civilians of Dressrosa. It is also a shock to other participating countries of the World Government. The lips are dead and the teeth are cold.

Now. Although the country of Dressrosa was taken over by Doflamingo, it might be them one day.

Once the matter concerns themselves, even if the matter does not have a direct relationship with them on the surface, then they will I want an explanation.

Later, the news spread that King Riku, the original royal family of Dressrosa, had lost. He killed civilians wantonly and lost the support of the people. And Doflamingo lost the chance to rescue these civilians.

Not only that, Doflamingo I am still a member of the Don Quixote family, the former royal family of Dressrosa.

It is reasonable for them to come back and take back the throne now.

This matter will definitely not spread and will not affect other franchise countries.

With this For many reasons, the kings of the participating countries were finally relieved.

With the promotion of the World Government, Doflamingo re-joined Dressrosa as the new king of Dressrosa.

Successfully cleared himself from being a pirate and became the king of the franchised country.

The historical background is indeed correct. If it is really King Riku's daughter, Doflamingo fell in love with her and never confessed.

This may also explain why for so many years Doflamingo didn't have a family yet. He didn't even have a child.

At that time, at Doflamingo's age, her children could form a pirate group.

Although BIGMOM doesn't want to accept it, this seems to be the case.

Doflamingo has someone he likes, and her plan to induce Doflamingo to propose to her is officially ruined.

Originally, she wanted to use the huge power possessed by the BIGMOM pirates and verbally promised Doflamingo numerous benefits.

She even considered that if Doflamingo liked beautiful and young people, she could also consider using her abilities to change her appearance. She thought she was also a famous beautiful pirate at sea when she was young.

Under the triple temptation of power, wealth, and beauty, she did not believe that Doflamingo was not attracted to him.

If this condition is placed on other people, I guarantee that they will agree on the spot and shout BIGMOM, I don’t want to work hard anymore.

But now it's gone.

If Doflamingo is really an affectionate person like Monet said.

Falling in love at first sight and holding back for twelve years.

For the sake of love, guard alone and silently.

I don’t ask for lingering love, I just want to stay together forever.

How could she leverage Doflamingo like this?

BIGMOM cursed in his heart, he didn't expect it, he didn't expect it.

I didn't expect you to be such a Doflamingo.

I originally thought you were a careerist, a man who would do anything for power and wealth.

That's why I prepared such a big bait to lure you in.

I have all the bait ready.

I didn't expect that you are not a careerist, but a lover.

Is this a joke?

Or is it all an illusion.

Why didn't I see it at first... BIGMOM was filled with doubts.

This kind of contrast is tantamount to Whitebeard recruiting only daughters instead of sons. Nine Snakes Island is full of men but no women... It's hard to believe and hard to imagine.

PS: First update

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