This feels like being raped by a dog.

Doflamingo felt that if he continued, he would be sickened to death even if he wasn't forced to marry by BIGMOM.

We have to find a way to overcome it quickly.

And he noticed that Morgans, the birdman, was still taking notes frantically.

This guy probably wants to report what happened today as news.

The protagonists of the news are definitely him and BIGMOM.

This damn Morgans, either he can't be separated now, or he will be killed directly.

Doflamingo was already upset by BIGMOM, and now Morgans wants to smear his reputation.

Worry upon annoyance.

Now BIGMOM is sitting next to him, other guys from the underground world are watching the fun, Morgans is recording the gossip, and Stacy is looking at him with a weird look.

Perospero and Katakuri at the next table can only watch from the side and cannot help.

It is impossible to rely on them to solve the current predicament.

Have to find another way.

After thinking for a while about how to deal with BIGMOM's stalking, Doflamingo thought of the chat group.

On-site assistance was impossible, and no one dared to touch her brow in front of BIGMOM.

I can only ask for help outside the venue.

Doflamingo pretended to lower his head to eat, opened the chat group, and @ everyone in the group.

At this time, he couldn't care less about the embarrassing matter.

He has already lost his face in reality.

People in the chat group can't even meet each other, which is nothing compared to reality.

If you're embarrassed, you're embarrassed. The top priority is to resolve the matter.

Puppet Master:"@All members, please help!!! Waiting online!! It's urgent!!!"

This move @all members @all the divers in the group came out.

Everyone was a little surprised to see Doflamingo unexpectedly send out such news.

What happened to make Doflamingo so anxious? It must be a big deal!

Roger was worried that Doflamingo would spill the beans, so he quickly replied.

I am the Pirate King:"What happened, please tell us first."

Dragon Slayer:"Isn't it possible that someone came to seek revenge after the incident happened?"

Dorag remembered Dover. Brother Lang Ming was taken over by his son. Luffy must have rushed to his house in such a hurry.

Historian:"Hey, do more good deeds in normal times, so you won't get retribution."

Huo Zhi is happy:"Good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil. It's not that the time has not come for not repaying."

Water is sad:"Melon Seed Bench Already prepared, ready to eat melons."

Gundam warriors, predators of the jungle, and lurkers:"Eat melons~"

Qiao Mu Linsen:"Observe in secret~"

Doflamingo frowned when he saw the way they were watching a show. They are all in dire straits, and the evening festival is no longer guaranteed.

You have gone too far!

But now I can only ask them for help.

He suppressed the anger in his heart again and asked in the group. Puppet Master:"I have a friend who is currently in trouble. A woman he doesn't like is stalking him. What should he do to make her give up without offending her?"!

I have a friend...

Qiao Lin was laughed at Doflamingo's actions and sent a picture of his own reserves.

Qiao Mu Linsen:"Is this friend you are talking about yourself? jpg"

Everyone in the group laughed out loud when they saw the picture Qiao Lin sent and Doflamingo's words.

They all followed Qiao Lin’s action and reposted this picture.

I am the Pirate King:"Is this friend you are talking about yourself?"

Dragon Slayer:"Is this friend you are talking about yourself?""


Doflamingo, who originally wanted to save some face for himself, realized after seeing their pictures that they had seen through.

But it is impossible to admit it, even in this life.

Puppet Master:"This is not the point, the point is the question behind!!!"

Qiao Mulinsen:"Okay, now let's assume that your friend is yourself, and now you are facing a woman you can't afford and don't like. The pursuit.

The other party is stalking you, and you are helpless now, and you dare not refuse openly, so you are very distressed now, right?"

Puppet Master:"Yes, that friend of mine encountered this problem."

Doflaming Brother stared closely at the chat group, hoping that Qiao Lin could give him a good idea.

Still pretending to him here... Qiao Lin smiled when he saw Doflamingo's answer.

He tapped on his cell phone and said.

Qiao Mulinsen:"Then you asked the wrong person this question. I'm a single guy. For issues like relationships that involve my blind spot of knowledge, you'd better ask other experienced people for advice. By the way, there should be people in the group. Married or non-single bosses, they have rich experience."

Qiao Lin's answer was beyond Doflamingo's expectations.

The only reliable person in the group is Qiao Lin. The others either can't deal with him or are not very reliable.

Qiao Lin has never been in love before and doesn’t understand. What should I do now?

Doflamingo raised his head and glanced at BIGMOM, who was looking at him with tenderness. His heart twitched, and he quickly lowered his head and continued eating.

In BIGMOM's eyes, this became another sign that he was not good at expressing emotions and was shy.

The smile on his face became even wider.

Doflamingo quickly said in the group.

Puppet Master:"No, I'm really in a hurry!!! If you have any suggestions, you can tell me! Don't wait until death!"

Everyone laughed when they saw Doflamingo's words.

Is Ningdu like this or is it your friend’s problem?

But now they also understood the reason why Doflamingo was panicking now.


According to the answer Doflamingo got from asking Qiao Lin in the group before, we can speculate.

Doflamingo should be heading to Cake Island now to plan to steal Brynn from under BIGMOM's nose.

But no matter how careful he is, he still has to face BIGMOM head-on.

This woman is most likely lusting after his body.

Judging from Doflamingo's current performance, BIGMOM may not be coveting his body, but has already taken action.

No wonder Doflamingo was so flustered.

Being targeted by such a sixty-year-old fat woman is too much for them to withstand!

But now it's not them who meet this kind of woman, but Doflamingo, which means... So, people's joys and sorrows are not connected to each other, and they only find it funny at this time.

PS: Third update

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